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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 6 hours ago, sage said:

    I think we may have to go into administration, but if that was 100%, you'd just go in. 

    He has done it like this as the last roll of the dice to try and get a deal with the EFL, who do not want another club in administration.

    I'm not saying it will work or that we won't end up in administration, but in my opinion, it's a last ditch effort to find a way out of all this.


    I think thats being hopeful buddy 

  2. 6 hours ago, Kinder said:

    Is it true that we could go into a 2 year transfer embargo for going into administration? If so, I fear we’re far from rock bottom. That’s going to be League Two at best.

    I dont know buddy its being rumoured 

    surely though we would be allowed to recruit some players or we wont have a team quite literally

  3. 15 minutes ago, Mckram said:

    I think we can still sign players, it would just be under strict terms. Remember at least a season of the embargo would be league 1…so if we did manage to keep the team we have now then you’d expect them to do ok in league 1 with a few more freebies next season. 

    The irony might be that it might be less strict than what were under now ? 

    im only speculating 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

    I still think this move has been done hopefully with the best of intentions. May be it’s the best route to take at this moment. Not nice but hopefully we will come back stronger. 
    Let’s give it our best tomorrow 

    Come on You Rams!!

    I hope ur right buddy 

    how could this pan out for the better ?

    genuine question

  5. 13 minutes ago, David said:

    I understand that tonight many questions will be asked, both of the club and myself. 

    Tonight as the news was broke, I was sat in the pub, still am, it's hit me hard as I'm sure it has you all, I was not expecting it, there was no pre warning, no hint of what was to come.

    I also understand that over the years my opinion has been questioned, it's something I have had to deal with, sometimes poorly, but with the best and honest of intentions.

    Tonight I am hurting, just as much as you all, this is the club I love, the club I adore, the club I have tattooed on my hand for all to see with pride. 

    I love this club, please just think when posting over the next few days, weeks in anger, myself, the moderators, we do not deserve to be on the end of your anger or frustration.

    Today is a dark day for the club, but as fans, we need to to stick together. We are Derby County, every one of us and we will move forward as one.

    Once a ram, always a ram ?


    Its not too late to get it removed lol 


    joking joking lol

  6. 6 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    My wife told me she wanted to leave me at the end of July. I've been thru hell since. Today was the first day since that I've had the slightest smidgen of hope. It probably isn't any real hope, but I don't feel quite as much despair as I have done for weeks.

    Then I found out about this fking sht.

    I'm the halvest of half fans, but can't take it. I can't imagine what it's like for you lot who go week in, week out.

    Have messages u mate, inbox is always open

  7. 47 minutes ago, Elwood P Dowd said:

    My reading of the EFL statement is “Nothing has been decided yet” however, if we have breached FFP then a point deduction is coming our way. They say that every confidant has their own confidant  so it’s easy to see how information would leak out.

    I read it as dont believe all the crap on social media 

  8. 4 minutes ago, DerbyRam! said:

    Reported by the times, officially, it's going to be a 9 point deduction as the headline.

    Horribly lazy reporting as late in the article it says not yet confirmed. 

    Inside man or terrible writing?

    Probably already been mentioned just want to bring it up. Isnt this kind of thing sueable at this point?


    The efl have just released a statement which basically says thats baalocks

  9. 12 hours ago, Rev said:

    As simple as the the title says, who is the best player we've signed under Mel's tenure.

    My lad reckons it's Badly Johnson, but surely there's a more deserving candidate out there?



    Is he for real??? He does know he was called badly not cos he was nasty right? 

    6m quids worth and god knows what wages on total averageness

  10. 1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We'd just make other mistakes. Didn't Birmingham make any? We just don't have the threat up front to make the opposition worry enough about us. Baldock is better than no-one but 1st half he was through in the box close to 6 yards out, and he didn't shoot.

    Would you rather we set up (not that we have the players) to play like Birmingham?

    No cos we dont have the players to play like birmingham.. we both know this its obvious

    honestly though theres ways of playing isnt there … birmingham looked to hit jukes at all times with hogan ready to sniff a flick on

    we can still look to play in behind and into the channels without having to try and commit football suicide first

    i realose u need to draw them out to get in behind but look at that second goal, we could have just put it down the line into the channel with either of the two mobile forwards to chase down and get us up the pitch but we elect to go short into feet when it was never on …. The rest was/ is history

    and no i didnt see brum gift wrapping us chances to score by over playing

  11. 7 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    ? We had as many shots on target as they did. We had more of the possession and they committed 19 fouls to our 9 according to the Beeb. So we are trying but again the few chances we had weren't taken. I reckon it would have stayed 0-0 but for our two errors. Lack of real goal threat made it difficult last season and is more evident this. ?

    Agree with everything u say … but its a recurring pattern since cocu was in charge… how many times to we create little and give away two soft goals 

    my pet hate in football is conceding cheap avoidable goals and we are and have been since he came here the undisputed kings of it

    how many goals in the last 3 seasons have we conceded goals when 5 -10 seconds before we had safe possession of the ball before needless over playing and the ball is in the back of our net

    i applaud the bravery the lads are showing in trying to do it and i know i cant then moan when it goes wrong but truth be told id rather we just cleared our lines and let them male the mistakes in their half  

  12. Birmingham have been birmingham with a bit more quality than normal

    i actually fancy them to do v well..

    theyre still the strong physical duckers they always were but have some proper fire power now and a bit of quality in that young united lad 

    another day without that first goal balls up we might have got something but in truth were tailor made for a birmingham side like this 



  13. On 05/09/2021 at 08:02, r4derby said:

    This feels a bit like the headlines when the first court case was happening, suggesting we would be docked 21 points etc. It’s an extreme headline, highlighting the maximum sentence.

    As Radioactive says, I reckon this gets sorted before the end of the month. However, and this is the worrying part - I don’t trust this management to come through with action on time. Looking at the past 2 years, there have been so many instances of failure to act by ownership, there is a growing doubt that we will get things done on time. Feels like we’re on a precipice and moving closer to the edge!

    Havent we already served 18 months of that sentence ? 

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