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Starting line up for the first game of the season.


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12 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

If we don't bring anyone in, our starting 11 is surely - 

Roos : Ebosele Byrne Forsyth Buchanan : Bird Shinnie : Jozwiak Sibley/Watson Lawrence : CKR


Ebosele is being used as a winger or a forward at the moment. Byrne would continue at full back and you'll either put Buchanan at CB or bring in Cashin/Solomon for the centre back.

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1 minute ago, Srg said:

Ebosele is being used as a winger or a forward at the moment. Byrne would continue at full back and you'll either put Buchanan at CB or bring in Cashin/Solomon for the centre back.

Do either Cashin or Solomon count as our 19 players of 'professional stadning'? If not, we wont use them and take up a space for potential incomings.

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9 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

Do either Cashin or Solomon count as our 19 players of 'professional stadning'? If not, we wont use them and take up a space for potential incomings.

True, probably would be McDonald then who has played in the first team.

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12 minutes ago, Srg said:

True, probably would be McDonald then who has played in the first team.

Yeh would be either McDonald or Ebosele for RB, my thinking was that Ebosele is more attacking (as you say, being used more advanced) which will suit how Rooney wants to play out from the back with high fullbacks.

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Surely the most logical solution is to play your best players in their correct position, rather than move them elsewhere to fit more senior players into the side.

This was Liverpool’s undoing when they played Fabinho and Henderson at CB. Not only were they weaker at CB, but they weakened their midfield in the process.

Derby must play Byrne and Buchanan at fullback. Shinnie in midfield etc. rather than shuffle the side around to fit 11 senior players.

We’d stand a far better chance naming a youngster at CB alongside Forsyth than say bringing Buchanan or Byrne inside or Shinnie into the back four.

Hopefully Davies and Jags will be here by then, but if not, Solomon would be my choice.

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36 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Surely the most logical solution is to play your best players in their correct position, rather than move them elsewhere to fit more senior players into the side.

This was Liverpool’s undoing when they played Fabinho and Henderson at CB. Not only were they weaker at CB, but they weakened their midfield in the process.

Derby must play Byrne and Buchanan at fullback. Shinnie in midfield etc. rather than shuffle the side around to fit 11 senior players.

We’d stand a far better chance naming a youngster at CB alongside Forsyth than say bringing Buchanan or Byrne inside or Shinnie into the back four.

Hopefully Davies and Jags will be here by then, but if not, Solomon would be my choice.

Fully understand your point, but would you use Solomon if he then takes up 1 of the 4 permitted spaces to bring players in? Unless Jordan Brown is fit, who I think can play centre back, there is no centre back at the club under the 'professional standing' rule meaning either lose a space for a new player or play someone out of position.

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23 minutes ago, DCFC1388 said:

Fully understand your point, but would you use Solomon if he then takes up 1 of the 4 permitted spaces to bring players in? Unless Jordan Brown is fit, who I think can play centre back, there is no centre back at the club under the 'professional standing' rule meaning either lose a space for a new player or play someone out of position.

It’s a good point, but we may need four CBs at least for the season.

Especially given the ages of Jags and Davies, alongaide Forsyth’s previous injury troubles.

Rooney will likely switch to a back three at times too.

I’d just hate to see Byrne or Buchanan move out of position to accomodate. Especially Byrne as he’s a vital attacking option down that right flank.

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Won't name the poster to save their blushes, but this was someone moaning about our squad on here last November. We wish! 

The idea that this squad is good is a complete myth. You have to look at it without the academy players. We have 18 senior players in this team. 

Marshall - good keeper, relegated with previous 5 clubs

Roos - decent enough

Davies - past it

Forsyth - past it

Wisdom - decent enough

Te Weirik - who knows. Looks out of his depth

Evans - not good enough

Clarke - on loan, only had experience in League one

Byrne - decent player but had a lot of time in League one.

Bielik - young player with potential but only experience in League one

Shinnie - Scotland

Rooney - past it

Holmes - talented but not looked at it for months, only experience in lower leagues

Lawrence - talented but doesn't do it enough

Jordan ibe - who knows

Jozwiak - looks the business

Waghorn - good player but doesn't do enough

Cazim Richards - journeyman. Dreadful scoring record


And that's literally all there is. There's nothing there. It's time to get real about this team.

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How about


Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.



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2 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

How about


Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.



So you're saying pick 5 fulls backs, 1 cb & 2 defensive mids for a home game against a potential relegation rival?

If probably say Davies is more match fit than Wisdom currently

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2 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

How about


Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.



Who the chuff is scoring our goals in that line up ?

That line up would be relegated by Xmas and have about 6 goals to show for it if we were lucky and the refs were kind 

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2 minutes ago, NottsRam77 said:

Who the chuff is scoring our goals in that line up ?

That line up would be relegated by Xmas and have about 6 goals to show for it if we were lucky and the refs were kind 

As opposed to the guys who were banging them in last year?

We are talking about one fixture, not Christmas.

Ebosele has pace to frighten the opposition, especially paired with Byrne. Jozwiak runs out of puff after ten yards and runs sideways. Lawrence just runs into people and hits ridiculous shots.

Morrison has more talent than either and will be intelligent enough to support Colin, who, like last year, is our major (only) goal threat.


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7 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

As opposed to the guys who were banging them in last year?

We are talking about one fixture, not Christmas.

Ebosele has pace to frighten the opposition, especially paired with Byrne. Jozwiak runs out of puff after ten yards and runs sideways. Lawrence just runs into people and hits ridiculous shots.

Morrison has more talent than either and will be intelligent enough to support Colin, who, like last year, is our major (only) goal threat.


I’m no Lawrence fan but he came back and was heavily in anything creative fit those remaining games 

Ur removing potential spark for zero spark 

arguably it’s the same net result but at least show some intent to an equally poor side at home 

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1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

How about


Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.




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1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

How about


Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.



Jozwiak and Lawrence can both frustrate. But they can also provide a spark in the final third. I don’t think you would get that from Forsyth while Ebosele is raw.

Rooney has gone on record saying he wants to develop a playing style this season. Could be tough with the current crop, while there is a natural reaction to bunker down when the going gets tough.

I think Rooney will be under pressure not only to deliver results, but also a more pleasing and coherent playing style. You can only really do that with players who are comfortable on the ball. 

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1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

How about


Byrne            Jagielka        Wisdom        Buchanan


Ebosele          Bird         Shinnie         Forsyth 



Assuming three signings, two at CB. Not convinced Davies is match fit, or indeed that we could have him and Jags together.

Ebosele for pure pace and Forsyth for defensive cover for Buchanan so they can take it in turns to attack.

Morrison given no role other than to attack. Solid but dangerous on the break.

Jozwiak and Lawrence flatter to deceive too often. No crosses, no goals.



More to the point  would U pay best part of £30 twitch that line up ? Lol

id rather go Chuck the same amount of cash at a couple of tins dulux brilliant white,  throw them on the wall and see how they set ?

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