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Cameron Humphreys

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30 minutes ago, Slaapwekkend P said:

Rotherham United you say.....


28 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

Not another Rotherham link!


23 minutes ago, Jackal said:

His Wikipedia page says he's 24 years old. Must be a typo, we tend to go for players 30+ don't we? He does have facial hair though so he can join the beardy brigade. 

I think you have the right Cameron Humphreys and not the one below





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I said about Warnes ability to attract players beyond his mates/ex player connections, and this reeks of it. Imagine having 1m to blow on a player whilst severely lacking that 20 goal presence up front or a solid cdm, and you choose to splurge it on a defender, which is probably the 1 position you can fill comfortably on a free. Obviously its just speculation at the moment, but if that is the case, then our business is being done backwards.

I used to moan about nigel clough only sending his scouts to Scotland, but this is even worse 🙃

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3 minutes ago, SK47 said:

I said about Warnes ability to attract players beyond his mates/ex player connections, and this reeks of it. Imagine having 1m to blow on a player whilst severely lacking that 20 goal presence up front or a solid cdm, and you choose to splurge it on a defender, which is probably the 1 position you can fill comfortably on a free. Obviously its just speculation at the moment, but if that is the case, then our business is being done backwards.

I used to moan about nigel clough only sending his scouts to Scotland, but this is even worse 🙃

This is so on the money. If PW so much as suggests this DC should pull the budget straight away. 

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19 minutes ago, SK47 said:

I said about Warnes ability to attract players beyond his mates/ex player connections, and this reeks of it. Imagine having 1m to blow on a player whilst severely lacking that 20 goal presence up front or a solid cdm, and you choose to splurge it on a defender, which is probably the 1 position you can fill comfortably on a free. Obviously its just speculation at the moment, but if that is the case, then our business is being done backwards.

I used to moan about nigel clough only sending his scouts to Scotland, but this is even worse 🙃

The only link is on Teamtalk, hardly a reliable source 

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23 minutes ago, SK47 said:

I said about Warnes ability to attract players beyond his mates/ex player connections, and this reeks of it. Imagine having 1m to blow on a player whilst severely lacking that 20 goal presence up front or a solid cdm, and you choose to splurge it on a defender, which is probably the 1 position you can fill comfortably on a free. Obviously its just speculation at the moment, but if that is the case, then our business is being done backwards.

I used to moan about nigel clough only sending his scouts to Scotland, but this is even worse 🙃

That's the key to it. There's plenty to be worked up about that has concretely happened in the last few weeks. Let's hope some of that changes today and then worry about how appalling the recruitment policy is if any of the (usually nonsense) speculation turns out to be true.

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