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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 17 minutes ago, Yani P said:

    I like the way he plays almost as a sweeper at times..really helpful if the centre backs get turned..

    I noticed that too today 

    his starting position was excellent, the greasy top helped with that

    but was v pleased for him 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Yani P said:

    Was impressed with the generous applause at HT..was far from a good performance but the fans fully appreciate the task at hand....its a long old season..

    Fans were great again today 

    difficult game to watch, but especially thw last 10/15 mins every block, challenge or chase down that brought us a throw in or some time was roared on

    Everyone knows were up against it and its great to see everyone to a man pulling in the same direction 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Old Spalding Ram said:

    Talking of ways of filling grounds!

    Pinched from the Coventry City site for todays match v Fulham

    Kick-off is at 12:30pm for the Sky Bet Championship clash.

    Tickets are available to buy at the Ticket Office from 9:30am until kick-off, or from Cash Turnstiles from 11am.

    Fans paying on the gate are advised to arrive early due to expected high demand. 

    Fulham fans can pay at Cash Turnstiles 4 and 5 in the South Stand.

    Cash Turnstiles 30-37 will be open from 11am

    The Family Zone area is Blocks 33 and 34. A social distancing block is Block 31 - to book here, subject to availability, please contact ticketoffice@ccfc.co.uk 

    Any matchday queries/collections can be directed to the Ticket Office, which is open from 9:30am until kick-off. 

    Hope the administrators are taking note!





    Well fancy that, have to say in all seriousness the ticketing system at Derby right now is a joke

    even more so given how badly we need the monies

    i bet theres a fair few casuals who would happiliy cone down and pay on the day to come and support us, fans or not but cant be arsed with the current rigmarole

  4. 1 hour ago, Eddie said:

    I wonder how many people have stopped attending because they no longer feel comfortable with the behaviour of some of our 'fans'.

    Every club has them 

    these sort of cretins arnt exclusive to Derby county, theyre just a small minority of our population sadly 

    fortunately there are a lot more decent people in the world than there are these dheads 

    they just tend to make the most noise in football grounds and social media 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Dinnitdough said:

    If Sharp is a tool, he is not a sharp one…

    Clear one pointer imo. 

    Tom was unlucky today. 

    And Curtis did a great job, until he decided playing handball.

    Lawrence is 10 times better through the middle upfront than he is in midfield / behind a front man

    hes also 3 times better than baldock upfront through the middle 

  6. 9 minutes ago, EulogyForEvolution said:

    Honestly, when will we get a break? 

    Poor Curtis. He was a ducking rock. I feel like he put his hand up to tell the ref he was being pulled and the ball hit it...because why wouldn't it? It's Derby County. 

    Daft from Roos but a harsh red card. 

    We go again. Plenty of spirit in this side. I'm with them all the way. 

    It was a red and it was a penalty

    we worked manfully, should have could have got something from it but ultimately two stupid decisions have cost us 

  7. 1 hour ago, hintonsboots said:

    He’s never recovered from us copying his stadium design. Can he really be serious about this ?? The EFL need to apply sanctions to Middlesbrough FC if he doesn’t desist immediately. Perhaps stopping them playing such boring football would be a starting point.

    What is to stop us taking identical legal action against Aston Villa for breaching FFP and denying us a place in the Premier League ?

    Taking his stadium design …. And being able to fill it instead of having rows and rows of empty seats on an empty basis 

  8. 12 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    Then Covid is just a contributing factor to the clubs demise, that word SOLEY in the EFL rules has been drafted to make the force Majeur event the single one event that is wholly attributable to the clubs fall into administration.


    If what mel said is true (big if) It took 20m off our 30m revenue streams… id say thats pretty conclusive 

  9. 9 minutes ago, jono said:

    It’s not. Derby were in a certain situation prior to Covid. If they can prove those circumstances were manageable but Covid was an unpredictable, unforeseen (force majeur ) spanner in the works then it fails comprehensively. Force majeur by definition is something you can’t predict for yourself in your particular circumstances.  Other club’s situations are irrelevant . E.G Derby had a financial recovery / trading plan plan in place that assumed £ 10,000,000 ticket income. This was needed but it as also a conservative and reasonable assumption based on past history. Covid came along and the 10 mill became zero … That was unforseable force majeur. 

    Other clubs had different situations, they might have had more padding that allowed them to avoid our situation but that doesn’t alter the force majeur as it affected us. 

