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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. 9 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:

    This is something I tried to ask about in the Pride Park/Moor Farm thread. Were the "charges" on the club's assets or on Mel's separate assets? What is actually owned by DCFC, what by Mel, and what by Dell? If DCFC call in administrators but Mel owns the stadium and training facility, what is Derby County's except the staff? 

    The wording about "intention" to go into admin is interesting. The wording being careful to praise Dell is interesting. We know the ownership and financial structure of DCFC is exceedingly complex (to put it mildly). There are probably a lot of twists and turns yet in this saga, before things become properly clear. If they ever do...

    I havent seen this statement praising dell … would be interested to read it or see a snippet

    ur right re the wording “intention to go into admin” 

    thats very very interesting… maybe (and im saying this more in hope than anything) mel has one final play

    my overiding feeling is

    mel has been of ill health, mels health may have deteriated.. it may be he just wanted or needed out of all this 


    He wont go down without a fight, hes Derby , theyre his club, we always have been his club and as hes always tried to do, hes trying to do what's best for the club (having got us into this mess)

    im saying this in hope more than anything but maybe there is something in what ur alluding to, it does make a little sense 

    a final f you to the efl 

    i dont know 

    i just find it interesting to around the wording

    i dont suppose anyone remembers that video the price of football that caught mel sat round the table with those dodgy businessmen

    mel said…with referecnce to their proposed deal “ it would be beneficial to the club if i wasnt in the picture/ silent role” 

    i wish i could find it 

  2. 3 hours ago, RYRAM said:

    who next in the hot seat? 

    for me i can see him leaving and would not blame him. 

    think we can tell alot after todays game. 

    what a hard job it is god knows who would be in the running. more to the point how makes the choice MEL? 

    Meh… we have bigger issues than one manager

  3. 31 minutes ago, Bladderwrack said:

    Administration can be a new beginning, there are examples of clubs that have been through it and fully recovered. What Administration is not though is a golden ticket, it is the start of what can be very dark days at a club. What is more essential than anything is that at the end of it the club is owned by someone or some consortium that has the interest of the club at heart and have the intelligence and capability to formulate a realistic plan for the climb back.

    As has been mentioned all football related debts have to be paid first, failure to do this will result in the EFL removing the golden share, without that you cannot compete in any of is competitions.

    The next problem is the HMRC, they are below football debts in priority and they hate it. They will issue winding up orders and they do this frequently in pursuit of the money they are owed. Normally clubs come to an arrangement but that arrangement does not include any reduction of the debt. They have to be paid and paid in full and they are relentless. Then come everyone else, all the small businesses and contractors and ancillary staff and they get screwed, they get the small crumbs that are left.

    At other clubs there have been examples of players and managers tearing up their contracts to help the club, not many do that but it has happened. Wayne Rooney maybe someone who could leave the club in a good light by doing this.

    Administration is the first step into a dark period, with it come massive restrictions on what you can spend and that applies for a period after you have come out of it. Administration may be the first step into darkness but good management thereafter can find the light again.




    Great post mate, all we can do is hope

    the irony is that weve had 18 months of an incredibly strick embargo… theres half a chance a new embargo will give us a tiny crumb more riggle room 

    Im saying that in hope more than anything 

    were going to have to be smart and cute in the t market…. If were ever allowed to operate in it again

    Oh for the much maligned simon clough

  4. 1 minute ago, Leeds Ram said:

    Not bothered about the points deduction. I thought even before that we were probably heading for the drop anyway as injuries, suspensions and general fatigue hit the small squad. Our only chance was to hit a purple patch of early season form to give us a bit of a cushion and we've failed to do that. Even the ever optimistic rooney thinks more than a 9 point deduction basically means we're down so whether it's -12 or -21 I can't see us surviving at all. 

    On the ownership front I'm still absolutely furious, upset, and concerned about the future of a club that I've been going to for 20 years. It's something that has given me highs, lows, and some of the fondest memories of my late dad. Yes it's only football but interwoven in that game is a big part of my identity, history and memories that give it substantial meaning and weight. There's absolutely 0 defence of Mel for this and I hope he doesn't show his face at the ground or come anywhere near the club (or preferably the city) again. As fans we should get behind the team but if people before and after the game want to sing mean songs about Mel I honestly don't blame them if for nothing else but catharsis. 

