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Posts posted by NottsRam77

  1. I know im being a bit special here 

    but how do i buy a ticket for the reading game for my 6 yo daughter

    iv got a fan id but shes never been and obviously hasnt got one or an email address.. do i have to register her ? 

    it says one ticket per fan id but can i buy a junior ticket on top of mine?

    is the ticket office actually open? 

  2. 28 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    Great post, I feel the same (but different) I don’t think I could go watch another team play/feel the same way about them. DCFC is my team and always will be, since the Cox days I’ve been going with my old man and mates. so it’s not just about the football is everything, it’s the pubs, the walks to the ground , the people you meet who are all there for one thing the love of DCFC. You just can’t start that emotional connection again.

    Then there is the other bit, modern football. Sky TV changing the schedule at the drop of a hat, crappy kick off times, transfer deadline day, ridiculous transfer fees and wages, the big 6 just wanting to leave without any punishment, the gap getting bigger between the prem teams and everyone else, unfair competition. Footballs just changed to the point if we went bust I’m not so sure I’d bother with the game anymore.

    Last bit of a rant on this, the players need to take a long hard look at themselves for situations like we are in, football is not sustainable, players wages and agents fees are the crux of this. Where does all that Sky cash go? Into their pockets. When I heard Gary Neville the other day about us, my 1st thought was hypocrite the money he took out of the game and still does working for the one company that has killed our game. Mels to blame but the greedy players and their agents have killed this club and we won’t be the last until the lunacy is reset. 

    Agree entirely

  3. 8 hours ago, Ruud Aralliss said:

    A great post, I love the sentiment. I feel the same.

    I initiated my son into the fold when he was about 5 or 6.  About the time he started to actually wanted to kick a ball about. 
    He was quite lucky at as the first few seasons he saw some great football at PP.    Highs and lows followed, Wembley(s) or being at Old Trafford for the cup win etc. 
    But for me it’s been about spending time with him, and share the highs and lows.  Especially now he’s old enough to go with his mates and bar a couple  away matches he still goes with me.

    I would lie down and rest a happy man if he thought the same way as you do in your second paragraph.  I hope he will look back and remember those times and not these.  Having said that the future for him as a Derby fan might be full of promise and European domination, who knows? As Jimmy quite rightly said 

    It’s a funny old game 


    Truly Lovely response mate … thankyou


  4. Im there 

    taking my 6 yo daughter to her first Derby game.
    she doesnt like football and will probably get bored after 5 mins walking from chad but i told her daddy and grandads team are in big trouble and we need to go and cheer them on to make them play better 

    shes a bit of monkey and said am i allowed to be naughty and shout.. and when i said as loud as u possibly can her face lit up and said can we go now daddy 

    iv never been so proud of my little girl ?

  5. Im trying not to think about a phonenix team i just dont know how i feel about it 

    i support Derby county because of my dad, i live and breath Derby county because of him most of my happiest memories are with him and Derby county

    Hes no longer with us, i dont really have any other ties to the area other than i lived there for two years.. truth be told i think it would be a bit too painful to start again under another guise.

    itll be hard enough and still is .

    iv got plenty of mates who are county fans so may just go with them for the social side and just be a football fan refugee (aint foong to watch the red dogs)

    Tbh following this club has taken it out of me , i dont think i have the mental strength left to start another journey 

  6. 8 hours ago, Ambitious said:

    It's more of a preference, for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm fairly sure it's not completely accurate. I'm just saying as a hypothetical that I'd much rather have a phoenix team than a side plagued by financial restrictions and roughly 70 point penalties over the next 4-5 years. 

    I'd imagine most people would. 

    I dont know how id feel about a phoenix team truth be told 

  7. 42 minutes ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    The argument would be that of the business being able to continue if it wasn't for Covid. Covid costing the club £20m tipping us over the edge.

    Its dead easy to prove

    heres our gate receipts and corporate turnover for the last 10 seasons 

    heres our gate reciepts and corporate turnover for last years world pandemic?

    bye bye 20m quid due to exceptional unpresidented causes out of even our hands


  8. 6 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

    If that's the case then surely liquidate the club and start again?

    I'd imagine there is a bigger apatite from fans over a new phoenix club than there would be for the above scenario. It's not even remotely close for me. Hit the reset button and start again for me. 

    It sounds horrendous … it was written by a red dog though.. hes going to add a few extra layers on though isnt he 

    mel has done many things badly … do u think he would let us be liquidated though? 

