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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. Just now, Srg said:

    What do you suggest? There’s no one on the pitch who can head a ball. There’s barely a player above 6ft. 

    At least try and make it difficult 

    I don’t mind conceding from set pieces  sending out invitations and rolling out a red carpet is a bit too far for fans to repeatedly stomach 

  2. Our ability to defend set pieces is absolutely ducking criminal 

    I know we have kids out there 

    but when I leave their biggest certnee half in his own postcode 3 yards out from goal u know the System ur trying to implement isn’t working 

    wtf ever happened to just marking man for man .. big ducker marks big ducker and work ur way back from that 

    this zonal baalocks is literally baalocks

  3. 12 hours ago, rsmini said:

    Just set it up to record. It’s on Virgin TV channel 622.. strap line says “The I-unit goes undercover to expose how English football clubs can be bought by criminals and become vehicles to the proceeds of their crimes”

    Got to be the red dogs in that case and fatiwakis or whatever his name is 

    some of their movement of players and no doubt money isn’t for football reasons judged on the players abilities lol 

  4. 2 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Yeah, it is very weird guess it's the glory of football haha ? Same, not arguing and totally respect your views too ? I just felt as soon as Huddersfiield breached our midfield line even in the first half they looked very dangerous both down the channels and when they isolated Davies and Stearman. I love Davies but a cb pairing of those 2 is for my money going to concede a lot against any half decent team or anyone with pace.

    Agree with you about forsyth definitely and I'd have to rewatch for the shinnie stuff as I may just be completely wrong about him ? 

    I don't think festy 
    was all that great, not sure he really pushed them back so much, positionally he wasn't really up for it and seemed a bit lost out there i thought. But again not arguing just different thoughts ? 

    All good buddy I enjoy exchanging views with people like yourself who give reasoning and explanation to things , we don’t have to agree and that’s what its all about, will always take on board a well explained viewpoint 

    makes a change from the “ he was crap” we see so often on here lol 

    Agree re festy, I think he just gave us a little bit of energy more than anything, got to a few balls first stretched them a little , but no more than closing them down a bit quicker with a bit more energy that gave the crowd a lift as much as anything 

    was a great atmosphere, thought the crowd were excellent in terms of getting behind the lads 

    long may that Continue , we’re in it together 

  5. 1 hour ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Yes, some fair comment there. This is why I dont understand Lawrence picking the ball up so deep. Get the forward players up the park, insist they are always on the move & task Max with finding them. Again yesterday, not enough men in the box & not enough men around Kazim. Ravel is quality but dont want him also dropping back like Lawrence....want him hurting opposition by receiving the ball in their half, turning & driving at them.

    Rooney obviously wants to maximise our full back strength with the current tactics but that should be Shinnie's role to cover whichever one has moved up the park (the other one sitting deeper). Max needs to be involved in the play more.

    Agree completely 

    Im assuming Lawrence was dropping deep to get the ball as it was about the only area on the pitch where there was space to get the ball without a man being up his backside 

    this goes back to the point some have made and yourself about runners in behind be it a midfielder or the centre forward … obviously CKR isn’t going to do that ( although he did chase down a couple of round the corner fozzy balls, but he ain’t putting the fear of god into them ) and when we’re playing a holding two neither shinnie or bird are going to be breaking ranks 

    if we we’re to get a willing runner who does go in behind then that pushes them that little bit deeper toward their goal.. in turn creating pockets for our players to exploit 

    until we get willing runners to go in behind be it a front man/widemen or midfielders then we’ll remain easy to play against and will continue to create v little 

  6. 1 minute ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Totally disagree.

    Firstly, Bird's primary role playing at DM is controlling the tempo, which he does by knocking pop passes around (wrongly tarred as pointless sideways passes) whilst looking for forward players in space. He's also very under-rated defensively & often cuts out attacks with his positional intelligence as opposed to Shinnie's terrier like approach.

    Secondly, he is very capable of playing killer passes. There were a couple in the Salford friendly & plenty from last season (Luton away, Huddersfield away criminally flagged offside & Boro at home..just off top of my head). 

    My main criticism of him is that he needs to move into space a bit more, like he did when he first got into the team last Jan. Also believe he needs to be more advanced & central but thats a fault of current tactics rather than the player himself. Fully believe he's a very good player in the making & that opinion shared by those in the know...Cocu made him captain & Rooney has spoken about him one day being England quality. 

    I just don’t think he does it enough tbh (atm ) he’s learning his game and we forget that he’s still a young boy himself 

    the other mitigating factor I think is that he has limited options ahead of him 

    Iv noticed when he’s played in that role by himself he’s been a lot more expansive with the ball.. shockingly cos he has a few more options ahead of him .. playing in a deep two he has shinnie literally next to him and not a lot else ahead of him so I don’t really blame him for having to play the safe sideways or back ball 

    I’d rather that than him idly turn possession over 

    I think he’s a victim a little of Rooneys current safety first approach 

    will be interesting to see how he performs with maybe Morrison ahead of him 

    depending on where Morrison ends up

  7. 8 hours ago, Leeds Ram said:

    First of all I LOVED being back at Pride Park. I was so happy that we cheered the lads on and despite the problems engulfing the club that did not seep through. I honestly thought it could go toxic today but it was anything but. Yes, the attendance was very thin but at times especially during the first half it felt just like there were 30,000 in the ground tbh. Hopefully, despite what will be a very difficult season we keep up that level of support. I've just got back after going for a dinner with the gf post game so my thoughts may be a bit scattergun.

