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Stive Pesley

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While we're being philosophical (it beats all those dreary political posts we used to have!). What are dreams all about eh?


And more specifically - saw this today and it's blown my mind a little bit. So far everyone I've asked has been in agreement, but figured I'd cast the net a bit wider to see if anyone here can explain or refute (because they frequently have dreams featuring their mobile phones)


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3 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

While we're being philosophical (it beats all those dreary political posts we used to have!). What are dreams all about eh?


And more specifically - saw this today and it's blown my mind a little bit. So far everyone I've asked has been in agreement, but figured I'd cast the net a bit wider to see if anyone here can explain or refute (because they frequently have dreams featuring their mobile phones)


Lots of tv and films don't really use phones much as it can easily ruin the narratives. Maybe our brains are doing the same, trying to create some drama?

Although, I often dream about my phone, especially messaging people. I'm actually asleep now btw.

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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Lots of tv and films don't really use phones much as it can easily ruin the narratives

That's a good point - I've noticed quite a few modern TV shows/films trying to use phones in the story line by overlaying the phone screen onto the screen so you can read what is being typed/read. It always feels really horrible and unnatural to me, so maybe that's also related

I was thinking more in terms of how we use them so integrally now that I'm surprised we don't have more stress dreams about batteries not working, messages not loading, screens being made of marshamallow etc


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Now that it's mentioned, I don't think I have ever dreamed of talking on the phone, home line included. 

Dreams are very interesting where symbolism is the common language.  One can learn to lucid dream, I sometimes manage that, sometimes not and it really irritates me when I am not able to be in control of the dream.  I seem to be working on problems to solve quite often and then wake up mentally tired after the night. 

The place between waking and sleeping is a strange one, you are not awake, yet not asleep, but partly both, this is where sleep paralysis occurs. 

Edited by ramit
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35 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

1... 8... 8... 4.

... Just like the rest of us on here.

Write it down somewhere, if need be.



#you sir, are most welcome.  😁

Dammit, I thought I was the only one 😛 

9 hours ago, ketteringram said:

I presume I dream . Very rarely remember it though. Maybe once a year? 

Same here.  I can't remember the last time I can recall a dream.  I just shut my eyes, open them and its a new day!

My wife tells me I occasionally talk in my sleep so something is going on, but dammed if I can remember one.  I also sleep through thunderstorms and the odd earthquake we've had as well - there's probably a link 🫤

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I am retired I keep having nightmares about having to attend work.
Even working at home on a laptop sends shivers down my spine.

I also keep having nightmares about young people being brainwashed at university they will never retire until they are in their eighties.

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Some dreams are prophetic, you may not believe that, but in my locale it is a fact, we call those bare dreams.

Around thirty years ago I had a dream, a very precise clear dream, one of those more real than real dreams, if you catch my meaning.  I won't recount it here, but I dreamed of my wife and of my son many years before they became a reality for me.

Don't discount the super realistic dream, there is more to this reality and your destiny than your senses can acquire in the waking state.

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