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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 3 minutes ago, Dean (hick) Saunders said:

    MM successfully applies for Derby County to join the MLS as UK franchise and then sells club to Yeehar Stetson who renames the club Derby Oilers with logo a black puddle.

    As long as we all get the holy grail green card im all for it 

  2. 2 hours ago, Needlesh said:

    So much of the the froth and vinegar aimed at the club this last few days has been unfair, it would seem.

    Everything is under due process and extremely limited room to communicate due to NDAs.

    We have missed a payment, but we haven't had our dues paid to us, so weren't in a position to do so.

    Chill, bring on England v Andorra and forget about it until the next Rams game.

    I've renewed, by the way, and I'd encourage everyone else to do the same. It's a tolerable and organised side, with a game-plan and a shedload of talented homegrown lads in the squad, so well worth a watch. Whatever position we're in off the pitch, it's certainly not going to be improved by staying away. 

    Well said mate, well said

  3. 7 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    One thing to note, according to the DET this morning:

    "Both parties - the club and the EFL - are bound by the independent disciplinary commission and they cannot go public on the detail within the ongoing case."


    That doesn't mean the whole thing isn't incredibly frustrating.

    But it does mean all the twaddle on facebook and titter is all pure guesswork and speculation …. Yes percy im looking at you

  4. 4 hours ago, cstand said:

    Anyone looking at World Mobile Token it’s an ethical investment in crypto space not had chance to research it myself going on holiday. It will start off in Africa then if it works go globally. Thanks in advance.

    Will look into it 

  5. Just now, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Payment of transfer fees got took off at one point and has appeared back on. SO presumably we've missed a payment and the other party has immediatly raised it to the EFL, so that ges back on the embargo list until paid.

    Duck me what a ducking joke we are

  6. On 11/08/2021 at 13:05, tinman said:

    I know someone on here was going on about clubs launching their own Bitcoin thing. Villa have just done it. But it looks a rather pointless exercise. It’s suppose to drive fan engagement but you don’t get a say on anything useful. At best you might make a few quid, but on the field or off the field activities doesn’t really make much difference. 


    Its so much bigger than that

    NFTs are going to be literally the next big thing 

    football /sportstokens are just the tip of the iceberg

    art and music… music for me is the big one 

    But its going to be massive and its only just begun

    And no i dont own any yet… but i will when the bear market is upon us 

  7. On 31/08/2021 at 07:03, cstand said:
    On 29/08/2021 at 23:02, cstand said:

    Solana third gen crypto,  proof of  history quickest transactions if price drops I am buying.

    Up 20% in last 24hrs thought it would slow down and retrace after $100s now $117 


    Dont… my Best mate whos done v well this cycle told me to hold i took profit at about 50 …. Doh !!

  8. Wow …just wow 

    my disapointment towards mel and Pearce at this moment in time cant be described quite honestly 

    let the club, let us down bigtime and may have consigned us to league 1

    i hope and prey rooney can squeeze every last ounce out of this squad, wrap them in cotton wool and hopefully we stay clear of any more injuries and we may be in with a shout still of survival come jan


  9. 11 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Been a lurker on this thread for a little while but have been a little reticent to post. Here's the story...

    A couple of years back, a fellow director and good friend at one of the firms I'm involved in began nagging me to get some money into Cardano. I had decent dividend due from the firm so eventually I sat down with him and got him to explain why he was so adamant that it would make a good investment. Put simply, his reasoning was: the pedigree of the brains trust behind Cardano, their core business strategy / mission statement and critically, their use of proof of stake protocols versus proof of work. Proof-of-stake blockchains are way more energy efficient than proof-of-work chains and this is absolutely key.

    Long story short, I invested £20k at Christmas 2019, which was my entire dividend payment. My pal was in at the off and as of yesterday, his investment is worth in excess of $2,000,000. He has just made another significant investment in one other cryptocurrency which he plans to top up end of year. More on that in due course...

    Anyway, the reason I mention this is not to gloat over how lucky I've been, but rather to pass on what I think is a solid tip. Cardano is nowhere near it's peak and remains highly investable, so if you have any money in the likes of Bitcoin or Ethereum (or down the back of the sofa), you could do a lot worse than moving a few grand, if not everything, into Cardano. There's no reason for anyone to take my word for it, I grant you, but at very least, but I'd urge you to do a little research for yourselves before dismissing the notion. 

    Messaged u mate… we need to talk lol

  10. Sorry to be the one to bring this back up .

    but now the dust has settled and the adrenaline has stopped pumping is anyone else absolutely bricking it that rooneys comments appear to suggest nothing is getting sorted out before transfer deadline day 

    i know weve made a reasonable start but the squad is bare bones and while i thought we were absolutely outstanding first half the second in line with other games this season we lacked options from the bench and were unable to stem the change of the tide

    Ill be v concerned if nothing changes by tuesday

  11. Our mate barry on twitter seems to think that baldock won't feature tomorrow

    Wont lie if thats the case  i dont see us winning tomorrow… stretton for me is willing and has potential but not ready yet would be a massive blow


  12. 1 hour ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    If it's a made up amortisation policy then I'll be very surprised if we fail any year.


    Straight-line (with extensions), I estimate the following:

    Fail: 2017 (£6m), 2020 (£6m), 21 (£2.5m)

    Pass: 2018 (£0m), 2019 (£3.5m)

    What would that entail points deduction wise if the efl followed there own letter of the law etc etc 

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