    To add to that i think it adds v v strongly to our case that the first thing the independent administation team said was 

    “this club has been badly effected by covid” 

    so thats it efl .. a professional opinion for u to ignore .. just like the accountant on that first panel that told u to stop talking drivel 

    My worry is the admin arnt there t challenge points decisions .. perhaps a new ownership would ? Or would it be too late 

  10. 1 hour ago, loweman2 said:

    Administrators have just said that an extra 5000 tickets sold will make a massive difference to keeping the short term cash flow running, priority is to pay off HMRC who will hopefully do as they did for Wigan and Bolton and accept 25p or 30p in the pound, they are getting finance together to pay that off, making us very attractive to purchase !! so come on lets do our bit for our club !!! winning this is far bigger than winning at Wembley so dust off your shirts and get buying tickets all those that clammered for a ticket to London and the streets that were paved with gold !!!!

    this is no fairytale its real so get behind our club !! COYR !!!!!!!!!!!

    Dont hmrc have to be paid off in full as a now they are first priority creditor? 


  11. 20 minutes ago, Sheff Ram said:

    Gibson is a trucking dunce...

    I wander if he knows that we have a fair chance of overturning that 12 points cos the part of the efl handbook about entering admin because of extream factors out of our control 

    and so wants to get us ducked some other how 

    reading are allegedly going to use it cant imagine for a second that we wouldnt if were taken over by new owners 

  12. 43 minutes ago, G-Ram said:

    Was administration really necessary?

    Mel blaming covid but we are pretty much out of covid.

    We're getting fans back in the ground, our wage bill with the players that have left and the max £4.5k PW for new players must mean our wage bill is at the lowest i  years

    Surely money coming to money going out looks a lot better

    If HMRC & others are calling in debts then surely he has enough money (if he cared) to do a directors loan to the club at zero interest & pay off all debts & loans which would put us in a better position than paying interest

    He literally doesn't care. If our accounts fail then take the points. 

    Surely morris is still a very wealthy man.

    Thissituation stinks more because it feels like he wont sort the mess he created or fund the club rather than can't 

    We are out of covid… but that doesnt mean that it didnt wipe a seasons revenues off for us 

  13. 1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:


    Did i not say this was under the caveat of “i hope” 

    I'm not claiming any substance for this other than i dont believe anyone whos a been a fan of a club for circa 50 years would let them vanish 

    there has to be more to it 

    surely ?

    Im perhaps , hoping, maybe scared of the truth i dont know 

    i just think.. based on nithing more but my over active mind theres another layer to this 

  14. 1 hour ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    I suspect this may be the light at the end of the tunnel that for once, is not an oncoming train! Presumably Morris is obliged to meet the agreed terms (even if they involve staged payments) in order for the sale to be completed. What seems incredibly unlikely is that he can take ownership for £20million versus the much publicised £80 million valuation when he has himself put the relevant 'creditor' into administration.

    Seems to me there are various plausible outcomes:

    1) He confirms his intention to complete the sale, in which case the club is owed @£60 million which offsets our current borrowing 

    2) He relinquishes the stadium ownership and tries to recoup the £20 million already paid - good luck with that!

    3) He refuses to make further repayments to the club so ownership defaults back to the club and he forfeits the £20 million already paid

    I suspect this scenario was a major factor in the dozen plus enquiries from interested parties the club received before the weekend was out. That is to say, a scenario whereby any buyer were to settle our debt book but in return receive an £80 million asset in the process, would surely make the deal of significant interest. 

    The optimist in me wonders whether administration might not be a cute way for Mel to honour his promises whilst at the same time providing an immediate means for him to escape the ongoing financial burdens associated with continued ownership, as well settling accounts with a rightfully unhappy fanbase and simultaneously ending the war with the EFL. 

    V v interesting 

    i know many will call me for this and their right to do so … and i may end up with egg on my face … which i truly hope that isnt the case 

    but … here goes 

    despite his monstrous rooster ups no one can deny mel is Derby through and through

    hes been irresponsible hes been reckless but hes done it with the goal of getting his club of 50 years to the prem

    i dont think he would put his home town club in a position where liquidation could happen

    im hoping/ preying ur much better than i could write theory (no 1 if i had to guess) is a distinct posibility

    I believe he has a cunning plan 

    i also belive he thinks the club has a better chance with the efl without him in the picture

    I firmly expect us to challenge the admin points deduction with the covid narrative that he was spinning on RD 

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