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The Administration Thread


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All @BoroWillhas done is confirmed that DCFC have been punished by the EFL but Gibson doesnt think its enough. His beef is against the EFL, they punished us according to their rules and are continuing to punisn us way above any crime we have committed.

Loss of covid payment


Transfer embargo.

Wage cap

21 points deduction

Withholding of SKY TV money


Gibson, by pursuing his present course is vindictively trying to kill our club aided and abetted by Parry.

The man is a piece of work, absolute lowlife scumbag.

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1 minute ago, uttoxram75 said:

All @BoroWillhas done is confirmed that DCFC have been punished by the EFL but Gibson doesnt think its enough. His beef is against the EFL, they punished us according to their rules and are continuing to punisn us way above any crime we have committed.

Loss of covid payment


Transfer embargo.

Wage cap

21 points deduction

Withholding of SKY TV money


Gibson, by pursuing his present course is vindictively trying to kill our club aided and abetted by Parry.

The man is a piece of work, absolute lowlife scumbag.

Yep never detested a person more. 

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4 minutes ago, cosmic said:

Keep going everyone, once we convince @BoroWill we'll have the rest of the Middlesbrough fan base on strings.

How many times do we have to say..

If he's not a Bamford then what does he hope to achieve now that the club is in admin, Mel is gone, we're selling players that don't want to be sold, we have transfer bans, we had 21 points deducted?

I've not counted Boro fans but I'd bet there are literally dozens of them out there

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58 minutes ago, Indy said:

I’m sure we must’ve discussed this at some point, but I’ve just re-read the judgement on Middlesbrough’s application to join as an affected party in our original case (covering both stadium valuation and amortisation). I remembered that their request to join as a party (and therefore be considered to be awarded compensation by the panel) had failed. What I had forgotten was that the ruling also said that they could not commence their own arbitration regarding these matters. That being the case - why can we not just point at this finding and say an independent panel has already ruled that this current action is not permissible?





Indy, I think this is the page David has published before. I dont think 37 and 38 actually help us - the panel were only stating that Boro could not involve themselves in the arbitration claim (in effect it was only a matter for the EFL could pursue initially). On that very same page, item 30, I think the same panel say Boro are not prevented by estoppel for bringing forward a claim once that decision had been made.  I am still mystified though under what EFL provisions Boro could raise a claim against Derby in the first place - David is asking Parry for that answer - and in respect to my comments above why the panel make their comment in item 30. Unless the panel decision is that Boro are not estopped making their claim via legal recourse (i.e. outside of the EFL rules).

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1 hour ago, Indy said:

I’m sure we must’ve discussed this at some point, but I’ve just re-read the judgement on Middlesbrough’s application to join as an affected party in our original case (covering both stadium valuation and amortisation). I remembered that their request to join as a party (and therefore be considered to be awarded compensation by the panel) had failed. What I had forgotten was that the ruling also said that they could not commence their own arbitration regarding these matters. That being the case - why can we not just point at this finding and say an independent panel has already ruled that this current action is not permissible?





Superb discovery. But is there an interim judgement following the EFL winning their appeal on the amortisation charge, which overturned this decision? I can only think there may well be because even the EFL surely cannot simply ignore the finding? Which I have now come back to edit because I see that i-Ram has probably already found the answer above.

Edited by Guest
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3 hours ago, BoroWill said:

I don't think he would have any power over whether Mel can indemnify the club or not, to be perfectly honest. If the EFL said no arbitration and it had to go through the courts he would take it through the courts, I'm not sure what would suggest otherwise?


Well the claim started quite a long time before Mel Morris voluntarily placed your club into administration, so I'm not sure this is quite true.

Could you please return the £20 I put in your bucket all those years ago outside your old ground when you were facing liquidation as your owner has proved you were not worthy - by the way I do not blame genuine normal supporters of Middlesbrough football club but your owner has placed himself into a special kind of bracket that ultimately will make Middlesbrough suffer. 

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2 minutes ago, BoroWill said:

For those who were asking earlier where the animosity from Boro fans towards Derby fans comes from, it's stuff like this ?

And in a parallel universe, with Mel Morris vindictively trying to squeeze the life out of Middlesbrough F.C despite the club having already suffered severe penalties, what would @BoroWill call Mr Morris ?An absolutely spiffing chap no doubt.?

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2 minutes ago, BoroWill said:

For those who were asking earlier where the animosity from Boro fans towards Derby fans comes from, it's stuff like this ?

Gibsons actions cause this. If it was the other way round.......how would Boro fans feel If a rival chairman was deliberately pursuing an unfounded action that would knowingly kill your club. Any claim he has is against the EFL, I fail to see how any reasonable person could not understand this one point.

The EFL have punished Derby. Gibson doesn't think its enough. Gibson should go after the EFL.

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2 minutes ago, BoroWill said:

For those who were asking earlier where the animosity from Boro fans towards Derby fans comes from, it's stuff like this ?

And for those who were asking earlier where the animosity towards Boro comes from it comes from the fact he is an absolute cretin intent stopping our club recovering from the points deductions, transfer bans, player sales, people losing jobs even though Mel Morris is gone. 

So now we understand each other?

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10 minutes ago, Alpha said:

How many times do we have to say..

If he's not a Bamford then what does he hope to achieve now that the club is in admin, Mel is gone, we're selling players that don't want to be sold, we have transfer bans, we had 21 points deducted?

I've not counted Boro fans but I'd bet there are literally dozens of them out there

Season 2 Thumbs Up GIF by The Good Place

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