    Brilliant post

    Mate youve just written my entire emotions

    interwoven with the last 30 years plus of Derby are thousands of memories with my late dad .. like yourself

    Its almost a new chapter, and end to the pervious one that is washing me with so many emotions a lot of them make me sad as they are no so bitter sweet.

    Just wish he was here so we could support each other through this


  5. 24 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    Wish I was going today. This is when you show your love for your club. Times are harder, and likely going to get harder, but even if the very worst was too happen Derby would rise again.

    I cant today either, on child cere duty truth be told i want to go today more than any game before 

     I want to show the players were with them, i want to shout, i want to sing,  i want to show my support, i want to feel emotional 

    its all just so ducked up

  6. 11 minutes ago, RIMBAUD said:

    When the players came out for the first game this season I had a tear in my eye. It was good to be back. I’m sure there will be heightened emotion today too.

    I’m up for it.

    It’s actually really simple isn’t it? Support your club or not. I know that those who go today will be amazing, regardless of how we have been run. 

    At the moment we have a club to support so let’s make the most of it and support them. 

    Nailed it mate .. til the end 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Miggins said:

    Well said!  I am shocked and horrified at the incompetence of those who mismanaged the club. They should be hanging their heads but I will always be proud of our club no matter what situation we find ourselves in. Super Rams!?

    This is it , this is where we stand together 

    this the ducking bare bones, bar the truly unthinkable this (next few years) is the rock bottom

    we ducking stand together and get behind whoever it is thats running us 

    i heard someone say people like groundsman and staff will go 

    i was there thinking can people volunteer … id stay up all night mowing that lawn friday night if it meant the club saved a few quid and kept the accademy open 

    like i said were bottom of the barrel now we need to do everything we can to save our club 

    we are the club 

  8. 49 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

    I still do.. 

    wtf really? Wow 

    u know his recruitment, contract negotiation and vested interest in his wasserman group are part of the reason were in this mess 

    oh and mrs ince who he paid for scouting

    he was charged with running football matters for mel while he was here and basically ducked us to line his other interests

  9. 36 minutes ago, Warwick Ram said:

    There will be something in this for Mel by going into administration. He will have some benefit from it.

    Will it clear his debts? Does it find a buyer quicker? Does it make things awkward for the EFL?

    I don’t know but the cynical side of me says this has been done to benefit Mel in some way.

    No to my knowledge he walks away with nothing apart from writing off 180m and perhaps the token £1 someone will give the admin to take the club and its mess on 

  10. 35 minutes ago, David said:

    I'm not convinced we will receive the full -21 deduction. -12 is a given, but with Mel out the picture, will the EFL drop all previous charges as we secure new ownership?

    Reading the EFL's recent statement on Swindon Town:

    An EFL Spokesperson said: “Whilst this decision relates to a period when the Club was under different ownership, the EFL has a responsibility to treat all cases of misconduct equally and has taken the appropriate course of action in line with its Regulations. 


    This does for once make sense from the EFL, and whilst I admit to not reading through the pages of regulations, it's something I am holding on to as whilst -12 will be no easy feat to survive given the state of the squad, -21 would be simply impossible.

    Having been under embargo for the best part of a year and a -12 points deduction, has the club not been punished enough now.

    The clubs statement last night ended with what sounded like a plea to leave us be now, Mel's going, let the club rebuild.

    Thats the thing that gets me … theres talk of a 2 year embargo … have we not served 18 months of that sentence already ???

  11. 6 minutes ago, DCFC27 said:

    I don’t think that will be the case, I have a feeling MSD will step in and run the club fora few years until they can sell on. 

    Wassalls gone?? 

    tbh if we were retaining one person id keep him

    pop him in as manager get back to basics nigel clough style .. players with the right hunger and desire to learn .. anyhow i digress

    edit: sorry i quoted the wrong person 

  12. 31 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    It's unlikely anyone can take us over in the same way as a home in administration.

    Any new owners likely to be scrutinised by the efl. The efl will want assurances of available funds and likely to seek references over the new owners background.

    Dont judge me if i scoff but the efl have found themselves to be utterly incompetent at that vetting process as well as many others 

    cos they look after their clubs so well… venky, falwas, mel, chartlon, wigan….. 

