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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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Not specifically the last I saw because there have been so many on over Christmas, but one I watched that I didn't choose to watch is 'The Holiday'

So so so so so so bad I cannot even explain it. Cameron Diaz a perfect example of someone who can be so incredibly annoying that their attractiveness is just completely removed.

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Amy,  just watched on C4, brilliantly done, surpassed Senna in the way it shed light on her private life and demons.

I'd always felt she was an overindulged spoilt brat, who felt she needed to experience life's lows to inspire her musically.

That was maybe correct, but the extent to which she was exploited by various characters, including shamefully her own father imo, was laid bare in this beautifully made film.

Great singer, fantastic lyricist, shocking guitarist, 9/10 film.

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4 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Amy,  just watched on C4, brilliantly done, surpassed Senna in the way it shed light on her private life and demons.

I'd always felt she was an overindulged spoilt brat, who felt she needed to experience life's lows to inspire her musically.

That was maybe correct, but the extent to which she was exploited by various characters, including shamefully her own father imo, was laid bare in this beautifully made film.

Great singer, fantastic lyricist, shocking guitarist, 9/10 film.

Just watched it myself.

I thought it was brilliantly done; the lack of any narrative seemed to me to make the film all the more poignant with the viewer left to form their own opinions of the characters featured.

I was never really a fan of her music and just thought her to be a hell-raiser and sleazy low-life, based of her portrayal in the media at the time.

I was thoroughly riveted by this disturbing and sometimes shocking but brutally honest film. By the end of the film I had changed my opinion of her and was left feeling she was vulnerable, lead astray and exploited terribly by some of the people she loved the most.  

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10 hours ago, AmericanRam said:

The Hateful Eight:

Fantastic Western by Tarantino with a great cast.Just well done plot,acting,etc.


I didn't enjoy it as much Django, some good bits, had it's usual Tarantino gore and humour but dragged a bit in the middle.

Solid 7/10 for me.

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The Hateful Eight: 7/10.

Has all the things you expect from a Tarantino film, witty one-liners, intriguing dialogue, exaggerated violence and blood. Sadly though, whilst worthy of a watch, not that brilliant (as per usual QT films). A long film, which probably loses it a point. I wouldn't have minded the duration had the film been more entertaining and enthralling.

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Silly spoof spy caper with Melissa McCarthy, Rose Byrne, Jude Law, Jason Statham, Miranda Hart

Quite a few jokes miss the target but also a good few laugh out loud moments. Mr Statham was quite good at parodying himself from other films. Melissa McCarthy is usually funny & didn't disappoint in this one.


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Danish Girl. 7/10. Wife loved it. I fell asleep during the last twenty minutes (a regrettable first and my wife did not wake me up!) A bit confusing.

Martian 8/10 Well worked and slightly believable

Star Wars / Hype Wars - had to see it. Excellent CGI but fairly naff story with a few dudes making half a billion dollars for doing very little 7.5/10

Any Marvel film - 9/10 even if I have not seen it yet. (The wife likes me in spandex. well she said that she did!) Did I dream that?

Any film with Scarlet Johannsen in is worth the entrance fee. Marvel lous actress! Also big fan of Downey Junior.

Somewhat hooked on Murdoch Mysteries on Alibi Channel 132 on Sky at present. Best detective stories on the box.

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