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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 3 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    They're also going to stumble upon the January problem of no one wanting to sign for them and get relegated,do it's only players who otherwise wouldn't get a prem gig or players only interested in the ££££ that will consider them.

    So who are the 2020 versions of Robbie Savage and Roy Carroll?

  2. 11 minutes ago, SKRam said:

    There is absolutely no doubt Sheff Utd are on course to beat our record now. Once that lack of confidence sets in....... 

    Bogle and Lowe influence! What’s happened to Bogle?? 

    He might get a game next season. It would be quite strange for him to leave then for his next game to be at Pride Park a year later.

  3. On 11/12/2020 at 01:41, Andicis said:

    Awful actor, very nostalgic though. 

    He wasn't great but by the same token, there were some pretty good actors in those films who were hampered by the dialogue. Not many come out of those films smelling of roses. I suspect I and Hayden Christiansen will always blame George Lucas for that.

  4. 34 minutes ago, FindernRam said:

    So what names do/will the children use?

    They use mine. If they want to change that when they are older, that's up to them.

    To be honest, I don't even remember having a conversation with her indoors about what surname the kids would use but I suppose we must have had one, just as we must have had a conversation about which country's passport they would have.

  5. 9 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

    People who just don't do their job - this is from the Milwall game yesterday. He let the corner be taken without the ball being moved.

    Second point - stupid football laws, apparently the law is that any part of the ball can 'overhang' the white line. Why introduce ambiguity? Just make it so some part of the ball has to be touching the line - surely?


    It's perfectly consistent with any other situation where the ball is 'in' or 'out'. The whole ball has to be over the line for it to be out of play or a goal etc, so any part of the ball over any part of the line must be in.

    The one in that picture is not in the quadrant though.

  6. On 21/11/2020 at 14:00, DarkFruitsRam7 said:

    My sister got married in August 2019 and she still hasn't decided whether she wants to keep her maiden name or combine it with her husband's. She definitely doesn't just want to take his name, which I think is perfectly understandable. She's far smarter and tougher than the vast majority of blokes I know.

    My wife kept her maiden name. No changing to mine, no double barrell stuff. In fact, sometimes I get called Mr Brennan, which is kind of weird but not an affront to my masculinity. I'm quite happy not to own her.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    He’s looking a bit out of his depth against Leicester - could (should) have been sent off for two yellows in the first half....

    Subbed at half time to give Sheff Utd a better chance of keeping 11 players on the pitch.

  8. 1 minute ago, rynny said:

    So does that mean I can put my foot under the ball wait for the player to run past the defence then flick it over them? When I made contact with the ball the player was on side, my foot hasn't come off the ball, so technically not offside. 

    I have no idea.

    Anyway the problem would remain, whether it's first contact or the end of contact. We'd still be looking for that exact millisecond where the event occurred. 

    In the real football world, the linesman needs to use a combination of vision (and peripheral vision) and sound to make the judgement. That leaves a span of time, albeit small, for them to judge whether the movement by the forward and the movement by the defender (often in opposite directions) left the forward in an offside position. A margin of error accepted by the spirit of the offside law as it is designed to be enacted by humans - but not accepted by TV pundits, fans or VAR.

    Something has to give. If nothing else, Law 5 (The referee) will need to be changed. Phrases like 'the referee has full authority', 'based on the opinion of the referee' and 'the decisions of the referee...are final' don't seem to have a future in our VAR world.

  9. 6 minutes ago, rynny said:

    A ball is deemed played once contact has finished. 

    And yet Law 11 says this:

    'A player in an offside position at the moment the ball is played or touched*'

    '*The first point of contact of the ‘play’ or ‘touch’ of the ball should be used'

  10. 31 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    I never understand, as we're talking 'frames' here, how they can be so certain when the ball is kicked?

    They seem to measure it from when the ball moves but that has to be after it is played, doesn't it? If they measure it from the first point of contact, then we are dealing with the millisecond of contact. Possibly less but I don't know what those are called.

    We are relying on the picture being stopped at the very point of contact, which I would say is impossible for the human eye to judge consistently, even in close up.

    For context here, a housefly flaps its wings every 3 milliseconds.

    Does anyone know how the picture is stopped? By hand/eye or by algorithm?

    Or what the official guidelines are for the wonks who have to judge this stuff?

    We currently have a set of laws written for humans being interpreted by machines. Let's just get rid of the machines.

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