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Shane Warne - RIP


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1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

How can he have died of a heart attack at the age of 52 he always looked fit as a flea

Congenital heart disease.

Or be a drug user.

Or a heavy smoker and/or drinker

Or have undiagnosed heart problems like a hole in the heart.

Or eat a poor diet.

Or rampant stress.

Or a combination of two or more of the above.

There are a number of things that can cause heart attacks in middle-aged men, but looking fit doesn't ever stop them from happening.

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:


Me too.

I was lucky enough to be at the Lords test (the first of the series) in 2005, almost behind the bowlers' arm at the nursery end.  It's not often that you see a batsman talked out but that's what happened to Ian Bell and Shane Warne was chatter in chief.  He delayed and delayed, talking to his team mates and captain, fiddling with the field, building the pressure on Bell inexorably who was demonstrably getting more and more nervous. McGrath bowled him a short while later but the wicket was Warne's (he got him LBW in the second innings)

Genius on the field; excellent pundit off it.

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Devastating news.  This will be one of those moments for me, where I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I heard the news.  Loved listening to him talk and seeing him do his master classes, where kids sent clips in of their techniques and he'd give them advice and tips.  You could tell he loved the game and just came across as a good bloke.  RIP.

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This has shocked everyone

He’s a sporting superstar. A genius, talkshite were talking about it asking their cricket guy to tell people who don’t know about cricket what does this compare to in football for example, he said Maradona dying and I think that’s spot on.

A huge personality as well as an unbelievable cricketer. A master craftsman with an incredible cricket brain to match. But for me what set him apart was his ability to read a match situation and when his team needed it make something happen to change a game. There was one game in the 05 series, can’t remember which one or if the Aussies even got a result in it, it was the first morning of the test, pitch doing nothing England starting to score quickly, Aussies needed inspiration, warnie gets the ball last over before lunch and made one turn spin and spit with pace from nowhere and got the breakthrough. No other bowler could’ve done that.

The greatest cricketer of all time IMO. RIP Warnie 

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15 hours ago, YouRams said:

Something isnt right with all these fit and healthy people having heart issues, and if you mention it you're a conspiracist wacko!


Shane Warne is shocking loss, but he lived live to the full, a drinker, a smoker, and not a healthy eater either. So he was at risk of a heart attack.    

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