  9. 9 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    Yes specifically on gate receipts & shirt sales but the numbers on commercial activities/sponsorship are a reflection of our status as a club & the interest levels that status generates. These are natural advantages over the likes of Preston, Luton, Barnsley, Birmingham etc. The TV money is the only area where there would be parity with other clubs & that is less than 30% of our turnover.

    Re League One, again you may be right on those numbers but don't understand your assumption on recovery taking a number of years. We have a low wage bill with saleable assets meaning we can generate cash - with practically nothing in the way of current squad deadwood/high wage obligations. If we're relegated purely because of points deduction, that surely indicates the basis of a team that are likely to do well in League One?

    Surely depends on who leaves … and how we’re left with

    And how many more years we can squeeze out of poor old fozzy 

    he must be proper fed up of this circus by now bless him

  10. 38 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

    All the damage was done in the two weeks we signed about £20m of players on long contracts that we then sold for next to nothing. Everything after that has been accounting aimed at avoiding the impact of those decisions. If Blackman had gone on to be a twenty goal a season striker nobody here would have a bad word to say. I'd argue the club could be forgiven for getting one signing wrong but the fact that all five, or six, didn't work or shows either extreme bad luck or some pretty appalling scouting and governance.

    Rush .. rush … rush .. and his connections .. to his wasserman group 

  11. Just now, Icomeinpeace said:

    Hold on to your hat... so the number's that are being touted are 12 for administration, 12 instead of 9 for the late submission of accounts (which Mel admitted in the interview), 12 for 1st year FFP breach then a further 9×2 for two further years. There could also be 3 pts (suspended) for not paying players and, this is a new one because of administration but I believe there's 15 pts if you can't settle 25% of creditors immediately - I make that around 72 points... 

    Isnt there a maximum that can be deducted or are we about to set a new champ record for that too

  12. 14 minutes ago, GrimsbyRam said:

    Im not missing any point, I am just saying you think there may be hope from some comments made by somebody that I and no doubt thousands of people would not place any reliance on.  The timing of his announcement was shocking as well, the night before a match - could have done it today.

    What else have we got? Lol

    i did say im probably clutching at straws 

  13. 19 minutes ago, GrimsbyRam said:

    How is trying to do deals with a fake sheik and a Spanish waiter doing the best for the club? It was best for him (to get out of his ongoing liability of up to £1.5million per month). 

    Mismanagement of finances and circumventing rules has got us into this mess.

    Even if this is one last attempt by him, he will never be forgiven for the mess that he has got us into and how much worry he will have caused so many fans and families worrying about their jobs...the fact that he went to Rob Dorsett not Rooney, blames everyone bar himself in the statement shows a complete lack of self insight.  

    None of this is having a go at you, just dont place any hope on 'him'.

    Not having a go but Ur totally missing my point bud

    im not saying he should be forgiven .. im not saying he hasnt absolutely ducked us.. im not saying hes right to do what i hope he might be doing 

    im saying is there an alternative motive for fridays events is it not quite be as its first percieved .. ie total abandonment and throwing in the towel

    maybe it is.. i was merely question it

  14. 8 minutes ago, GrimsbyRam said:

    Sorry I don’t see that at all, I see Morris proposing a similar suggestion to what got us into this mess in the first place - trying something that is not within the spirit of the rules (as the commentator puts it).  Look who he has tried to deal with A Fake Sheik and a Spanish waiter!


    Yes the people hes doing it with are dodgy but thats not my point.. its his intent and trying to sort the club first and foremost over his own gains/beneift

    and yes hes trying to circumnavigate the rules … but people do it in all walks of life, politicians, celebraties, the rich and wealthy all have clever people working for them that know how to manipulate the rules… what Derby did wasnt illegal and in any normal walk of life would have been fine but football is different.. it has an independent body that are able to make their rules .. even though we didnt break any legal technicalities

    im not defending him.. im just saying in light of the last 24 hours then (and im saying this in hope) all maybe isnt all lost yet ?? 

    i dont know i just found it interesting to revisit after fridays announcement

  15. From circa 47 mins in… maybe slightly before

    Listen to mels words when hes sat round the table

    maybe im saying this out of pure desperation and blindness.

    u dont think theres a final play going off do u ?

    ”so that im no longer connected to the club”

    Hand on heart i dont think those are the words from a man that would let this club go to the wall

    even at the point he believes hes selling the club hes trying to do something beneficial for us?

    i dont know maybe im clutching at straws 

    it just got me thinking

    were not in admin yet… we served notice “of intention” 


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