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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 1 hour ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    You are correct about the HMRC, as anything that increases the profit through your amortisation policy would mean more tax paid to them, although in the case of the Rams, that is not the case because we still lost money.

    You are also correct that Amortisation policy of an intangible asset i.e. the players contract, is up to the company concerned and is not covered by FRS 102, so the EFL's stance has no legal basis on fact. Just because the other clubs do straight line amortisation is irrelevant, we did not break any laws or regulations, so my view is "see you in court axs wipes"  


    Completely agree with all of this 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Bianoic said:

    Not so sure Charlotte 

    Dont HMRC exclude things like depreciation and amortisation when calculating taxable profits ?

    I thought it was the other way round that they do include and take into account depreciation of assets 

    i stand to be corrected though 

  3. 6 minutes ago, WestLondonRam said:

    So the EFl say “further information was filed” 

    not accounts are in. Clearly Nixon is right no accounts submitted we sent information not accounts. 

    My take on that is that the accounts were submitted last week on the original deadline

    then “after constructive discussions” we were asked to clarify something or provide documentation to support what we have submitted… which we have now done 

  4. 9 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    When you consider the depth of our squad - much as we'd like to think otherwise, many of the youngsters are not yet 90 minute players and certainly not whole season signings. It does them no good struggling to play, they should play because they are good enough.

    I don't think Rooney wants to settle for mid-table as an aim this season. If he gets more players in to allow depth and experience then we'll be going for top 6 - IMHO.

    Bang on roy

    People forget its a long relentless season , weve already picked up injuries in lawrence,knight and ckr.. and from what iv heard baldock went off with a slight strain.

    we need depth.. it shouldnt be at thr expense of the kids but at the same time its totally unfair to try and rely on them


  5. 11 hours ago, Charlotte Ram said:

    The debt written off will in my understanding be counted as income and would therefore be taxable, the debt write off by the creditors would count as losses on their P&L and therefore could be offset against tax, this is my understanding but as ever I could always be wrong but the scenario makes sense

    Didnt gibson do this for boro 

    i stand to be corrected but im sure he turned debt into shares or something

    Isnt that an option to mel ? 

  6. 13 minutes ago, Ramfan1958 said:

    He,s another small player with no physical strength we need someone with height and strength , the team is full of small players. 


    Crosses into our box gives us nightmares!!!

    Yes agree totally 

    we’d get away in that respect with him upfront  if we had more power elsewhere but his slight of frame only adds to that problem 

  7. 3 hours ago, brady1993 said:

    Thing is its all about finding ways to open up space and complimenting what you have. At it's best having skilful, slow target man with runners going beyond them is really hard to defend against because it can open space up in very dangerous areas. However the trick is they do need somebody aggressively going beyond them to keep the defence second guessing. For example last year we primarily played with Knight at 10 which he was clearly not entirely suited for and he wasn't really encouraged to be actively running beyond CKR. 

    Likewise somebody looking to play on the shoulder can be very very easy to play against if not properly complimented. The defence just drops and denies the space. It why typically you see that kind of player paired with somebody who helps create the space for them whether a playmaker at 10 or a target man. 

    I think though that’s the point … if they drop deeper then you’ve won that battle

    they will have a harder job trying to play out as they’ll be more separated from the front  and u can either pin them in … so although there’s no space in behind there’s plenty for ur attacking mids to go at 

    it’s all horses for courses I suppose as it means then we’re pushed up and with our chronic lack of pace open to a break 

  8. 16 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    Baldock getting the 9 shirt I feel is further evidence that the plan was to go into the season with him leading the line. His goal record is poor and I don't think it will change too much here but I also don't think it's why he's being signed. I suspect he's being signed to get Lawrence scoring regularly. I think the plan tactically is that Baldock stretches the defence, putting the centre backs on the back foot so that Lawrence has space in front of the defence to operate. This is very similar to how Rowett deployed Nugent in order to give Vydra time and space.

    Personally I wouldn't judge him too much on how much he scores and don't expect him to score more than around 5, judge him on if the attacking midfield behind him starts scoring more.

    I think your bang on with that tbh 

    let’s be honest we’ve done the one lone immobile centre forward for a while now 

    we all know Chris Martin made it work with runners and good ball but we have been sooooooo predictable to play against 

    I’m hoping like when Gregory came in it opens us up a little and makes us get sides turning .. when u do that u get them dropping as a youve got some space for the likes of Lawrence and Morrison to operate in 

    it might work u know 

    let’s be honest the last couple of seasons playing with one immobile big man has hardly made us free scoring 

  9. 4 minutes ago, therealhantsram said:

    Exactly. The EFL will review the account for several weeks, the Boro chap on the board will be agitating for action, then I think it in evitable there will be another charge that we will have to defend. 

    Sadly I think your very close to hitting the nail on the head 

  10. Probably a stretch to far at the age of 39 but I wonder if there’s Any consideration from Wayne to play jags as a holding John eutace type 

    give the back line some much needed protection .. he’s played that role before in his career 

    doesn’t have to run anywhere , Stay away from the channels and plonk himself infront of the centre backs ready to step out and engage when needed 

    eustace did it so well it became an art 

    have u legs around him in the likes of shinnie, knight , Morrison etc etc 

    rekindle the 433 and get Morrison and Lawrence higher up the pitch 


  11. I’m sorry if this is elsewhere but couldn’t find what I was looking for after everything else that’s been going off since.

    The last I read was that @Davidwas waiting on the club to come back to him regarding what he could publish 

    Im aware ramstrust and the Punjabi rams have issued statements/ joint effort 

    but I’m suppose what I’m asking is tone of the meeting 

    did our Dave come away distraught at where the clubs heading , hopeful we have a better future on the horizon or just was it a bit of waste of time and didn’t really answer anything 

    I’m not asking for details of any sort but I’m sure anyone who went are allowed to say how their emotions were with regard to our plight hopeful, worried, or worse 

    to my knowledge u can’t NDA peoples emotions for information received just the detail of the Information 

    as it stands as a concerned supporter… like many here I’m really really worried about where we’re going  Quite honestly 

  12. 6 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    The Thorne injury was prior to Morris taking full ownership.  He took over in completely in summer 2015, and only had a minor shareholding before that.

    The injuries to Hughes and Bryson were unlucky, but the response to them was idiotic.  If 2 of your best players get injured, you don't more-or-less break your transfer record twice to sign replacements, especially if they can't do the same job.  We should have gone and got 2 loans in.  Clement supposedly had connections at Real Madrid, Chelsea etc, so just go to them and say we've got 2 guaranteed spots in our midfield free for the season, who can we have?  We play decent football, they'll play every week, so they benefit.  We maybe only spend £1m a piece on loan fees instead of the £10m+ we spent on Johnson and Butterfield.  It's win-win for everyone.

    Plus their no doubt extortionate wages 

    good point buddy well made 


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