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At 7:20pm I gave up on Sky TV awaiting the promised news from 4pm as they informed on Deadline Day Transfer News "Coming Soon..... Wayne Rooney's news on who he's interested in at Man Utd"........3hrs and 20mins of nothingness later on Transfer News!..........I even missed 20mins of Derby v Everton U23's!!!!!! and caught up with WR at half time on Rams TV regarding the latest news regarding transfers.

Sky TV........what a crock of posh people in pink shirts speaking gobbledygook!

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2 minutes ago, gccrowdpleaser said:

Gregory and Mengi in

Whittaker and Evans out.

Only ones announced ans official. 

And hector-Ingram out

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6 minutes ago, NottsRammy said:

Let's be honest that's it folks and rather a damp squib if you ask me like it always is .

Mbappe was nearly done but fell apart on personal terms - he wanted a three bedroom in Mickleover and we'd only stretch to a two bedroom in Mackworth.

Suarez was nailed on but he wanted a 3.2 litre car and we said no more than a 2.9 litre as it would go against our carbon footprint commitments

Besides that, Sterling was set but somebody said they doubted his ability for the cold trip to Rotherham and his agent pulled the deal

They are trying, #ITK

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