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Is the EFL punishment process correct?

Raich Carter

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3 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

What about the teams that have gained promotion? Where is the deterrent for them?

Therein lies the rub. We failed to get promotion, and they didn't. I've thought for a long time that the only way FFP would ever 'stick' is if a 'big club' went to the wall, at which point it could be argued that the risk exceeds the reward. I never thought that it would be us, but it's looking very grim at the moment.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Therein lies the rub. We failed to get promotion, and they didn't. I've thought for a long time that the only way FFP would ever 'stick' is if a 'big club' went to the wall, at which point it could be argued that the risk exceeds the reward. I never thought that it would be us, but it's looking very grim at the moment.

We wouldn’t concern the premiership 

we might concern Sky TV with all the sports packages cancelled in our area if we go bust or are in league One / third division 

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Just now, B4ev6is said:

If anyone should be punished should boro there ones that caused all this trouble I bet there in a loads loads of debt but oh no they dont get looked into because gibson throw a paddy.

Sorry B4, you are wrong here bud. Gibson may have been a factor in this mess, but the buck lies with Mel. 

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3 minutes ago, DanS1992 said:

Sorry B4, you are wrong here bud. Gibson may have been a factor in this mess, but the buck lies with Mel. 

If was not a for stopping them reaching play off he has sour grapes ever since I hate the more than forest or leeds or Burnley.

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FFP is designed with good intentions and to stop excessive spending. The fact that despite these restrictions, clubs were still prepared to push the rules/limits tells me that EFL clubs would be in a far worse position without it.

Lest we forget the reason why FFP is needed is because the 20th best club in England gets £100m in TV money and the 21st best club gets around £7m. Bridging this gap is frought with danger and people are prepared to gamble a clubs' future to achieve it. 

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4 minutes ago, DanS1992 said:

Sorry B4, you are wrong here bud. Gibson may have been a factor in this mess, but the buck lies with Mel. 

Yes but in the last 5 years Boro  have spent 1 year in the premier league and 3 years parachute payments so they could keep their better players. How are we supposed to compete?

That is not Gibsons fault but it shows how unfair the set up is. Morris has gone about things wrong and thrown good money after bad but only because that’s the only way he thought we could compete. 
The problem is the Lords in the premier league living the lavish style and throwing the scraps out to us peasants knocking at the door. 
A fair system needs to be set up so lower clubs can be sustainable without having to sell their best academy prospects to the likes of Liverpool or Man City for peanuts.

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14 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Yes but in the last 5 years Boro  have spent 1 year in the premier league and 3 years parachute payments so they could keep their better players. How are we supposed to compete?

Like Brentford did? Like we're doing now? We could have competed with Lampards loans did we really need to spend so much as well?

The blame lies with Morris, the rules are clear. We may not like them but we have to abide by them or be prepared for the consequences. Thanks a lot Mel.

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21 minutes ago, The Key Club King said:

FFP is designed with good intentions and to stop excessive spending. The fact that despite these restrictions, clubs were still prepared to push the rules/limits tells me that EFL clubs would be in a far worse position without it.

Lest we forget the reason why FFP is needed is because the 20th best club in England gets £100m in TV money and the 21st best club gets around £7m. Bridging this gap is frought with danger and people are prepared to gamble a clubs' future to achieve it. 

FFP Was not designed with good intentions.

it was designed to stop any other club doing a Man City and gate crashing the elite.

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47 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Like Brentford did? Like we're doing now? We could have competed with Lampards loans did we really need to spend so much as well?

The blame lies with Morris, the rules are clear. We may not like them but we have to abide by them or be prepared for the consequences. Thanks a lot Mel.

Yes you are correct but what about the Norwich’s West Broms, Fulham’s even Newcastle came down for a spell. Not saying we didn’t break the rules just questioning what is a fair playing field.

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6 minutes ago, Gritstone Ram said:

Yes you are correct but what about the Norwich’s West Broms, Fulham’s even Newcastle came down for a spell. Not saying we didn’t break the rules just questioning what is a fair playing field.

Yeah, but we knew it wasn't fair. Mel told us so as well. We trusted him to be sensible.

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51 minutes ago, uttoxram75 said:

FFP Was not designed with good intentions.

it was designed to stop any other club doing a Man City and gate crashing the elite.

Like Blackburn... And it's funny, I was talking to a 22 year old the other day about big clubs now vs what they used to be as he was saying Man City can't sell their tickets - I explained that they used to sell 30,000 in League One but they're a different club now. And that I remember when Chelsea had one of the worst grounds in the country and were basically Brentford. And Leeds were a contender. And I went to Filbert Street when there were 8,000 there. 

It's funny what's happened to clubs in the last 20 years. I'm sure there are lots more but as someone else said, I'd hate for us to be the first big club to go completely under. I'm not saying we've got a divine right to the Prem or that we're a contender for anything but the top 20 (and we've always punched above our weight in terms of size of city vs attendances) but we are one of the oldest clubs and one of hte founder members so for us to go under, the system has to be wrong. 

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6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Yeah, but we knew it wasn't fair. Mel told us so as well. We trusted him to be sensible.

I think you think I’m sticking up for him. I’m not the transfers have been some of the biggest wastes of money ever that and without parachute payments had sealed our doom. I just think the system needs to be fairer for lower league clubs but It’s a bit like society the rich want more and feed the rest scraps.

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I think after being deducted 12 points if the EFL continue with another possible 9 point deduction they are making the club unsaleable ? Is that what they really want as a Governing body? Teach Derby a lesson? Sending a club like ours to the wall? If we get new owners and let’s hope we do they can’t punish them for Mel’s actions surely?

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20 minutes ago, derbydaz22 said:

I think after being deducted 12 points if the EFL continue with another possible 9 point deduction they are making the club unsaleable ? Is that what they really want as a Governing body? Teach Derby a lesson? Sending a club like ours to the wall? If we get new owners and let’s hope we do they can’t punish them for Mel’s actions surely?

It's the debt, not the points . If we lose 25 points this season  the club would sell tomorrow, if the calamity who owned us paid his bloody bills. 

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1 hour ago, RoyMac5 said:

Like Brentford did? Like we're doing now? We could have competed with Lampards loans did we really need to spend so much as well?

The blame lies with Morris, the rules are clear. We may not like them but we have to abide by them or be prepared for the consequences. Thanks a lot Mel.

Yes it does Roy but how at the same time can you call a system “Financial Fair play” when anywhere between 3 and 9 clubs in the competition  get an exemption ? .. That isn’t a competition  .. that’s  a fixed fight, it’s bent ! . The EFL in cahoots with the prem are basicly saying “know your place cannon fodder, doff your cap when your told to by your betters ….. or else we will destroy you

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