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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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16 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

The vaccination rate is extremely high and all clinically vulnerable groups have had the chance to be vaccinated by now. I've seen a lot of comments saying if they're in a crowd they'll wear a mask but really it should be viewed as a binary decision unless the environment (outdoors, indoors, tight spaces) changes. As I understand, the masks only really stop you from spreading the virus if you have it so unless everyone is masking up it's not really doing anything unless you may have it. 

If people want to be wearing a mask after the mandatory period then they can but personally I'm not. I find the masks uncomfortable and as someone who is asthmatic they're not fantastically comfortable and it can make it feel quite difficult to breathe especially in muggy weather. The mask regulations have been poorly enforced anyway since even the beginning of last year on things such as transport with rules inconsistently applied. 

I guess one of the things which coronavirus might change is our attitude to spreading disease. 

We have previously had a devil may care attitude to socialising whilst having a cold or the flu. 

There has been some mockery of more considerate nations who wear masks in public so as not to spread disease. 

We can decide now whether we change or not. 

Having little in the way of facial recognition has for me been a big negative over the last 16 months or so. We have become automatons, scanning and skyping where F2F interaction would have been nicer. 

So there's a balance to be set. If I'm outside in the fresh air and a reasonable distance from others I'll be mask free. If I'm cooped up indoors like on the tube or bus, I will consider a mask. 

Others will have a different view. That's why at this stage, it has to be commonsense based, not rules based. 

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2 minutes ago, Anag Ram said:

I guess one of the things which coronavirus might change is our attitude to spreading disease. 

We have previously had a devil may care attitude to socialising whilst having a cold or the flu. 

There has been some mockery of more considerate nations who wear masks in public so as not to spread disease. 

We can decide now whether we change or not. 

Having little in the way of facial recognition has for me been a big negative over the last 16 months or so. We have become automatons, scanning and skyping where F2F interaction would have been nicer. 

So there's a balance to be set. If I'm outside in the fresh air and a reasonable distance from others I'll be mask free. If I'm cooped up indoors like on the tube or bus, I will consider a mask. 

Others will have a different view. That's why at this stage, it has to be commonsense based, not rules based. 

It might instigate a cultural change in mask wearing and there is precedent to support that idea as well. I wouldn't welcome it myself as masks generally are quite uncomfortable and if it does change the norm it could foster a social pressure to wear masks especially on transport. 

I don't really know anyone who actually has the flu and goes out tbh, if you have the flu you're pretty much bed bound from experience just from a lack of energy it creates. People do often go out with a slight cold and a runny nose which could be considered inconsiderate I guess. 

It's definitely right that we're transferring to a common sense model as opposed to a rules based model now that hospitalisations are firmly under control. It's a necessary move to a post pandemic society that needs to be realised quickly. 

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5 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

Well I agreed with this at first, but now realise that @angieramactually wants to destroy the human race. I'm going back to the office tomorrow and gonna spit in everyones face. To save them.

Well I think that in light of all this new research we should make spitting in public places compulsory. 

Nothing like dodging a few hawked up wads of snot on the pavement for making men and women of us all. 

I mean, honestly.... ?

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6 hours ago, Eddie said:

Yes. I like to remind people that Covid-19 is a killer. I have another one which is also skull-themed, and I alternate when one's in the wash.

The reason I ask is that unless it’s medical grade, you’re wasting your time.. Might as well not bother according to the profs..

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6 minutes ago, Angry Ram said:

The reason I ask is that unless it’s medical grade, you’re wasting your time.. Might as well not bother according to the profs..

An ordinary cloth face mask protects others, because it reduces the viral load you puke out in droplet form.

Just how many studies do you want me to quote?

They might well have only a marginal benefit for the wearer, but that's not the point. If everyone wears one when social distancing is not possible (e.g. on public transport), then everyone benefits by mutual protection.

I guess that altruism is a thing of the past.


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Roll on July 19th ?


What will change in step four, expected on July 19: 

- No limits on social contact - end to the rule of six/two households indoors 

- End to the one metre plus rule 

- No limits on attendance at weddings, funerals and other life events

- All businesses can open, including clubs

- No legal requirements on face coverings - guidance will still remain some areas

- Guidance on working from home will end

- Limits on care home visitors will be lifted 

Edited by maxjam
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11 minutes ago, Eddie said:

An ordinary cloth face mask protects others, because it reduces the viral load you puke out in droplet form.

Just how many studies do you want me to quote?

They might well have only a marginal benefit for the wearer, but that's not the point. If everyone wears one when social distancing is not possible (e.g. on public transport), then everyone benefits by mutual protection.

I guess that altruism is a thing of the past.


