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36 minutes ago, Rammy03 said:

forest are fortunate that they're at home again in the 5th round

I think Brennan Johnson has already written Huddersfield’s team talk for them:

"We know the Huddersfield’s game [in round five] is going to be a big one. We’ve beaten Premier League teams and we don’t want to be done by a team of lower quality." 


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1 hour ago, Mr. P said:


This is what happens when you leave 11 year olds alone in hotels, to go drinking... They turn into yobs before they leave school!

Lifetime ban for the schoolboy.
£100m fine for Fester, for not controlling their fans.
22pt deduction for the home club, for not training their stewards properly, and allowing this to happen.
22pt deduction for Boro, because if one of their fans hadn't left their son alone in a Manchester hotel... etc, etc...

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