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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Cripes. So much for 'isolate for 5 days'.

I think you have misunderstood the advice. 
You can take a LFD test after 6 days that is six clear days after your first day. If it is clear then you have to wait 24 hours and then get another negative test. If the test if positive you have to keep trying up to day 10 which may be tomorrow. You should be ok after 10 days.

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1 hour ago, Gritstone Ram said:

I think you have misunderstood the advice. 
You can take a LFD test after 6 days that is six clear days after your first day. If it is clear then you have to wait 24 hours and then get another negative test. If the test if positive you have to keep trying up to day 10 which may be tomorrow. You should be ok after 10 days.

I was referring to the Tory minister the other day waffling on about wanting to bring it down to 5.

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

Poorly, as predicted on here ages back, Morrison's relentless pressure to 'let it rip' finally won out, and the country is a mess. Where I am, SA, has seen the government moved from relentlessly following the health advice, and having the fastest growing economy in the country, to ignoring it, letting omicron in, and now having the fastest growing outbreak instead. A lot of people are losing work, and businesses are closing voluntarily, with very little government support as 'it's not a lockdown'. 

Omicron is mild, but our health system can barely handle a windy day. Government isn't really doing anything anymore, people can't get tested though, so growth of cases is slightly depressed. 

Government is trying to offload as many cases from hospitals as possible, but isn't really helping as they're doubling more than once a week anyhow. They're going to redefine what it means to have Covid in hospital soon too, even though if you're positive, you need to be treated as such under our rules. That's make the numbers a few days smaller though. 

So yeah, I'd argue that saying Australia is a shambolic mess is probably about right. We prepared to 'live with delta', but omicron is so far out of our planning. It being milder isn't helping, as the case numbers are well in excess of 10 times what we were planning for, and could peak out closer to 100 times that. 

Also, I know you said no cricket, but Sydney is going to get drenched the next few days. England's team selections might have been rubbish for this test, but I'd be surprised if we got through more than 1-2 sessions at most. 5-0 is almost certainly gone. 

Edit: Also, our Prime Minister has pretty much said they're not providing free rapid tests as to 'not undercut the market'. So instead, there's basically none in the whole country, and the ones that are there are being sold at a 200%+ mark-up. 

Morrison is very unpopular right now. 

Edited by Albert
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46 minutes ago, Albert said:

Poorly, as predicted on here ages back, Morrison's relentless pressure to 'let it rip' finally won out, and the country is a mess. Where I am, SA, has seen the government moved from relentlessly following the health advice, and having the fastest growing economy in the country, to ignoring it, letting omicron in, and now having the fastest growing outbreak instead. A lot of people are losing work, and businesses are closing voluntarily, with very little government support as 'it's not a lockdown'. 

Omicron is mild, but our health system can barely handle a windy day. Government isn't really doing anything anymore, people can't get tested though, so growth of cases is slightly depressed. 

Government is trying to offload as many cases from hospitals as possible, but isn't really helping as they're doubling more than once a week anyhow. They're going to redefine what it means to have Covid in hospital soon too, even though if you're positive, you need to be treated as such under our rules. That's make the numbers a few days smaller though. 

So yeah, I'd argue that saying Australia is a shambolic mess is probably about right. We prepared to 'live with delta', but omicron is so far out of our planning. It being milder isn't helping, as the case numbers are well in excess of 10 times what we were planning for, and could peak out closer to 100 times that. 

Also, I know you said no cricket, but Sydney is going to get drenched the next few days. England's team selections might have been rubbish for this test, but I'd be surprised if we got through more than 1-2 sessions at most. 5-0 is almost certainly gone. 

Edit: Also, our Prime Minister has pretty much said they're not providing free rapid tests as to 'not undercut the market'. So instead, there's basically none in the whole country, and the ones that are there are being sold at a 200%+ mark-up. 

Morrison is very unpopular right now. 

Still. Good news about the weather forecast?