I think this was definitely the argument to make before mass vaccination came along but now we do have mass vaccination the protection is the vaccine as opposed to other less useful devices such as masking. These measures can't be considered in isolation either but as part of a package of measures that should no longer be considered mandatory but up to personal preference. For instance, if we should mask then why not social distancing for instance? 

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1 hour ago, Anag Ram said:

I guess one of the things which coronavirus might change is our attitude to spreading disease. 

We have previously had a devil may care attitude to socialising whilst having a cold or the flu. 

There has been some mockery of more considerate nations who wear masks in public so as not to spread disease. 

We can decide now whether we change or not. 

Having little in the way of facial recognition has for me been a big negative over the last 16 months or so. We have become automatons, scanning and skyping where F2F interaction would have been nicer. 

So there's a balance to be set. If I'm outside in the fresh air and a reasonable distance from others I'll be mask free. If I'm cooped up indoors like on the tube or bus, I will consider a mask. 

Others will have a different view. That's why at this stage, it has to be commonsense based, not rules based. 


1 hour ago, Leeds Ram said:

It might instigate a cultural change in mask wearing and there is precedent to support that idea as well. I wouldn't welcome it myself as masks generally are quite uncomfortable and if it does change the norm it could foster a social pressure to wear masks especially on transport. 

I don't really know anyone who actually has the flu and goes out tbh, if you have the flu you're pretty much bed bound from experience just from a lack of energy it creates. People do often go out with a slight cold and a runny nose which could be considered inconsiderate I guess. 

It's definitely right that we're transferring to a common sense model as opposed to a rules based model now that hospitalisations are firmly under control. It's a necessary move to a post pandemic society that needs to be realised quickly. 

There's a large Chinese population at the University of Manchester, and you frequently saw them wearing masks in the street pre-Covid. I think I'm right in thinking that they were wearing them to protect others if they had a cold (as opposed to protecting themselves from air pollution).

Not saying that will happen moving forwards, but it's not unheard of over here at least.

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2 minutes ago, DarkFruitsRam7 said:


There's a large Chinese population at the University of Manchester, and you frequently saw them wearing masks in the street pre-Covid. I think I'm right in thinking that they were wearing them to protect others if they had a cold (as opposed to protecting themselves from air pollution).

Not saying that will happen moving forwards, but it's not unheard of over here at least.

Yes and I believe it initially began with the outbreak of sars in the early noughties but I might be wrong about that. 

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48 minutes ago, Eddie said:

An ordinary cloth face mask protects others, because it reduces the viral load you puke out in droplet form.

Just how many studies do you want me to quote?

They might well have only a marginal benefit for the wearer, but that's not the point. If everyone wears one when social distancing is not possible (e.g. on public transport), then everyone benefits by mutual protection.

I guess that altruism is a thing of the past.


So you want the country to wear one to protect you?

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2 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

I guess one of the things which coronavirus might change is our attitude to spreading disease. 

We have previously had a devil may care attitude to socialising whilst having a cold or the flu. 

There has been some mockery of more considerate nations who wear masks in public so as not to spread disease. 

We can decide now whether we change or not. 

Having little in the way of facial recognition has for me been a big negative over the last 16 months or so. We have become automatons, scanning and skyping where F2F interaction would have been nicer. 

So there's a balance to be set. If I'm outside in the fresh air and a reasonable distance from others I'll be mask free. If I'm cooped up indoors like on the tube or bus, I will consider a mask. 

Others will have a different view. That's why at this stage, it has to be commonsense based, not rules based. 

I think people will now chuck the masks go back to old normal.

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I’ll still probably take a mask out with me depending on where I go. Somewhere packed and enclosed or the probably the doctors or even Aldi I might want to wear it, but just nipping to the local or a quiet shop I probably won’t. 

I’m not exactly a fan of wearing it but if it offers me a bit more protection then it’s not going to do any harm. 

Edited by tinman
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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

An ordinary cloth face mask protects others, because it reduces the viral load you puke out in droplet form.

Just how many studies do you want me to quote?

They might well have only a marginal benefit for the wearer, but that's not the point. If everyone wears one when social distancing is not possible (e.g. on public transport), then everyone benefits by mutual protection.

I guess that altruism is a thing of the past.


I will ignore the professor on LBC yesterday then.. Very pro mask wearing but no point unless medical grade.. You fill yer boots.

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32 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

I dont think after july19 you will see one person wearing me on other I will continue to do so once I have had cov19 test and neve blocking injection mine is coming off.

What if DCFC require you to wear a mask to attend games?

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1 minute ago, Rev said:

What if DCFC require you to wear a mask to attend games?

If you mean blindfolds, then based on last season and the transfer window so far, I’m ok with it ??

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