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Jerry Yates - signed on a season-long loan


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10 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

He looks good from that highlight real. 


Having witnessed how utterly appalling League One defenders can be and how freely players dropping down can score despite being 'washed up' at Championship level, I'm never going to be fooled by a League One highlight reel again!

Need to see his Championship reel really, 30 goals in the past 3 seasons isn't too shabby for the game time .

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44 minutes ago, Topram said:

Surely they’d be another striker can’t have Collo wash and Yates as our attack 

As the promotion mists of positivity and euphoria start to clear and the slightly sobering fixtures have come out...

I have to admit I really don't want to see (with a year more on the clock) Washington limbering up for us at all. 

I love Collins for his effort and I think he's earned a chance.... but I'm a little less confident than I was that he could hack it.

It's a big step up and no room for passengers. 


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From my searches on YouTube he feels a similar foward to Washington. Someone who can run at defenders and stretch the play. Maybe we let him go and see Yates as a direct upgrade? And also look for a more of a traditional target man as well.

A front three of NML Yates and CBT would certainly be dangerous on the counter attack.

Edited by Ram1988
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4 minutes ago, Ram1988 said:

From my searches on YouTube he feels a similar foward to Washington. Someone who can run at defenders and stretch the play. Maybe we let him go and see Yates as a direct upgrade? And also look for a more of a traditional target man as well.

A front three of NML Yates and CBT would certainly be dangerous on the counter.

Depends how big the counter is I imagine.

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I've done a bit more digging, obviously the mix-reviews can be difficult to comprehend at times. We've done it ourselves with numerous players, I mean we still get Derby fans who are convinced Tom Ince was 'lazy' for us, for example. I think that is very much the case here too. 

He scores goals in bundles and will go prolonged periods without scoring: 
20/21 - he doesn't score for the first 9 games, then he scores 4 in 4, follows it up with 1 in his next 7 games, before hitting really good form with 13 in his next 17 games then just 2 in his last 8. 
21/22 - 5 in his first 12 games in the Championship, scores just three more for the remainder of the season. 
22/23 - 2 in 12 games, then 7 in his next 5. He doesn't score in the next 18(!) games, before finishing the season with 5 in his last 6. 
23/24 - 4 in his first 11 games, just 4 for the rest of the season. 

He doesn't get involved in the build-up play, at all: 
I can't be bothered to write up all the stats, but looking at the numbers - he doesn't have many touches per game, makes very few passes and plays very stereotypically like a striker who hangs on the shoulders of the last man. He's not a physical presence so, ultimately, when you're not playing very well and the ball isn't sticking then he will get the blame. It's just not his game. He can be frustrating for supporters in that sense. 

I think the above really outlines why there is mixed reviews. Technically speaking, he's good with the ball at his feet and is a very good finisher. He has a high ceiling, but inconsistency plagues him. In terms of bringing ability into the club, though, he's someone who wouldn't surprise you if he just had a really good season. He's shown flashes of high production - we just need to find a way to keep him at it. 

I do like the signing, personally, as he's a player who has shown himself to be a match-winner at Championship level and at least has the potential to score goals. I also guarantee that he will inevitably be a source of frustration for supporters due to the above points. 

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3 minutes ago, Ambitious said:

I've done a bit more digging, obviously the mix-reviews can be difficult to comprehend at times. We've done it ourselves with numerous players, I mean we still get Derby fans who are convinced Tom Ince was 'lazy' for us, for example. I think that is very much the case here too. 

He scores goals in bundles and will go prolonged periods without scoring: 
20/21 - he doesn't score for the first 9 games, then he scores 4 in 4, follows it up with 1 in his next 7 games, before hitting really good form with 13 in his next 17 games then just 2 in his last 8. 
21/22 - 5 in his first 12 games in the Championship, scores just three more for the remainder of the season. 
22/23 - 2 in 12 games, then 7 in his next 5. He doesn't score in the next 18(!) games, before finishing the season with 5 in his last 6. 
23/24 - 4 in his first 11 games, just 4 for the rest of the season. 

He doesn't get involved in the build-up play, at all: 
I can't be bothered to write up all the stats, but looking at the numbers - he doesn't have many touches per game, makes very few passes and plays very stereotypically like a striker who hangs on the shoulders of the last man. He's not a physical presence so, ultimately, when you're not playing very well and the ball isn't sticking then he will get the blame. It's just not his game. He can be frustrating for supporters in that sense. 

I think the above really outlines why there is mixed reviews. Technically speaking, he's good with the ball at his feet and is a very good finisher. He has a high ceiling, but inconsistency plagues him. In terms of bringing ability into the club, though, he's someone who wouldn't surprise you if he just had a really good season. He's shown flashes of high production - we just need to find a way to keep him at it. 

I do like the signing, personally, as he's a player who has shown himself to be a match-winner at Championship level and at least has the potential to score goals. I also guarantee that he will inevitably be a source of frustration for supporters due to the above points. 

Nice overview. Definitely seems a confidence player.

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Bit confused with this one. Never heard of him, but why would Swansea want to loan out a 27yr old striker who has 2yrs left on his contract, if he was any good?

I presume if we were interested it means Washington must be moving on, they look very similar types of player and I can’t see Warne going with Wash, Collo and Yates, or I hope not.

From the clips he looks very confident in front of goal and Warne obviously knows a lot about him. If it was to replace Washington then it’s a why not from me.

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