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Gotta love Extinction Rebellion

Bob The Badger

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2 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Also interesting that I've not seen much coverage in our media of the historic heat wave and drought that has been suffered by China this year.

Nor have i seen much mention of their current 5 year plan to get off fossil fuels and onto renewables. Apparently by the end of the decade they aim to have wind and solar farms with capacity equivalent to the whole of Europe. And this being China, you'd expect them to actually just get on and do what they say they're going to do - not just muck about talking about  it

Weirdly though I have heard a repeated soundbite from sceptics that there is "no point us doing anything unless china sorts itself out". I wonder how many people who repeat that mantra have actually looked into what China are actually doing ?



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59 minutes ago, cstand said:

Any area that lies in a mountainous monsoon earthquake zone is always going to be liable to flooding as records show, since 1950 in the case of Pakistan.

Very true, but what is also true is that a warmer atmosphere can carry more moisture in it.  For every 1 °C of warming, the atmosphere can carry 7% more moisture.  With more moisture in the atmosphere, the potential for heavier, more intense rainfall increases and therefore the potential for floods increase.  Making already vulnerable Pakistan, even more at risk.  

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On 09/09/2022 at 10:45, Stive Pesley said:

Also interesting that I've not seen much coverage in our media of the historic heat wave and drought that has been suffered by China this year.

Nor have i seen much mention of their current 5 year plan to get off fossil fuels and onto renewables. Apparently by the end of the decade they aim to have wind and solar farms with capacity equivalent to the whole of Europe. And this being China, you'd expect them to actually just get on and do what they say they're going to do - not just muck about talking about  it

Weirdly though I have heard a repeated soundbite from sceptics that there is "no point us doing anything unless china sorts itself out". I wonder how many people who repeat that mantra have actually looked into what China are actually doing ?



Last time I looked at China they are still run by a brutal communist party who imprison anyone who gets in their way.

Are you suggesting we should adopt their political structure and polices to get our environmental projects done?




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34 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Vermin ?

Even if the brown liquid WASN'T actually the waste products that she claimed it was (I haven't seen it confirmed officially) it's a bizarre way to protest, other than being effective at alerting the public to your existence. It's probably had the opposite effect to "winning people over", if that was any part of her thinking. I'm also intrigued as to why a Welsh former medical student chose Hatton in Derbyshire for her protest - are there a large number of Hatton residents who own a private jet?!? No doubt Mummy and Daddy won;t be cleaning up after her this time, it'll be some poor operative on the living wage.

The other week we had a Trans-Rights activist pouring waz on himself in the entrance to some offices in London, which the security guards had to clear up. I think they are greatly misguided if they think these kind of tactics are going to win anyone over, other than those who are into covering themselves with bodily waste.

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16 minutes ago, Crewton said:

Even if the brown liquid WASN'T actually the waste products that she claimed it was (I haven't seen it confirmed officially) it's a bizarre way to protest, other than being effective at alerting the public to your existence. It's probably had the opposite effect to "winning people over", if that was any part of her thinking. I'm also intrigued as to why a Welsh former medical student chose Hatton in Derbyshire for her protest - are there a large number of Hatton residents who own a private jet?!? No doubt Mummy and Daddy won;t be cleaning up after her this time, it'll be some poor operative on the living wage.

The other week we had a Trans-Rights activist pouring waz on himself in the entrance to some offices in London, which the security guards had to clear up. I think they are greatly misguided if they think these kind of tactics are going to win anyone over, other than those who are into covering themselves with bodily waste.

I read this in the DET the other day, I too found it strange she should travel from Wales to do this, I'm off to Hatton in a few weeks time for a Birthday bash at The Tavern, I'll ask if she's any relatives nearby.

She's little respect for those who've served their country and helped to contribute 10s of millions of £s for the NHS of which she may have trained to join...again Vermin ? 

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On 09/09/2022 at 10:45, Stive Pesley said:

Also interesting that I've not seen much coverage in our media of the historic heat wave and drought that has been suffered by China this year.

Nor have i seen much mention of their current 5 year plan to get off fossil fuels and onto renewables. Apparently by the end of the decade they aim to have wind and solar farms with capacity equivalent to the whole of Europe. And this being China, you'd expect them to actually just get on and do what they say they're going to do - not just muck about talking about  it

Weirdly though I have heard a repeated soundbite from sceptics that there is "no point us doing anything unless china sorts itself out". I wonder how many people who repeat that mantra have actually looked into what China are actually doing ?



