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Posts posted by AndyinLiverpool

  1. 2 minutes ago, rynny said:

    The hand ball rule has changed, it is now hand ball under where the sleeve is so he can score with top of his arm now. 

    I checked this last night and the wording relates to the 'bottom of the armpit' (which I didn't realise was actually a thing - her indoors wondered aloud what I was doing seemingly trying to make farty noises when I was trying to work out where the bottom of my armpit is). 

    The intention appears to be to define where a shoulder is.

    Wherever the bottom of an armpit is, I can't see how it extends to the end of the sleeve. Especially since sleeves move about.

  2. 11 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

    Is there any one in the world who thinks goals like that Watkins one should be ruled out?

    Assuming crowds are allowed back in, this is surely the sort of thing that is gonna put people off. A last minute Villa equaliser won't cause too much grief, but what about when that sort of rubbish happens in the world cup final. Or a relegation battle on the final day. Or in the playoff final. Farce.

    All this crap with the lines. I don't even think they drew the lines in the right place. They seemed to be measuring from the sleeve of Watkin's shirt, which he can't score with. Then twatting about for ages. Bloody hell. Go with the onfield decision.

    The thing is, had the linesman put his flag up, I wouldn't have objected to it being disallowed. 

    Again, it all comes down to not trusting the referee and assistants. And bellyaching about them. We reap what we sow.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sith Happens said:

    Actually not rated highly but still one of my favourites. 

    Redemption with Denise Crosby as Sela is also really good. 

    'He is human and humans have a habit of showing up when you least expect them...'

  4. 1 minute ago, Mr. P said:

    I'm too dumb to understand or enjoy chess, but Queen's Gambit was really good. I enjoyed it. Mini series too so it had my attention for long enough. 

    I don't know much about chess but I was really carried along by the 'action'

  5. Just now, SKRam said:

    Watching Kilmarnock Rangers, just confirmed their pitch is artificial, I’m not a fan, but then wondered when players gob, where does it go? Maybe they vacuum pitch after each game? A Gobuum cleaner? ?

    I thought most pitches were at least partially artificial these days.

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