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Joey Barton being Joey Barton


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He’s obviously decided that he no longer wants a job in football. No club would touch this toxic twit (using my own personal swear filter) now.  
I suspect, like many, he’s latched on to the fact there’s money to be made in being a ‘anti-woke’ (whatever that means) right wing, misogynist (at some point probably moving on to xenophobia and casual racism) bigot who will claim ‘free speech’ (just as an excuse to talk absolute drivel and be obnoxious about it while doing so).  The likes of Lawrence Fox have paved a way for a lucrative grift.  

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13 hours ago, LazloW said:

He’s obviously decided that he no longer wants a job in football. No club would touch this toxic twit (using my own personal swear filter) now.  
I suspect, like many, he’s latched on to the fact there’s money to be made in being a ‘anti-woke’ (whatever that means) right wing, misogynist (at some point probably moving on to xenophobia and casual racism) bigot who will claim ‘free speech’ (just as an excuse to talk absolute drivel and be obnoxious about it while doing so).  The likes of Lawrence Fox have paved a way for a lucrative grift.  

Aye, there you go

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On 08/12/2023 at 21:24, Alty_Ram said:

Wow, just wow... what a complete and utter tool this man is.

A woman who has spent a successful professional career playing football to a level where she has represented her country over 100 times and has played in international tournaments, is in apparently not qualified to offer an opinion on football ?

Oh, and women shouldn't be around football clubs doing the job they are qualified to do in case some d******* footballer decides that she's attractive and therefore he is utterly powerless to avoid having an affair with her and it's totally not his fault?

Christ on a bike, is this the friggin' dark ages ?!

Here here , I’d much rather listen to the wisdom and knowledge of Eni Aluko or Karen Cairney above Roy Keane or Grahame Souness. 

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The guy is a knob, always has been, but I think there will be an awful lot of fans out there who agree with his point.

If anyone can seriously tell me that all of these women are there for their knowledge of the mens game then I'm afraid you're just kidding yourselves.

Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.

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8 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.

Derby County under countless embargoes ☑️

Derby County charged with various made up crimes ☑️

Mel Morris removed from football ☑️

Derby County docked 21 points ☑️

Derby County forced to sell all their young talent for the price of a packet of crisps ☑️

Derby County relegated ☑️


At least the third one was to our benefit.

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50 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The guy is a knob, always has been, but I think there will be an awful lot of fans out there who agree with his point.

If anyone can seriously tell me that all of these women are there for their knowledge of the mens game then I'm afraid you're just kidding yourselves.

Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.

Have you lost your mind ???

You can't say things like that , I can't wait until Aluko presents Match of the Day with a panel of Karen Cainey , Mary Berry, Katherine Ryan and Rosie Jones. 


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1 minute ago, Seaside Ram said:

Have you lost your mind ???

You can't say things like that , I can't wait until Aluko presents Match of the Day with a panel of Karen Cainey , Mary Berry, Katherine Ryan and Rosie Jones. 


God I hope not...an all white panel? 😬

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

The guy is a knob, always has been, but I think there will be an awful lot of fans out there who agree with his point.

If anyone can seriously tell me that all of these women are there for their knowledge of the mens game then I'm afraid you're just kidding yourselves.

Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.

You say this as if football punditry had previously been a meritocracy.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Football has become one massive box ticking exercise over the last 5/10 years whether you like to admit it or not.

What’s wrong with a box ticking exercise though? It’s about representation. It would be nice to say ‘let it happen organically’, but you have to force the issue sometimes and force representation to kick start it. In a generations time, hopefully it will be organic. The backlash these days is because it’s forced. But that’s necessary to make things happen and break the cycle.

I've got daughters, and there is so much more positive representation for them these days than when my sisters were kids. And I’m very happy about that.

i wonder if joey Barton has daughters or nieces, and if he expects them to shut up and cook his dinner, or if he hopes for something better for them.

its just very sad that as much as he may truly believe these things, what he’s really doing is putting on a character, like a heel in wrestling, because that panders to a certain audience, and that gets more likes and shares. And far from representing those that need the leg up, he gives a voice and representation to the bigots and small minded people who have ruled the world for thousands of years. Those that really need to fade away and make way for the kids.

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

God I hope not...an all white panel? 😬

Christ on a bike , forgive my dinosaur views ! 