Hummmm. While I have admiration for China’s dictatorial one party state to deliver spectacular infrastructure projects I am more than dubious about oversight and truth in the messaging. Lot of coal fired power stations there, and per capita they use fossil fuels like there was no tomorrow. They have learned nothing from our our industrial revolution in terms of pollution and using the natural resources of others. And .. they accept little criticism from outside. They are now (in the words of 1066 and all that) “top nation” I am sad that they are doing it so badly given the lessons of history they have in front of their own eyes. China has since 2016 commissioned 6 times the coal generating capacity of the rest of the world combined. Yes they pledge things but I don’t believe them. 

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8 hours ago, Crewton said:

Even if the brown liquid WASN'T actually the waste products that she claimed it was (I haven't seen it confirmed officially) it's a bizarre way to protest, other than being effective at alerting the public to your existence. It's probably had the opposite effect to "winning people over", if that was any part of her thinking. I'm also intrigued as to why a Welsh former medical student chose Hatton in Derbyshire for her protest - are there a large number of Hatton residents who own a private jet?!? No doubt Mummy and Daddy won;t be cleaning up after her this time, it'll be some poor operative on the living wage.

The other week we had a Trans-Rights activist pouring waz on himself in the entrance to some offices in London, which the security guards had to clear up. I think they are greatly misguided if they think these kind of tactics are going to win anyone over, other than those who are into covering themselves with bodily waste.

It’s the echo chamber syndrome. All those who agree will cheer from the rafters, so they feel great . If you want to change the narrative however you have to win over the others. Doing this sort of stuff is 5 minutes of notoriety but isn’t going to influence anyone. 

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46 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

I’m kind of with you but I’m also beginning to wonder if some of these people have mental and emotional issues , the level of anxiety is off the scale with a lot of them to the point they can’t think straight, really felt for her parents , kind of forced to say they are ashamed of her but you must also want to protect your child and wonder how she has lost the plot so much

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On 02/10/2022 at 13:26, Crewton said:

Even if the brown liquid WASN'T actually the waste products that she claimed it was (I haven't seen it confirmed officially) it's a bizarre way to protest, other than being effective at alerting the public to your existence. It's probably had the opposite effect to "winning people over", if that was any part of her thinking. I'm also intrigued as to why a Welsh former medical student chose Hatton in Derbyshire for her protest - are there a large number of Hatton residents who own a private jet?!? No doubt Mummy and Daddy won;t be cleaning up after her this time, it'll be some poor operative on the living wage.

Optics. Could she have poured a load of s*** over something in her hometown? Sure, but she wouldn't have made the national news. These types of protestors have convinced themselves that drumming up publicity for their cause is of ultimate importance, even if that publicity is almost entirely negative. The trouble is that almost everyone sees them for what the really are, narcissistic attention whores.

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23 minutes ago, Archied said:

I’m kind of with you but I’m also beginning to wonder if some of these people have mental and emotional issues , the level of anxiety is off the scale with a lot of them to the point they can’t think straight, really felt for her parents , kind of forced to say they are ashamed of her but you must also want to protect your child and wonder how she has lost the plot so much

We live in a country where protesting is common place Archie, Fuelled by social media, I know little to nowt about this female, She has an argument and a cause, But using a statue of an old time service man was wrong imo, But it got what she/they wanted...exposure, This is what protesters feed on.

It's who you associate with, It's what you read/hear in the media, It's how/what you're taught in school/university, It's your peers, And most of all it's how easy it is to get someone to believe in your ideology and do your protesting on your behalf and take the pain and punishment...I just wonder how she got from Wales to Hatton ?

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13 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

We live in a country where protesting is common place Archie, Fuelled by social media, I know little to nowt about this female, She has an argument and a cause, But using a statue of an old time service man was wrong imo, But it got what she/they wanted...exposure, This is what protesters feed on.

It's who you associate with, It's what you read/hear in the media, It's how/what you're taught in school/university, It's your peers, And most of all it's how easy it is to get someone to believe in your ideology and do your protesting on your behalf and take the pain and punishment...I just wonder how she got from Wales to Hatton ?

As I say Alf I’m half with you and my instinct is to nail these people to the ground then I sometimes look at them and just see kids ( some of them ) , I don’t know , are they spoilt, is education letting them down , lack of balance and discipline? Who knows?

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