    I don't think the stearman/davies combo worked, even against a reduced Huddersfield attack they looked shaky as soon as 1 vs 1 happened and they got in behind quite a few times. Changed my mind on Roos after today i think, made at least 2 very good saves that kept us level.  I love Davies and he should start but Stearman's positioning is way too off for someone with his lack of pace. Both of them together for the season is asking for us to concede an average of close to 2 a game.  This was almost as poor an attacking unit against us as I can remember but they still had 3-4 pretty solid chances and plenty of half chances.  I'd honestly try one of the younger lads like Cashin and take our chances by giving us some cover.

    In midfield Shinnie looked good and Bird was more settled second half. I still don't like the combination and again they failed to really give us enough either defensively or going forward. It's not that they're individually bad but together they just don't work. 

    Going forward we need to start Sibley, only when he came on did we even look like stretching their backline. I know people are fans of watson but we need someone stretching and moving ahead to give space in the midfield and that is Sibley. The goals are a big concern as chance creation was very slim on the ground. I can't think of a chance beyond the set piece and lawrence intercepting a ball that we created all game. 

    Despite the very hard work and effort we barely scraped a draw against a reduced huddersfield team that didn't look good themselves. Defensively we looked fragile and didn't offer enough going forward. I'm  not pinning the blame on anyone as there were no obvious errors but to put it simply at this level atm we're not good enough to stay in the division. 

    Crikey it’s weird how we all see the game so differently lol

    im not arguing with u and respect ur views totally but I thought shinnie first half was absolutely shocking, he got caught on the ball and his second touch had to be a tackle cos his first was so bad, highlighted for the cheap free kick we gave away for their equaliser.

    he hustled and bustled as shinnie does and improved second half but first he looked well off it 

    the centre half pairing looked absolutely fine first half and start of the second when up against Rhodes and whoever the other lad was but as soon as they brought on Campbell and the other quick lad they started to isolate us in the channels and should have scored 

    didn’t help that we were clearly employing a tactic of having fozzy high up for that cross field right to left diagonal to try and flick on so his starting position was high up leaving space in that channel 

    bringing on festy seemed to help a little and pushed them back a little but by that time our attacking intent and ability to try and play between the lines had evaporated 

    note that’s all just my opinion not arguing 

    funny game and all that 


  8. 12 hours ago, RoyMac5 said:

    Easy to suggest it's risk averse but we had two very good chances (Watson and Lawrence) and a goal in the first half, plus two CBs who had only just been introduced.

    We also lack real attacking options and flair 

    I think til more attacking options are added it’s the only way we can be tbh 

    edit:Morrison’s arrival should (hopefully) help

  9. 53 minutes ago, belperram9 said:

    Thought we did okay today. Final third is where we need to improve.

    I thought Forsyth was excellent, real outlet in terms of his aerial ability when it is pinged out to him.

    Centre half pairing was steady, thought their strikers suited them however as it was a wrestling match most of the time. Be interesting when they play against a pacey striker that likes to run in behind. Think they will struggle. 

    Bird okay, missing at times. Shinnie wasn’t great IMO, as we all know tackling and breaking up play is his strength. Clear to see anything technical he struggles with.

    Colin held the ball up well against their giant centre half and linked up play. Watson was excellent before he came off. 

    Sibley and Festy were great. Festy is a real athlete, strong and pure power and pace. Gets in the team above Jozwiak for me. He was woeful, weak and nothing about him. Hates a battle and has no winger qualities (did he even cross the ball once?) I’d sell as soon as a bid comes in from some foreign club.

    Overall an enjoyable afternoon with some decent play at times. We will play better teams than Hudds however.


    I thought exactly the same about shinnie today 

    first half every second touch was a tackle … he seemed well off the pace in possession first half 

    improved second half in that respect but totally agree with you 

  10. Take the point and gives us a little more time to get another body of two in 

    Subs made a difference in stemming the tide a little 

    thought fozzy , Davies and stearman were solid just disappointed in the manner we conceded. 

    shinnies crap touch not for the first time in that half turned over cheap possession, cheap free kick, cheap goal 

    Lawrence had a good game 

    midfield two don’t offer any where near enough control and we still await jos to make he right decision in the final third 

    It still looks a lot like last season style wise, ie zero cohesion in the final third and our attacking intent died off and results to the right to left diagonal to fozzy to try and flick down 

    take the point take the positives .. back line and kids and move on and hope 

  11. Ok half some good some bad 

    stearman and Davies solid enough 

    Few bright moments, some decent pressing 

    think shinnie on the ball has been utterly woeful.

    his second touch has been a tackle on more than one occasion most notably when he turned over free easy possession before they won the free kick they scored from 

    CKR needs to try and get hold of it a little more in difficult circumstances

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