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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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17 minutes ago, Norman said:

And those caged up in prisons who are months behind the outside in terms of everything. Not that most would care about the violence and self-harm apart from those who work in those environments. 

Another few crucial summer months lost for wedding venues, hospitality, nightclubs, pubs wanting a big football crowd in etc etc. The economy needs this summer. Then add in cinemas and theatres that are hanging on. 

I just haven't got the time for people who think people only moan because they want to go on holiday. 

Pretty clear where the real selfishness lies now and has been for a while ,, usually the the give away is they churn out the all in it together garbage as if they believe it and think everybody is stupid enough to believe it???

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4 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

Who can possibly be happy with restrictions?!?!?!?  I'm as hacked off about having to wear face masks, not being able to see my family all at one time, and not being able to nip out for a bite to eat without booking 3 days in advance as anybody else, but I'd gladly take another 4 weeks of doing so if it meant we stood a better chance of not having to do it again in 4 months time...

Ahhhhh , I see , you’ve fallen for the please punch me now sir so you don’t have to punch and kick me later and thanks very much indeed for punching me i know you only keeping me safe ??‍♂️, end lockdowns NOW and never allow them to be used again 

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38 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

No problem with a 4 week delay.  Boris is actually showing some balls for a change. 

It's only clubbers, those with a wedding booked, and folk who feel entitled to a 10 day all inclusive in Majorca, every year, who're pissing & moaning anyway...

And maybe the millions who's income has been a minimum of 20% down for most of the past year...

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4 hours ago, BucksRam said:

I guess the fact that currently an average of 170,000 people a day are getting their first jab and 300,000 their second so in four weeks another 4.5 million will have had one jab, and over 8 million their second if the rate continues. 

So if the number of vaccinations is now the crucial figure, what numbers do we have to reach before we can lift restrictions.

In 4 weeks time there is still the option there for them to say not everybody is vaccinated yet, so we will give it just a few more weeks.

They won't commit to anything or give figures because that way they can continue to move the goalposts unchallenged. 

If this is going to be voted on by Parliament it should be done first thing tomorrow.

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5 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

So if the number of vaccinations is now the crucial figure, what numbers do we have to reach before we can lift restrictions.

In 4 weeks time there is still the option there for them to say not everybody is vaccinated yet, so we will give it just a few more weeks.

They won't commit to anything or give figures because that way they can continue to move the goalposts unchallenged. 

If this is going to be voted on by Parliament it should be done first thing tomorrow.

Don't worry, Johnson has seen nothing in the data to suggest everything can't open in 4 weeks time!

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55 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

No problem with a 4 week delay.  Boris is actually showing some balls for a change. 

It's only clubbers, those with a wedding booked, and folk who feel entitled to a 10 day all inclusive in Majorca, every year, who're pissing & moaning anyway...

Err, no it’s not. It’s businesses like mine that trade heavily in the hospitality and leisure industry and had zero support. 

Boris isn’t showing some balls, he’s showing what a contradictive ? he is. 

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21 minutes ago, maxjam said:


That was a pretty good summation of the situation and nothing like the hysterical rant from that Wooton guy yesterday.

If you watch that video with the "bottles it" title, you might be surprised to see Andrew Neil basically agreeing that extending restrictions is the right thing to do.

You might have well been watching him say exactly the same thing on the bbc.

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41 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Seems very strange for you to be taking a swipe at him when you support the action he has just taken.

Doesn't seem strange at all. He's an incompetent liar who has made loads of terrible decisions over Covid, like the delay over India travellers which has caused this latest delay.

As for this latest action, another 4 weeks seems a reasonable decision to help vaccinate as many people as possible. The current restrictions aren't too bad, provided the businesses and people impacted financially are supported.

It still makes me chuckle though of Johnson doing some sort of data analysis. 

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12 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Doesn't seem strange at all. He's an incompetent liar who has made loads of terrible decisions over Covid, like the delay over India travellers which has caused this latest delay.

As for this latest action, another 4 weeks seems a reasonable decision to help vaccinate as many people as possible. The current restrictions aren't too bad, provided the businesses and people impacted financially are supported.

It still makes me chuckle though of Johnson doing some sort of data analysis. 

Thought it was the vaccine avoiders that caused the latest  delay??‍♂️

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Can’t see season tickets going on sale until at least Zeta, Eta and Theta variants have come and gone. And be aware that one single case of the next variant mutation will put matters on further hold.  Not that many will worry one Iota.

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