  13. Bloody terrible mate

    Was up til 1am just ploughing through everything in total disbelief

    woke up at 5 and half asleep genuinely thought id dreamt it… then it hit me 

    i dont have words to describe it other than what the duck

    and this is only the beggining this mess and the fall out could and will hamper us for years 


  14. 6 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

    A few thoughts from a fitful night's sleep:

    Mel wanted to push FFP/P&S to the limit. He also spent significantly on items that were FFP exempt, like the academy and the infrastructure. It seemed that he wanted to use his vast wealth to drive the club into the Premier League.

    That was fair enough; it was his money and his train set. Now he's walking away from the club he loves and putting its very existence in jeopardy, because he's having to put £1.5 million per month in? That is a very large u-turn. Why?


    Assuming the MSD thing comes to nothing and we go into administration, we get a 12 point penalty. I believe that's fair enough. It stops clubs from using it as a relatively easy way to walk away from debts, as has happened in the past.

    What I'm struggling to see the point of is a two year transfer embargo. You can't argue against an embargo whilst in administration; a club without the cash to pay its way can't be allowed to increase its costs. However, the key for the club to survive is that a buyer is found quickly. An ongoing embargo is going to make selling the club as a going concern far more difficult. Surely the embargo should be lifted as soon as the football and hmrc debts are paid and the CVA is in place? It seems to me that this EFL rule is one which could easily drive a founder member to extinction. 


    Finally, what we need now is a buyer. As fans, we need buyers to see our potential. Everyone knows that Rooney and the players are blameless here and deserve our support. I suspect that today's atmosphere will be excellent.  

    What I think would help secure the future of Derby County would be big home gates over the next couple of months. The administrators will need cash to pay the bills, otherwise the doors slam shut. But if we can pack the stadium,  it will also send a message that we are a club worth buying. So please, everyone who can, get yourselves to the next few games.


    Great post… and yes your right any new owners need to see what an amazing and relentless fan base we are 

  15. My take on that is yes , theyve been appointed to sell the club on to someone who can save it/ take it forward

    so i assume the price they get for it is the last thing on the list of priorities

    so in essence mel is writing off Derby county as an asset 

    please dont take that as gospel its only my uneducated views 

    maybe .. maybe guys mels health has taken a turn and he just wants out and doesnt need all this in his life and whatever remains of it

    I dont know .. its just all awful

  16. 4 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    I am just praying that the stumbling block for a sale was the uncertainty re points deduction, how much Mel was expecting the buyers to put in and a lack of transparency during the process. And that with huge administration (and more possibly) points deduction and the fact that administrators have their professional requirements on dealing with potential buyers anyone interested will get to deal with a detached professional rather than people too involved in this mess.  They will certainly know what they are getting. We have to hope that potential investors have known this would be coming and been waiting.
    But if not and the position is really that terrible do you think we would just go under, someone get things together to start a new club and buying/leasing the ground?  As we would have to start non-league that is a long long fight back to any prospect of higher income for anyone other than fans personally invested in having a Derby in existence that would be our club and free of all this ?.  
    1884 to this now in 5 years. Like many I suspect didnt sleep so well last night

    Uv nailed it i woke up at 5am and was like god that was a horrible dream…. Then it hit me again


  17. 50 minutes ago, Oldben said:

    Wigan case:  EFL said it had no leeway in imposing the points deduction on Wigan that season.

    In cases of insolvency, the panel does not determine the timing of the sanction as it can in independent disciplinary proceedings.

    The EFL will continue to engage with the administrators to provide their full support in all ongoing matters with the aim of achieving a long-term future for the club.

    Wigan appealled their 12 point deduction via their administrators. This was submitted to an independent arbitration panel on the grounds of “force majeure”, because the events occurred during the coronavirus pandemic which has upended the financial picture for many clubs.

    The appeal didn't succeed but it delayed the outcome for Wigan.

    While Derbys events did not occur during the pandemic, the administrators could claim that the pandemic did cause financial hardship for the club forcing them into administration.

    Mel claimed he was losing upto 1.5 million per month, funding the club.

    Derbys accounts show the the club is bound for a future profitable position, so that should interest new owners who can now buy the club at a vastly reduced price.

    As with a home placed into administration that's sold at auction for a quick sale by administrators, the administrators are required to get what ever price they can get for the sale of the club. That should help to bring in new owners.




    So basically anyone now can take us over … can see falwaz rubbing his hands … that would literally finish us / me off 


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