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Derby County v QPR Matchday Thread


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Bitterly disappointing. The players are absolutely at fault for that 1st half but my Cocu In-ness is waning, it feels like it’s just never going to happen. The Uber Cocu in guys must feel like that guy who’s wife keeps cheating on them and they’re like “It’s just a phase she’s going through, I’m sure she loves me”

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2 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

I think you are all being too negative. I have just had a piss and got a coffee without any queuing and now I am getting changed into my PJs! Result! Not having to go and sit in the freezing cold watching this pile of tripe is great news. 

Yeah, I'm watching Family Guy at half time. 

Has cheered me up. 

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1 minute ago, Chris_Martin said:

Every time we have a chance to attack them, we just pass it backwards! WHY!?

Get Cocu Out. Been saying it since last season

I think Cocu as tonight and Saturday 4 points in minimum for me,we are all the place it makes you wonder what we do in training,we have shoe horned Rooney in to the side and we look worse than ever,im not saying its Rooneys faullt but we have changed the way we play and every single player as no clue what they are doing and where they are supposed to be playing

This is worrying most on this forum said lets see were we are after 10 games,ill tell you relegation foder

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Just now, Leicester Ram said:

Personnel clearly not working.

Knight and Shinnie offer lots of industry but not much playmaking, Curtis is solid but limited, Rooney is talented on the ball but a liability off it.

Would like to see Sibley and Bird on, or even just have Knight and Rooney swap positions. Need a playmaker next to Shinnie and energy near Waghorn.

Really, really need to see an improvement this half, we’ve got it in us but nothing is clicking.

Shinnie and Knight are the perfect combination in midfield when we play three at the back as they hassle, win the ball and give it to the wingbacks. In a 4231 at least one of them needs to be a play maker, like Bird.

Rooney a passenger, despite him producing the one moment of quality in an otherwise tepid first half. Waghorn, Lawrence and Jozwiak just look confused.

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This is akin to watching Twin Peaks in Hungarian.. I mean, I haven't a scooby of whats going on tactically.

All i know is thats it 0-0, we are dire, devoid of tactical nonse ( no blame attatched to the players by the way) and it doesn't look good.

Thinking about licking some mushrooms growing in the garden and having a 15 minute meditation session to give me some clarity.



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4 minutes ago, CornwallRam said:

We'll be fine when we have a fully fit squad and the manager has time to get his ideas across. QPR are one of the greatest sides ever.  We're having the best pf the possession. 

I realise your post is slightly tongue in cheek but if people really believe this then I fear for our fans. Apart from Ibe and Bielik this is pretty much our strongest team. Also, if Cocu has not got his ideas across in over season then when will he manage it. The squad isn’t that different from last.

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