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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

Ovis aries

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1 hour ago, Anon said:

This one belongs in the unpopular opinions thread. Whilst I wouldn't be quite so scathing, I'm with you in that I'm mystified as to how this bang average film has managed to generate such an impassioned cult following. The dull abides.

The Grenet rating is perhaps as much to do with being promised the 2nd best French full Back after Lillian Thuram (represented here by the Coen's Fargo, which I dig) and ending up with something that was just dull and very meandering that I suspect I was meant to "get" but couldn't connect with at all.

John Goodman's character is the most annoying douche I've seen in a film for a while, but I basically hate The Dude. The film doesn't make me want to root for such an ******** and I don't care what happens on his journey because there is nothing at stake for him, as such I just found the whole thing boring.

If you're stoned or watched it first when you were 17 it's probably amazing, but it wasn't for me.

Hopefully I won't be drummed out of the magic circle for holding such a view.

Edited by JoetheRam
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9 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

The Grenet rating is perhaps as much to do with being promised the 2nd best French full Back after Lillian Thuram (represented here by the Coen's Fargo, which I dig) and ending up with something that was just dull and very meandering that I suspect I was meant to "get" but couldn't connect with at all.

John Goodman's character is the most annoying douche I've seen in a film for a while, but I basically hate The Dude. The film doesn't make me want to root for such an ******** and I don't care what happens on his journey because there is nothing at stake for him, as such I just found the whole thing boring.

If you're stoned or watched it first when you were 17 it's probably amazing, but it wasn't for me.

Hopefully I won't be drummed out of the magic circle for holding such a view.

I agree, bang average film. Always amazes me when i watch one of those films that leaves me feeling I've just missed something that everyone else got. Private Life of David Copperfield was exactly like that - I just could not see what everyone got so excited about with it. Excepting the first one, or the fourth one depending on your geek level, I'm the same about Star Wars.

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Adventures in Babysitting found this classic on Disney+. 
Loved it way back when I was a kid, and forgot how awesome it was. Gets bonus points for the classic soundtrack and the lovely Elizabeth Shue, who was a late 80s sweetheart ?

great innocent comedy of the era. 

solid Gabbiadini/10. 

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29 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

Suicide Squad. Jared Leto has got to be the worst Joker in the history of DC Comics. Solid Nick Pickering.

At least the trailer for The Batman looks promising which will mean it'll be pants. Still not convinced about Robert Pattinson.

Agree, from the trailer, it seems, his Batman isn't going to be too bad but his Bruce Wayne....



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Da 5 Bloods: appalling film. Got the feeling it’s a quick cash in on the Black Lives Matter movement. It fails to deliver any type of message, tell a decent story or be anything but divisive. 

Candido Costa/10

(gets a higher rating for the Marvin Gaye extracts!)

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Raiders! The Greatest Fan Film Ever. (Netflix documentary). 

Loved this film so much. We are so keen to see us Brits, as loveable eccentrics, but this US film just made my head buzz, my heart glow and my soul cheer with nostalgia. 

Not the Saturday night blockbuster you expect, but a beautiful ode to childhood, fandom and dedication.

Documentary of 3 kids (with their friends) who dedicated their childhoods to reenacting the entire Indiana Jones film to camera. With one scene unfinished and now approaching middle age they revisit the one scene they didn't finish.

Not for everyone, but 9/10 for me. 

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The Dead Zone - Stephen King adaptation from 1983 - On horror channel the other night & on Prime at the moment I think.

Love this film. Christopher Walken was absolutely perfect casting for the role of a guy who wakes from a coma with the gift/curse of premonition.

Impossible to watch nowadays without seeing strong parallels with a certain American President.


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1 hour ago, Mostyn6 said:

The Devil All of the Time. 

netflix film. Decent watch. Well made. 

Chris Powell/10

Watched it yesterday...very good.

In type, it kinda put me a little in mind of the first series of True Detective. 

Dark and brooding with clever yet occasionally slightly impenetrable dialogue, its probably not for the casual observer hoping for the blockbuster the stellar cast promises. Great acting, bleak and weaving storylines suck you in and with the believable period details all add to a film that is very interesting and unsettling. 

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2 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Just finished the first series of Magic City which focuses on the Miami mob scene of the late 50's. It's really well cast, expesnively art-directed and a more than decent watch.

Jordon Ibe / 10*


*Confident this rating will be a comfortable 8.5/10 in the coming months not 3 or 4

What platform is this on?

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Against my better judgement and out of boredom I've decided to slum it and watch a film starring the worst actor ever, that Elvis Presley impersonator wannabe - Nicolas Cage. 

An old film: Wild at Heart.

Possibly the worst film I have ever seen in terms of storyline, acting and directing (David Lynch).

To describe it as Blackman/10 would be an insult to Nick Blackman. 

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