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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 8 minutes ago, thekingofbuxton said:

    Absolute rubbish


    Rooney keeps saying we're playing his way this season, well so far it's no different to the garbage we served up last season. 

    Too defensive, but not great at it. No flair or threat. 

    It looks like we're playing for a 0-0 against a team that have conceded 7 in two games.

    If this is the best we can do then we're in more trouble than I thought

    Just reminds me of a continuation of cocu ball.. sideways and backwards til we run out of options and either try an aimless punt from the centre back cos he’s run out of options or we gift wrapped possession in a dangerous area 

    no support for CKR and v static and ponderous I don’t see a lot has changed other than we’re doing it on a budget now 

  2. 1 minute ago, Edtheram said:

    Get Bird off 

    He’s been ducking terrible 

    needs a ducking rocket up his ass 

    too slow on the ball it’s painful 

    Put Morrison back their take bird off and put sibley higher up 

    I’d probably get jos on for Festy soonish

    Talent but omg he’s raw needs time he’s not ready to be our big Hope just yet 

    that burden needs to go back into sibleys young shoulders 

  3. 1 minute ago, Ramarena said:

    As expected really apart from Festy who deserves a chance after his performance the other night. 

    Shinnie Bird hasn’t really clicked yet, Pushing Bird a bit further forward might help the balance, but I doubt this will happen.

    Bird need options ahead of him, we need people ahead of him that are prepared to go past that front lone striker and stretch them 

    otherwise we .. and bird become all too predictable 

  4. 4 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    I’m just not a fan of the Shinnie/Bird midfield, otherwise I don’t mind it. I can see the 3 behind CKR being rotated a fair amount throughout the season. It’s just about the only thing we can change up to be honest.

    Me neither but bar drop Morrison in there isn’t a lot else 

    not unless that becomes a 3 with perhaps bird at the base of it with shinnie and Morrison either side with licence to push a little 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    You see I'd be thinking if we want festy to be playing a part I'd reverse it and put him on for the last 30 minutes once Sibley has stretched them out and they're tired. Festy is more of an impact player in terms of raw speed and power than Sibley is for me. 

    I think there’s an argument for either way round … but totally see what ur saying .. speed against tired legs etc etc 

  6. 3 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    I'd have put Sibley in at cam and got rid of bird for morrison in the middle tbh. I'd have kept with Kamil as ebosele looked lost against huddersfield and don't think his end product is quite there for this level of football either. 

    Still an option though 

    as the game goes on more space for sibley to come on and exploit especially after an hour or so of festy stretching them 

    in theory it sounds a plan lol

  7. 4 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:


     Byrne  Stearman Curtis  Forsyth    

             Morrison    Shinnie

    Ebsole         Sibley         Lawrence


    Is that’s yours or official ?

    If it’s yours I’d go with it ?

  8. 8 minutes ago, duncanjwitham said:

    Honestly wouldn't surprise me if we're fine with straight-line amortization anyway, but we're insisting on submitting basically what we submitted before because it's a matter of principle now.

    I hope your right buddy 

  9. 1 minute ago, brady1993 said:

    See this is interesting to me because usually that's not how you'd see Watson getting described. I'm not watching tonight but if as it sounds like Watson is playing as one of the two DMs then what's curious is he isn't the first to be put in that position and be accused of what you've mentioned. I do wonder if the 4231 is artificially restrictive in this regard.

    Yes it is 

    Stretton isn’t a loan striker in the same way Marriott wasn’t 

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