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The latest from the club via Chris Coles


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43 minutes ago, rammieib said:


Any takeover bid will 100% be covered by an NDA. I'm sure of that.

So just because you have an NDA in place with a group of fans, doesn't mean you can then tell anyone details about that takeover. That would be breaking the original NDA with the takeover party.

However, if a takeover is 'close' - I still doubt this as I'm 100% sure there would have been leaks somewhere, but lets say it is, then yes granted, the Buyer could have given permission for certain aspects of the takeover to be revealed tonight. I just don't see for one reason though why a Buyer would allow this.

I'm not claiming they'd be able to share any takeover details - in fact I specifically stated that it was regardless of content being discussed

Almost any takeover would require than almost any meeting with people outside the club to discuss almost any topic related to the running of the club would need to be covered by an NDA - It's just basic hygiene as part of a takeover

They could be discussing the tea rota or the state of the sausages Derby serve - If it's club business then it'd likely need to be covered by an NDA during any takeover discussion period 

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32 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

I just hope all participants are aware of their profile.

We don't want images of David and "Instagram models/influencers" in a cheap hotel room to start surfacing in the Grimsby chronicle. 

Steer clear of coke. 

Don't want those Instagram models fluffing your lines! 

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5 hours ago, David said:

Ha maybe!

In fairness though, I do understand where those that are angry are coming from.

When I received the email, I questioned it immediately, looked for assurances, took me by surprise.

I asked was it not possible for the meeting to take place without the NDA, and only share information that could be shared.

I was given assurances that this would be like any other meeting. It’s just the paperwork side which as I say, protects us and themselves and might not even be called into use.

So I signed it and returned. Not entirely comfortably as I knew if this got out we would see the reaction we are seeing now. 

Shortly after it did, leaked on to Twitter which I am hugely disappointed by as it didn’t give us as a group the opportunity to question it further prior to the meeting tonight.

It’s been difficult the past 24hrs as I have been contacted several times, I’ve been careful not to confirm or deny until a conversation had taken place with the club tonight.

Feels like I may have lied, however everything I have said is true in that I have been given assurances this will be like another meeting we have been part of several times before now.

I do get it though, every Derby fan would love to be in that room tonight, I am very fortunate to be invited due to this forum. 

It’s good to see calm and understanding heads, I just want us all to be given a chance as scrapping the meeting over this which could potentially happen if all fan groups put pressure on their reps, helps nobody.

I think the meeting has been called partly to try and fulfil DCFC's 'obligations' to listen to their fans and engage with them and address the concerns felt by loyal fans who only want what is best for the club and to reassure the fans that their voices have been heard and listened to and to make them feel part of the 'ownership' of the club and therefore more confident and reassured about how the club is being managed and moving forward. This kind of approach is common in every kind of business (including schools) and it's a very good approach as long as it's not just a public exercise to placate people and make them feel involved without actually listening and reacting to their genuine concerns and suggestions. We had to do this as a school to ascertain parents' opinions about any perceived strengths and weaknesses but then we always had to draw up an action plan which we were held to scrupulously by the Governers and OFSTED.

I'm not very savvy on these matters but I doubt that the club will share any sensitive information at this meeting. I think they will be very careful not to leak sensitive information which could affect the club going forward and rightly so. Some information will be given freely, some less confidential information will be subject to NDA and some will will not be disclosed at all where there is a risk of damaging takeovers etc.  

Just read the above and it sounds cynical but that was never my intention. This is the way that organisations work and I just hope that our representatives are not only listened to but that the club begins to act on their and our concerns as soon as possible wherever they can. I am optimistic that this is not just a PR exercise.

Good luck, David for tonight. Look forward to reading your feedback and thanks.

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5 hours ago, Spanish said:

This is a place is express opinions, the fact you find mine ridiculous is of no concern to me.  I don’t believe that @David would expect us to be content with a don’t worry lads feedback.  It’s not that there is a trust problem, it is not something he would be happy to do IMO

I'm not concerned that you're not concerned about about my views.

Maybe @David wouldn't be content (I've think he's said as much) and that's fine. What I am saying though is to insist on NDA's isn't an insult, isn't a sign of contempt and isn't a loss of credibility. 

The way I see it, assuming there are some sensitive answers Mel wants to give that aren't quite ready for public disclosure or debate, he had three choices:

1) Continue to keep us completely in the dark

2) Hold a public Q&A but avoid any sensitive issues

3) Hold a confidential Q&A with a small group of representatives who, cannot disclose full details of the answers, but may be able to give some comfort to the wider public fan base.

Whilst not ideal, option three sounds like the best and doesn't sound like an insult, sign of contempt or loss of credibility to me.

Which would you choose if full disclosure to every one (it would soon be all over social media) is off the table the moment? 

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29 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

I'm not concerned that you're not concerned about about my views.

