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Gotta love Extinction Rebellion

Bob The Badger

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Only electric cars by 2030 ,,,,,, possible we have the infrastructure and power generation capacity to support this with us al in ev s or more realistically a drive to make cars the preserve of the well off with the ordinary folks priced and taxed off the road onto buses and trains that are totally useless ? Meat tax next ?

seems net zero and covid have the same underlying moitive/ direction 

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More total cosseted airy fairy hypocrites out smashing petrol pumps around the south east , it is time for the police and the courts to put these idiots behind bars before decent ordinary people are pushed so far that they take matters into they’re own hands , I can tell you if I was waiting to put petrol in my tank and one of these clowns was about to smash the pump leaving me stranded unable to get fuel I would be getting arrested and I don’t give a stuff what anybody thinks because if the police won’t protect peoples right to go about they’re business then that’s where this is headed , let’s see the idiots wanting the police to uphold the law when ordinary people start to fight back

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

More total cosseted airy fairy hypocrites out smashing petrol pumps around the south east , it is time for the police and the courts to put these idiots behind bars before decent ordinary people are pushed so far that they take matters into they’re own hands , I can tell you if I was waiting to put petrol in my tank and one of these clowns was about to smash the pump leaving me stranded unable to get fuel I would be getting arrested and I don’t give a stuff what anybody thinks because if the police won’t protect peoples right to go about they’re business then that’s where this is headed , let’s see the idiots wanting the police to uphold the law when ordinary people start to fight back

Amazes me when you see the apparent well to do ladies hammer and bolstering the windows of the big energy offices in London.

Nobody comes out to try and stop them?

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21 minutes ago, ketteringram said:

Anytime somebody glues themselves to something, I've never figured out why they're not just left there.

Quite right - a week without food and water and they'll be begging to be relerased......

On a more serious note, there need to be some questions asked about security and how they managed to get into the chamber...


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Well I’m sure this will surprise some on here but I’m not going to lay into them over this protest , it matters not whether I agree with they’re cause ( level of catastrophe) aims and demands , the right to protest is vital to the kind of society we want to live in and for me this falls into the category I will not be up in arms about ,very different from attacking and holding ordinary people to ransom ,wilful destruction of property and total disregard to others lives ,health and safety that they normally go in for 

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7 minutes ago, Archied said:

Well I’m sure this will surprise some on here but I’m not going to lay into them over this protest , it matters not whether I agree with they’re cause ( level of catastrophe) aims and demands , the right to protest is vital to the kind of society we want to live in and for me this falls into the category I will not be up in arms about ,very different from attacking and holding ordinary people to ransom ,wilful destruction of property and total disregard to others lives ,health and safety that they normally go in for 

Me either, this is where they should be protesting, the upper echelons of society, the hypocrites. Not the hard working folk.

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53 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

Me either, this is where they should be protesting, the upper echelons of society, the hypocrites. Not the hard working folk.

Also it’s targeting the seat of government, the very people they should target if they want change , by the same token perhaps people should be protesting for some kind of vote on this net zero garbage 


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36 minutes ago, Archied said:

Also it’s targeting the seat of government, the very people they should target if they want change , by the same token perhaps people should be protesting for some kind of vote on this net zero garbage 


Net zero is an impossible target, especially in the timeframes mentioned politically.

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27 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

Net zero is an impossible target, especially in the timeframes mentioned politically.

And a totally worthless slight of hand , now if us being net zero meant the U.K. would be unilaterally less affected than the rest of the planet IF there was climate crisis then I get it but consuming on the same level and getting other countries to manufacture and produce pollution and waste for us while we claim to be morally saving the planet is nothing short of a joke on the scale of wiping out communities for subsidised coal from other countries that stop being subsidised whe we can’t produce our own and selling the British public utilities companies they already owned ,

I am always astounded at peoples blindness and sadly I have to admit that watching and listening to a lot of interviews with these ext reb types I find the majority of them to be hysterical and verging on the mentally unstable 

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

And a totally worthless slight of hand , now if us being net zero meant the U.K. would be unilaterally less affected than the rest of the planet IF there was climate crisis then I get it but consuming on the same level and getting other countries to manufacture and produce pollution and waste for us while we claim to be morally saving the planet is nothing short of a joke on the scale of wiping out communities for subsidised coal from other countries that stop being subsidised whe we can’t produce our own and selling the British public utilities companies they already owned ,

I am always astounded at peoples blindness and sadly I have to admit that watching and listening to a lot of interviews with these ext reb types I find the majority of them to be hysterical and verging on the mentally unstable 

Hopefully the price increases will focus peoples minds on the absolute stupidity of essential services not being in control of the people who need those services.

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7 hours ago, 1of4 said:

Is net zero garbage? No. 

Is a political time scale set to achieve net zero possible? Yes. Will it be achieved? No. Even most of the politicians that claim to be pro net carbon zero, aren't fully committed to it. It's just another policy that they say they support, to get enough votes to keep their cushy job.

Will be interesting to see whether it’s a policy that gets them votes as you state ( has it been put to the test at the ballot box), I personally think people are and will be more and more up in arms about it and if they get a chance to vote against this unilateral destructive madness it will be swept away in a tidal wave of common sense now the ordinary folk are getting a taste of what the unaffected moneyed elites have planned for us

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Yep me again ,,,, animal rebellion = vegan’s believing they have the right to do whatever they want to force EVERYONE to be vegan too ,well they can duck right off , barking mad loons an offshoot of other barking mad loons ,it’s about time ordinary people started fighting back ,perhaps targeting them and disrupting they’re lives ,

you want to be a vegan then fair play to you ,crack on and live how you want but leave others to live as they want,

So called science is the new religion with with ever more extremists writing they’re own bibles and moderate sensible scientists / people being chased into modern day priest holes

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2 hours ago, Archied said:

So called science is the new religion with with ever more extremists writing they’re own bibles and moderate sensible scientists / people being chased into modern day priest holes

There is a hell of a lot going on in that sentence.  ?

Are the 99% of climate scientists the extremists or the moderate sensible ones?  


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