I think it was because I'd seen an old TV advert for toothpaste from the repulsive 80s featuring a middle age heterosexual married couple with two children that they referred to as he and she . It made me feel sick . Apologies again!! 

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2 hours ago, Seaside Ram said:

Christ on a bike , forgive my dinosaur views ! 

I think it was because I'd seen an old TV advert for toothpaste from the repulsive 80s featuring a middle age heterosexual married couple with two children that they referred to as he and she . It made me feel sick . Apologies again!! 

What the hell happened to the other 0.4 child, the golden retriever, and the Ford Mondeo?  😲

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3 hours ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

You say this as if football punditry had previously been a meritocracy.

Well most of the pundits were men that had played the game at the top level.

Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of male pundits that I cant stand too.

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2 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

What’s wrong with a box ticking exercise though? It’s about representation. 

So ok, if we want to go down this route why were there 2 women and Ian Wright in the studio yesterday, why wasnt there a white man?

Silly, isn't it?

Who is deciding what is fair representation?


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39 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

So ok, if we want to go down this route why were there 2 women and Ian Wright in the studio yesterday, why wasnt there a white man?

Silly, isn't it?

Who is deciding what is fair representation?


That’s the point. Representation isn’t proportional. It’s meant to skew the balance. That’s not a mistake, that’s part of the design. 

As I said, it’s about giving the under represented communities a chance to catch up. The kids of today don’t need to see white men on tv. There’s plenty of those. They’ve been seeing those for generations.

its not that if 10% of the population are black, we have 1 out of every 10 pundits is black. That’s not how it works. It’s about flooding our screens with positive images of black people, to try to make a dent in the generations of negative images we’ve seen so far.

Then, eventually, when people genuinely don’t see colour, gender etc. there won’t be a need for things like the Rooney rule and reverse racism and box ticking. But that will take a generation. 

meanwhile, lots of white men get butt hurt because they’re living in the era when they (we, as I am one) are being represented as a minority. And guess what, it’s not very nice, and we don’t like it much.

well I think we can put up with it for a generation to bring everything back into balance again.

oo, I just thought of an analogy. So if there are 1 in 10 of a certain minority, for 100 years we should have been seeing every 10th person on tv is of that minority. But that’s not been happening. So imagine a scale where we’ve been putting 10 white men in one side, every day for 100 years. How many of the minority do we have to put on the other side to bring those scales into balance? Not so it’s even, but just so that it’s all in the correct proportion. Just putting 1 in 10 on the minority side isn’t going to do it. 

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3 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

That’s the point. Representation isn’t proportional. It’s meant to skew the balance. That’s not a mistake, that’s part of the design. 

As I said, it’s about giving the under represented communities a chance to catch up. The kids of today don’t need to see white men on tv. There’s plenty of those. They’ve been seeing those for generations.

its not that if 10% of the population are black, we have 1 out of every 10 pundits is black. That’s not how it works. It’s about flooding our screens with positive images of black people, to try to make a dent in the generations of negative images we’ve seen so far.

Then, eventually, when people genuinely don’t see colour, gender etc. there won’t be a need for things like the Rooney rule and reverse racism and box ticking. But that will take a generation. 

meanwhile, lots of white men get butt hurt because they’re living in the era when they (we, as I am one) are being represented as a minority. And guess what, it’s not very nice, and we don’t like it much.

well I think we can put up with it for a generation to bring everything back into balance again.

oo, I just thought of an analogy. So if there are 1 in 10 of a certain minority, for 100 years we should have been seeing every 10th person on tv is of that minority. But that’s not been happening. So imagine a scale where we’ve been putting 10 white men in one side, every day for 100 years. How many of the minority do we have to put on the other side to bring those scales into balance? Not so it’s even, but just so that it’s all in the correct proportion. Just putting 1 in 10 on the minority side isn’t going to do it. 

My kids don't need to be flooded with the opposite sex or ethnic minorities, they see them every day at school and don't look at them any differently to how they look at people of the same race or gender.

The only people keeping race/sex as an issue are the ones who claim to be wanting to eradicate racism/sexism.

Putting people into jobs that they are not really qualified to do or are not competent at, just because of their sex/race, will not promote a positive image, it will lead to people pointing out their sex and race and is completely self defeating.

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