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46 minutes ago, Albert said:

Poorly, as predicted on here ages back, Morrison's relentless pressure to 'let it rip' finally won out, and the country is a mess. Where I am, SA, has seen the government moved from relentlessly following the health advice, and having the fastest growing economy in the country, to ignoring it, letting omicron in, and now having the fastest growing outbreak instead. A lot of people are losing work, and businesses are closing voluntarily, with very little government support as 'it's not a lockdown'. 

Omicron is mild, but our health system can barely handle a windy day. Government isn't really doing anything anymore, people can't get tested though, so growth of cases is slightly depressed. 

Government is trying to offload as many cases from hospitals as possible, but isn't really helping as they're doubling more than once a week anyhow. They're going to redefine what it means to have Covid in hospital soon too, even though if you're positive, you need to be treated as such under our rules. That's make the numbers a few days smaller though. 

So yeah, I'd argue that saying Australia is a shambolic mess is probably about right. We prepared to 'live with delta', but omicron is so far out of our planning. It being milder isn't helping, as the case numbers are well in excess of 10 times what we were planning for, and could peak out closer to 100 times that. 

Also, I know you said no cricket, but Sydney is going to get drenched the next few days. England's team selections might have been rubbish for this test, but I'd be surprised if we got through more than 1-2 sessions at most. 5-0 is almost certainly gone. 

Edit: Also, our Prime Minister has pretty much said they're not providing free rapid tests as to 'not undercut the market'. So instead, there's basically none in the whole country, and the ones that are there are being sold at a 200%+ mark-up. 

Morrison is very unpopular right now. 

Sorry to read this buddy. It seems ridiculous after the policy of ‘year 1’ to now let it burn and totally overwhelm your health services. Look after yourself. You should only need about 6-8 dry, two hour, sessions to go 4 - 0 up. 

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1 hour ago, Albert said:

Poorly, as predicted on here ages back, Morrison's relentless pressure to 'let it rip' finally won out, and the country is a mess. Where I am, SA, has seen the government moved from relentlessly following the health advice, and having the fastest growing economy in the country, to ignoring it, letting omicron in, and now having the fastest growing outbreak instead. A lot of people are losing work, and businesses are closing voluntarily, with very little government support as 'it's not a lockdown'. 

Omicron is mild, but our health system can barely handle a windy day. Government isn't really doing anything anymore, people can't get tested though, so growth of cases is slightly depressed. 

Government is trying to offload as many cases from hospitals as possible, but isn't really helping as they're doubling more than once a week anyhow. They're going to redefine what it means to have Covid in hospital soon too, even though if you're positive, you need to be treated as such under our rules. That's make the numbers a few days smaller though. 

So yeah, I'd argue that saying Australia is a shambolic mess is probably about right. We prepared to 'live with delta', but omicron is so far out of our planning. It being milder isn't helping, as the case numbers are well in excess of 10 times what we were planning for, and could peak out closer to 100 times that. 

Also, I know you said no cricket, but Sydney is going to get drenched the next few days. England's team selections might have been rubbish for this test, but I'd be surprised if we got through more than 1-2 sessions at most. 5-0 is almost certainly gone. 

Edit: Also, our Prime Minister has pretty much said they're not providing free rapid tests as to 'not undercut the market'. So instead, there's basically none in the whole country, and the ones that are there are being sold at a 200%+ mark-up. 

Morrison is very unpopular right now. 

No better here really.  Over 200.000 cases today. Had a message from my GP surgery last week advising their closed due to covid except in emergency and those appointments are very restricted.  The other option is 111.  Meanwhile paramedics are been asked to come out retirement to assist with the mess  and am sure I heard Boris talking about using the territorial army for something amongst a lot of erm, erms and paper shuffling earlier.

Nice to see Novaks got a free pass to travel and compete in Australia with no vaccine.  Sure that's popular with his opponents. Wouldn't happen if he was ranked 50 in the world methinks.

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7 hours ago, Eddie said:

That is the utter insanity that a few on here are yearning for.

