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Posts posted by Mucker1884

  1. Was out and about last weekend, and must have spent an hour stood next to this sign, asking all and sundry to come over for a chat.  "We can discuss anything but politics"  I'd holler.  "What do you reckon to this lovely weather we're having?"  "What's your favourite mince based dish?" I'd enquire.

    They just looked at me as if I was some sort of moron, and hastily moved on, shaking their heads.

    It was only then, I decided to check out the sign again...


  2. 6 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    How long it takes to finish roadworks, and how much those doing the work seem to manage to get away with when going over the estimated time...


    The article is titled : What to expect when the A52 road scheme is finally completed

    I havent read it, however I assume when they are finally complete i should expect cancer to have been cured, an end to world hunger, covid 19 to be a distant memory, manned missions to mars, Derby to have finally been promoted, forest not to have been, forest fans still harping on about 2 stars though, leeds in the national league, ken barlow to still be in coronation street, star wars episode 36, king george, president bieber, woolly mammoths at twycross, mobile phones to be the size of a 50" tv, 20g mobiles phones, flying cars...


    I don't think you'll ever get any mobile phone the size of a 50" TV, weighing a mere 20 grams!  That's just silly!   Even my 6s must weigh 150g, at a guess!  

  3. 2 hours ago, Mucker1884 said:

    Swansea have already scored more, so level GD will see them leap frog Forest.

    Just a mere 3 goal swing required now... 2 more for Swansea, and 1 more for Stoke, will do nicely!  ?

    Or 4... 2 each... meh... whatever!

  4. I say... If Brentford let us down today, and a guard of honour is required tomorrow... we form the narrowest of narrow corridors for them to negotiate.

    Two lines of Derby players, facing each other, and stood 0.5 metres apart.

    ... And blame the sneezing on the fact that someone has just mowed the grass!








    Yes... I know this is no laughing matter... but that's no reason not to laugh!

  5. So, to clarify... I think...

    Dirties are now confirmed as promoted.


    Which leaves...

    Scenario 1:
    If Brentford fail to win tomorrow (Stoke away), Leeds will be crowned as Champions, and I believe protocol suggests our players would give them a guard of honour before kick off on Sunday... on our pitch... on our turf... on our manor!


    Scenario 2:
    If Brentford do win at Stoke tomorrow, We would need to beat The Dirties on Sunday to stop them being crowned as Champions at the final whistle... on our pitch... on our turf... on our manor!


    Scenario 3:
    A Brentford win tomorrow, and a Rams win on Sunday, and I don't give a flying fig who gets crowned champions the following week, as it won't be happening on our pitch... on our turf... on our manor!  


    Come on you Bees. 
    Come on you Rams.
    Pretty Please.
    Do it for the fans!

  6. 59 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

    Pedant! You knew what I meant!

    I've never denied my pedantry, and on many occasions, your response would have been just and fair, but on this occasion, I feel my correction warranted.

    In all honesty, I thought you meant exactly what you wrote, which just so happened to be wrong.

    Apologies if you're offended, but facts are facts, and your post was misleading to the reader, so I'll not apologise for the actual post.


    Anyway... just checked... 70mins gone... 1-1 now... so there's still time for The Baggies to snatch a winner, and make this whole conversation moot!   ?

  7. 3 minutes ago, ThePrisoner said:

    Huddersfield currently 1-0 up. As it stands, Leeds are champions.  Cmon West Brom!


    Not Quite.  Brentford can still match Leeds' current points tally, and have a better GD.

    They would, however, be promoted, as things stand.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    Hopefully it'll be confirmed on Saturday before we play them!

    There's only one ideal scenario... wins for West Brom (Fri), Brentford (Sat), and then us on Sun... so they achieve nothing this weekend.

    Anything else, and The dirties will ether be promoted before our game, or on the final whistle.
    Worst case, Brom & Brentford both fail to win, and our players have to form a guard of honour for the new champions!  Perish the thought!  The only blessing is that their fans won't be invading our stadium and rubbing our noses in it!  

  9. 2 minutes ago, JfR said:

    I've just realised that with the Leeds game being moved to Sunday, if Leeds beat Barnsley, West Brom don't win at least one of their next two games and Brentford drop points in their next two games then we have to give them a guard of honour

    I suppose under the current situation, the most polite thing our players could do would be to politely turn their backs to them, and face away from them, to avoid breathing/sneezing/coughing in their direction.



    ...Well... That would be my excuse, anyway!   ?

  10. 46 minutes ago, admira said:

    Now that the Leeds game has been moved by a day, I may have a bit of an issue. 

    We are taking the campervan away for a few days and wasn’t able to get an electric pitch. I don’t think the laptop battery will last long enough for both the Leeds and Birmingham games so, if I take a second fully charged laptop, am I allowed to log into Rams TV on two different devices on different days please? 


    I’ve watched on my laptop, Muckerette’s ipad, and my iphone. 

    It’s your account that’s registered, not the device. 

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