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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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What we did on holiday.

British comedy with David Tennant, Rosamund Pyke :wub:, Billy Connolly, Ben Miller. Written and directed by Andy Hamilton.

A family drive from daaaan saaaath for a family get-together in the highlands, where the kids start letting out their bickering parents' secrets and decide to do their own thing.

Starts off like a movie version of "Outnumbered" and then changes once they get to Scotland. Not laugh-out-loud funny very often but a good few chuckles and sometimes quite poignant.


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I had to google it to fully understand it. Started reading up on all the timetraveling paradoxes. 

I like movies which make you think, and later go out of your way to learn more about it.

Just spent an hour or so reading the debates on imdb. Love it. I think I understood it the next morning after watching it.

I recommend it to anyone with decent powers of concentration.

I'm trying to get some friends around on Friday so I can watch it again!

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just settled down to watch this. I'm about 10 minutes in and nothing is happening yet aside of loads of people driving things badly thrown together by poor CGI across the desert.

They stop at a Little Chef in about 20 mins and order olympic breakfasts, then all hell breaks out over the ketchup.

Mad Max (fury road) - 3/10

Possibly the most disappointing waste of a film in a long time for me.

Greedy film execs taking advantage of a cult loyal fanbase in my opinion.

Loved the original Mad Max films, and this was like a punch in the face! 

2 hours of nonsense, with no actual plot, just 1 hour driving one way, then realising they're in the wrong place, then 1 hour driving back. Lots of sand, lots of cars flipping, lots of skulls etc on gear sticks, lots of face masks and body markings. Lots of leather impractical clothing. Lots more sand.

Save yourself two hours and avoid this film. If you need to watch a film, watch one you've already seen instead of this rubbish.

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First of the post-Hunger Games teen thriller franchise based in a future Chicago, where each of the population is segregated into one of 5 "factions", based on their personality traits. This then governs who you mix & live with as well as your job and role in society. One girl doesn't fit into any faction (she is "Divergent"), which causes her no end of kerfuffle and palava.

Enjoyable as long as you can swallow the premise that such a contrived division of the people could ever exist in the first place. The second one is out in the cinema at the moment (Insurgent) and I'll probably watch that one when it's out on Prime, so this one couldn't have been that bad that I still want to see what happens next.



The second instalment of the franchise & not as good as the average first. Apparently it's nothing like the book - not that I'm ever going to read it but in case any of you lot have.

The factions are at war and the "divergent" ones are being hunted down as dangers to society. Just nowhere near entertaining enough and the whole implausible set up just seems totally ridiculous here. Kate Winslet hams it up quite well as the bleach blonde villain and there's a cameo by Naomi Watts:wub: but little else to recommend here. The third and last book is to be split into 2 more films (aren't they all!) and I don't think I'll bother with them.


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