Your judging people by your own standards again , who are those few you claim will be yearning for a countries health to be in a mess? Personally just because I didn’t think Australia s approach could work long term I certainly wouldn’t wish harm on anyone so I could have some sort of sad told you so moment
unless your talking cricket??‍♂️

Edited by Archied
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9 hours ago, Eddie said:

That is the utter insanity that a few on here are yearning for.

We can have as many cases as you like (which apparently now is the new go to measure) hospitalisations and deaths still remain low even 6 weeks after this new variant hit our shores. Maybe if we stop locking people up with no more than a cold then the services wouldn’t be in such a mess. A complete over reaction to something that originally was not even harmful to the mass population and now is even less so through vaccination, natural immunity and a weakened virus. Time to stop testing, stop self isolation and live with this like we do every other virus. 

Edited by TexasRam
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1 hour ago, Archied said:

Your judging people by your own standards again , who are those few you claim will be yearning for a countries health to be in a mess? Personally just because I didn’t think Australia s approach could work long term I certainly wouldn’t wish harm on anyone so I could have some sort of sad told you so moment
unless your talking cricket??‍♂️

I agree with @Eddie, the idea of just letting it rip is absolute insanity, its pretty much akin to just wanting people to get ill, although that is also something else he promotes, so now I'm confused!

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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Time to stop testing, stop self isolation and live with this like we do every other virus. 

I don't think that time is quite yet, but hopefully not too far away now.

I think once we see the case numbers dropping again (and continuing to decline for more than 2 weeks) then your argument is valid, but to stop testing and isolating when numbers are still exponentially rising seems a dangerous idea

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2 hours ago, TexasRam said:

We can have as many cases as you like (which apparently now is the new go to measure) hospitalisations and deaths still remain low even 6 weeks after this new variant hit our shores. Maybe if we stop locking people up with no more than a cold then the services wouldn’t be in such a mess. A complete over reaction to something that originally was not even harmful to the mass population and now is even less so through vaccination, natural immunity and a weakened virus. Time to stop testing, stop self isolation and live with this like we do every other virus. 

I left this thread months ago as it was just nonstop madness, but my word, it just keeps going. 

This approach would mean that they're treating it with less significance than even the flu, which they do test for, and do report on the numbers for still. Bizarre. 

Realistically, the issue with omicron is the shear scale of infections. Hospitalisation rate is down for it, as are deaths, but the shear number of infections more than makes up for it. 

Honestly, I suspect the UK will do better out of this than Australia, as there are high rates of historic infection, and there has been some effort to deal with things throughout. Honestly, Scomo just forced stuff open with no plan, and is basically now daily saying 'we never could have known it would be like this'. 

The one to look out for with it though is because omicron hospitalises less, what tends to happen is that hospisations hold steady for a bit while omicron cases climb, then eventually the hospitalisations start climbing too. For South Australia and New South Wales, which are driven pretty much by omicron, hospitalisations are doubling every 4-5 days. Victoria saw a period of flat hospitalisations, which are now starting to rise, as omicron has become the dominant variant. This is seen in the UK already, with hospitalisations in England now above the November pre-lockdown peak, and rising. Hopefully, it doesn't get to the January peak. 

I think we can be somewhat hopeful that the UK can ride this out. South Australia is a mess though. The incompetence of the current government is being highlighted dramatically. Their preparation was sorely lacking, and the health system is already showing signs of serious trouble. No idea what'll happen here in the coming weeks, but some of the modelling is suggesting a peak here of around the third week of January. I guess that's a positive with omicron, things are happening so far that the peak shouldn't be that far off. 

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4 hours ago, Archied said:

Your judging people by your own standards again , who are those few you claim will be yearning for a countries health to be in a mess? Personally just because I didn’t think Australia s approach could work long term I certainly wouldn’t wish harm on anyone so I could have some sort of sad told you so moment
unless your talking cricket??‍♂️

I always judge people by my standards, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.



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