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The Administration Thread


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45 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

Because Middlesbrough's counsel are not available until May22 according to Mel Morris. This convenient delay meant that from the outset of this season and even before we entered administration, DCFC was locked into the transfer embargoes which were meant to make any fight by DCFC to avoid relegation nigh on impossible. The plan was that by the time of any arbitration hearing we would be a Division One Club and maybe even we would have been liquidated out of existence.

Wayne Rooney and his team continue to thwart the EFL plan for the time being. If DCFC stay up, the EFL prepared press release to be announced by Rick Parry is "The EFL recognises the super human efforts of Wayne Rooney and his team in managing to escape relegation. However, at the same time the EFL must let it be known that we are very disappointed that DCFC remains a Championship Club. The EFL feels it abused its powers to the maximum to prevent this outcome and couldn't have done any more."

If DCFC is relegated the prepared EFL statement is simply "The EFL is extremely pleased that DCFC has been relegated because as Chairman Parry prematurely announced in January this year, Derby deserve to be relegated."

I hope that helps you Jono because I know no more and  cannot help you further.

I guess their QC has done a hamstring or has a nasty groin strain ? No chance of the EFL telling MBC that their legal team has to fulfil this fixture on the appointed date despite injuries to key players 

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3 hours ago, David said:

You are cherry picking lines from it.

It's not just talking about good faith. 

And yes, I will keep going back to it until we have an official answer. 



I think your absolutely right to keep going back to this.  The text in brackets is the important bit that everyone seems to be forgetting (or ignoring in some cases).

I’ve tried emailing Rick Parry a few times but I do find his replies very arrogant and dismissive.  Yesterday I asked if they had reviewed Mel’s offer and if they’ve set MFC and WWFC a deadline, given we have one at the end of this month.  He just said they are aware but won’t give a “running commentary”!!  He said nothing about a timescale for MFC and WWFC, which I didn’t think was an unfair question given how urgent the situation is.

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27 minutes ago, Oldben said:

Sorry I forgot to include this article about wycombes losses.

Screenshot_20220209-214301_Samsung Internet.jpg

The interview in September 2021 said using EFL's preferred amortisation method (straight line) .. a caveat  BBC seem to have omitted , we would [possibly] incur a 4 point penalty (which is not automatic, but subject to us being charged by EFL for failing FFP, which we hadn't been.. and presumably assuming no mitigating factors which have to be decided) . So how does Couhig think a points penalty could have applied in 2020-21? season.?     

Edited by PistoldPete
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1 hour ago, Oldben said:

Couhig in my opinion is in some financial difficulties with Wycombe and is scapegoating Derby to cover those costs.


An old article, explaining how the pandemic had hit Wycombe, presumably during the pause 2 seasons ago.



It's similar to Boro who we know suffered significant financial difficulty recently.


Again, Covid shutdown related losses.




22 minutes ago, Oldben said:

Sorry I forgot to include this article about wycombes losses.

Screenshot_20220209-214301_Samsung Internet.jpg

I don't know what you're attempting to achieve with these mind dumps @Oldben?

They're either irrelevant, outdated or already well known and available in the public domain.

This is an incredibly hard time mentally for Derby fans, and I don't see how these posts either further our understanding, or add anything new to the debate.

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1 minute ago, Rev said:


I don't know what you're attempting to achieve with these mind dumps @Oldben?

They're either irrelevant, outdated or already well known and available in the public domain.

This is an incredibly hard time mentally for Derby fans, and I don't see how these posts either further our understanding, or add anything new to the debate.

MAybe. Hopefully though the more pressure on wycombe hopeless case the more the stupid claim is likely to get kicked into touch.


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3 hours ago, David said:

You are cherry picking lines from it.

It's not just talking about good faith. 

And yes, I will keep going back to it until we have an official answer. 



your interpretation of this provision seems unjustifiably wide and seems to be at odds with the arbitration provisions which specifically refer to disputes between clubs relating to the EFl rules. Plus, MM’s messages seem to confirm that he’s been advised that clubs can sue each other under the rules (because he’s said: no way, the EFl process is unreliable, it’s the High Court for me ) 

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5 hours ago, PistoldPete said:

None of these can be claimed for because clubs cannot sue other clubs. And none of these are what are being claimed anyway. .. so far as I know. 

Actually it’s quite possible that as they scrape the barrel of legal causes of action, Gibson and Couhig allege a civil conspiracy  between dcfc and MM. I’d also be surprised if breach of contract does not feature. 

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3 hours ago, David said:

I just don't believe your tactic of rolling over and allowing the EFL to do as they please is the best way forward. Sorry.

The problem is Gibbo, EFl is not now the enemy. No way is the EFL supporting him on this, they want us to win. And MM’s  desire to steer clear of the EFl disputes process because it’s ‘corrupt’ is barking mad. imho 

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43 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

So just to clarify in my own mind, the current situation is that Gibbon has a case against us that is holding everything up but nobody, including the EFL, know what that case is????

The EFl asked M/W to submit to them details of their claims. We don’t know if that was done, but if it was, EFl would treat that information as confidential 

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40 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

So just to clarify in my own mind, the current situation is that Gibbon has a case against us that is holding everything up but nobody, including the EFL, know what that case is????

Some muttering about cheating on stadium sales that we were cleared of a year ago and an American bloke muttering about cheating for lodging paperwork with the EFL within the agreed time frame.  


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43 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

MAybe. Hopefully though the more pressure on wycombe hopeless case the more the stupid claim is likely to get kicked into touch.


Then we need to be forensic in our scrutiny.

Find the bone, grab hold of it and shake it in our jaws until the other side relent, like a Bull Terrier with a stick!

The big stick in the WW claim is the timing, which was nothing to do with us, and everything to do with the EFL. 

It doesn't matter what they claim they've lost, when they lost it, how they lost it, and how their accounts or league position would look in a parallel universe if things were different.


The EFL gave us a deadline, and we complied with it, anything else is just white noise and hubris.

We fully complied with the rules, in the timeframe allowed, if they have a claim it's against the EFL, not us.

Finding other holes in their argument, finding other motivations for action is pointless, we're right, they're wrong so get in the bin.

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24 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

The problem is Gibbo, EFl is not now the enemy. No way is the EFL supporting him on this, they want us to win. And MM’s  desire to steer clear of the EFl disputes process because it’s ‘corrupt’ is barking mad. imho 

When they tar and feather him and put him in stocks outside the Market Hall, preferably with a bell making him shout unclean, I'll believe the EFL don't have this blokes back.  Until then, I can imagine something similar to this if Morris turns up with his team to meet Parry and Gibson.  Sorry


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