Maybe @David wouldn't be content (I've think he's said as much) and that's fine. What I am saying though is to insist on NDA's isn't an insult, isn't a sign of contempt and isn't a loss of credibility. 

The way I see it, assuming there are some sensitive answers Mel wants to give that aren't quite ready for public disclosure or debate, he had three choices:

1) Continue to keep us completely in the dark

2) Hold a public Q&A but avoid any sensitive issues

3) Hold a confidential Q&A with a small group of representatives who, cannot disclose full details of the answers, but may be able to give some comfort to the wider public fan base.

Whilst not ideal, option three sounds like the best and doesn't sound like an insult, sign of contempt or loss of credibility to me.

Which would you choose if full disclosure to every one (it would soon be all over social media) is off the table the moment? 


Some great points raised here is my take on this NDA scenario:

  • Firstly there will be zero in the way of updates regarding the takeover, the club has already said they are going to make no comments until a deal has been finalised.  I concur with this decision, so the selected few will be disappointed if they think anything other than "Its ongoing" is going to be disclosed.  Wow nothing to see here!
  • The NDA will probably block the mention of any questions, that they refused to answer would be a reasonable assumption, to save the club looking secretive and uncooperative.  
  • I really think this is just a tick on the box as the club are compelled to hold this meeting and I would expect no straight answers to the following questions:
    • Why has Mel allowed so much spending and poor budgeting to run up such massive debts?
    • Will the ground be included in all scenarios regarding a sale?  If not why not?
    • Why if we are within FFP regulations are the club still at odds with the EFL regarding the P&S rules?  What are the differences in opinion and will the EFLs stance mean we are possibly in breach of P&S rules and likely to attract a points deduction?
    • Is the debt the clubs or Mels personal debt as one contributor has stated?  I think its will be the club.
    • How much are we actually in debt at this moment in time?  That will come on out in the future accounts so no point in hiding the fact.
    • What tangible assets does the club still own - Moor Farm?

In summary, I will be very surprised if anything new comes out of this meeting, we will be told that the club is working hard to resolve the outstanding issues with both the EFL and HMRC, the club is working hard to attract quality players and close out the sale.  That will be it in a nutshell, a nothing meeting, but, the NDA adds an air of mystery that a chosen few may have be given commercially sensitive information, which they are not going to risk with non-employees of the club.

@David Good luck, but, I feel you are going to be frustrated and come out of the forum no wiser than what you went in, an early update as you leave, whether you feel there has been any real news when you leave would be welcomed though.  Obviously we will have to wait for the mins though...  

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40 minutes ago, RAM1966 said:


Some great points raised here is my take on this NDA scenario:

  • Firstly there will be zero in the way of updates regarding the takeover, the club has already said they are going to make no comments until a deal has been finalised.  I concur with this decision, so the selected few will be disappointed if they think anything other than "Its ongoing" is going to be disclosed.  Wow nothing to see here!
  • The NDA will probably block the mention of any questions, that they refused to answer would be a reasonable assumption, to save the club looking secretive and uncooperative.  
  • I really think this is just a tick on the box as the club are compelled to hold this meeting and I would expect no straight answers to the following questions:
    • Why has Mel allowed so much spending and poor budgeting to run up such massive debts?
    • Will the ground be included in all scenarios regarding a sale?  If not why not?
    • Why if we are within FFP regulations are the club still at odds with the EFL regarding the P&S rules?  What are the differences in opinion and will the EFLs stance mean we are possibly in breach of P&S rules and likely to attract a points deduction?
    • Is the debt the clubs or Mels personal debt as one contributor has stated?  I think its will be the club.
    • How much are we actually in debt at this moment in time?  That will come on out in the future accounts so no point in hiding the fact.
    • What tangible assets does the club still own - Moor Farm?

In summary, I will be very surprised if anything new comes out of this meeting, we will be told that the club is working hard to resolve the outstanding issues with both the EFL and HMRC, the club is working hard to attract quality players and close out the sale.  That will be it in a nutshell, a nothing meeting, but, the NDA adds an air of mystery that a chosen few may have be given commercially sensitive information, which they are not going to risk with non-employees of the club.

@David Good luck, but, I feel you are going to be frustrated and come out of the forum no wiser than what you went in, an early update as you leave, whether you feel there has been any real news when you leave would be welcomed though.  Obviously we will have to wait for the mins though...  

Not sure why you would think David will rush to give us an early update when you insist on pouring scorn on the whole process.

Can't expect to eat your cake and have it! ?

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3 minutes ago, Curtains said:

Just been past PP and MM , Pearce and 2 other Directors are parked in their bays.  Meeting started at 1830. 

About approximately 60 to 80 cars in car park I’d say .

Seems low key to me. 

Should have snuck yourself in mate.

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4 minutes ago, Curtains said:

Just been past PP and MM , Pearce and 2 other Directors are parked in their bays.  Meeting started at 1830. 

About approximately 60 to 80 cars in car park I’d say .

Seems low key to me. 

Stalker ?

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