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Just for anyone believing there was a first spike between November 2019 and March 2020 here are the monthly figures with the 5 yearly average next to them:-

November   43,187     40,656

December    41,463     40,720

January        62,770     64,179

February       43,587     46,283

March           43,700     43,406

TOTAL         234,707  235,244

Can't say there is anything that would stick out there to indicate a 'first spike's.

By comparison the figures for April is as follows:-

April               97,204    51,721

That is the sort of figure we are looking at for a 'spike'.

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3 hours ago, Chester40 said:

For my part, (without any medical training) I would argue claiming it is horrendously dangerous is well over the top looking at any statistics

That is not true. There are all sorts of weird things going on with this virus. It can cause severe inflammation of the lungs right down to the tiny alveolae at the deepest extremities. It affects other organs too.

It can cause dangerously low blood oxygen levels that put you at death's door, but for some strange reason patients don't even seem to notice it as if they had been living in the Himalayas all their lives.

It can also cause tiny little blood clots all over the vascular system.

And it can cause hardly any or no symptoms at all.

I don't have any medical training either, but that doesn't stop me from reading articles by people that know their stuff, and ignorance is no excuse.

This is not flu and it needs to be treated with the utmost respect.

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13 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

That is not true. There are all sorts of weird things going on with this virus. It can cause severe inflammation of the lungs right down to the tiny alveolae at the deepest extremities. It affects other organs too.

It can cause dangerously low blood oxygen levels that put you at death's door, but for some strange reason patients don't even seem to notice it as if they had been living in the Himalayas all their lives.

It can also cause tiny little blood clots all over the vascular system.

And it can cause hardly any or no symptoms at all.

I don't have any medical training either, but that doesn't stop me from reading articles by people that know their stuff, and ignorance is no excuse.

This is not flu and it needs to be treated with the utmost respect.

As someone that has obviously researched this, what are the death stats for people under 40 that have died from this disease or people with no underlying health issues?

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7 hours ago, Chester40 said:

This is the kind of hyperbole that isn't helpful. That isn't the choice is it. 

If you have an underlying condition that puts you at more risk then you won't be expected to go in. Otherwise you really aren't dicing with death. 

But you become one more infected person to take the virus out into the community. 

the research is mixed, the threat uncertain and until the effects of schools being opened is known or analysed it will remain this way. It’s interesting that the study which shows that children are likely to be as infectious as adults comes from Germany - where schools have reopened and cities been out back into lockdown.

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12 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

That is not true. There are all sorts of weird things going on with this virus. It can cause severe inflammation of the lungs right down to the tiny alveolae at the deepest extremities. It affects other organs too.

It can cause dangerously low blood oxygen levels that put you at death's door, but for some strange reason patients don't even seem to notice it as if they had been living in the Himalayas all their lives.

It can also cause tiny little blood clots all over the vascular system.

And it can cause hardly any or no symptoms at all.

I don't have any medical training either, but that doesn't stop me from reading articles by people that know their stuff, and ignorance is no excuse.

This is not flu and it needs to be treated with the utmost respect.

All reasonable enough points...but flu can be deadly and our policy is to offer vaccination if you want it. That's it. 

For Covid 19 we have literally shut down the entire country for 2 months. My argument is that needs to be lifted at a reasonable pace, other people are saying its not safe to go back to work. 

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1 hour ago, Tyler Durden said:

I clearly didn't say that, if I refer to you my original post it states that comments made by teachers saying that they are not going to back to work until the workplace is 100% safe are unhelpful and are doing the teaching profession a disservice. 

As I don't read the Daily Mail then I can't comment on your reference 

I think what you have done is read a comment on Twitter and decided that is representative of an extremely large number of people. I don’t really understand how any random individual’s comment can be unhelpful to such a cogent, well-thought out concern. 

If the teaching profession follows government instruction then there will be at least 16 people in one room where Social distancing is impossible. Government advice is currently full of contradiction - either we need to socially distance or we don’t. 

It is such a highly complex issue. You have physical well-being intertwined with mental well-being. Genuine concerns have been raised, just like they rightly have by Transport Workers Unions for example due to the disproportionately high number of deaths amongst bus drivers. 

Surely questioning instructions and advice, which is contradictory, for the benefit of all isn’t something to be criticised. 
I think you will find that children start to return to school but at more sensible ratios than government advice. Everything will be done by the schools themselves to protect staff and children alike. Pretty much because that is what happens every day.

Anyway. I regret getting drawn into this In the first place by an idiotic statement (Not yours). It’s not what I am here for. I am here to discuss the merits of Mick Coop and Con Blatsis and hopefully one day we can all return to that. 

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9 minutes ago, Steve Buckley’s Dog said:

I think what you have done is read a comment on Twitter and decided that is representative of an extremely large number of people. I don’t really understand how any random individual’s comment can be unhelpful to such a cogent, well-thought out concern. 

If the teaching profession follows government instruction then there will be at least 16 people in one room where Social distancing is impossible. Government advice is currently full of contradiction - either we need to socially distance or we don’t. 

It is such a highly complex issue. You have physical well-being intertwined with mental well-being. Genuine concerns have been raised, just like they rightly have by Transport Workers Unions for example due to the disproportionately high number of deaths amongst bus drivers. 

Surely questioning instructions and advice, which is contradictory, for the benefit of all isn’t something to be criticised. 
I think you will find that children start to return to school but at more sensible ratios than government advice. Everything will be done by the schools themselves to protect staff and children alike. Pretty much because that is what happens every day.

Anyway. I regret getting drawn into this In the first place by an idiotic statement (Not yours). It’s not what I am here for. I am here to discuss the merits of Mick Coop and Con Blatsis and hopefully one day we can all return to that. 

Mick Coop had no merits whatsoever 


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39 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

How bizarre is this Daily Mail article, which was published online under the headline '15 million expected to head to beaches and parks today's


You mean bizarre as the sense some unattributed person thought loads of people would go out and, er, they didn't ?

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2 hours ago, TramRam said:

It's either the biggest April fool or these people need sectioning, Including Corbyns Brother.


Full story here.


It’s no April Fools there are these people. They will argue Black is white and that there is a government motive for all this or something to do with 5G.

I think they like to think they know something we don’t and they believe we are all brain washed.

If they find a vaccine they will be the ones saying it is some chemical to prevent 5G killing you.

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5 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

There is no vaccine for Covid 19, and the vast majority don't have any immunity. Let me say it again, this is not flu.

Ok. Largely irrelevant in relation to my point but thanks for repeating. Let's not go over this, clearly pointless. 

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

How bizarre is this Daily Mail article, which was published online under the headline '15 million expected to head to beaches and parks today's


I was about to head to Skeg, until I read in the Express how it would be hotter than Ibiza / colder than Siberia, likely to be where they found Maddie etc etc.

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8 hours ago, i-Ram said:

Oh come on. Chester is not suggesting the ill and dying go out to work. The fit and healthy in the low risk category need to start returning over the coming weeks if the R rate stays below 1 and hospital admissions are falling away. In particular teachers have a huge part to play.

Yep ,too easy to label it as just money above lives , if we don’t look at things with balance then there’s going to be no way of financing anything , ,nhs included which means corona virus and a multitude of other deaths , teachers and transport workers choosing not to play their part ( if that’s how this plays out) will stop others from working too 

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8 hours ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Thread seems to be taking a strange turn. Seems to me that our personal safety and that of our families, is a consideration for us as individuals. It is not for us to dictate to others what they should or should not do nor is it very helpful to mock their fears, especially when medical professionals share their concerns.

I can understand folk being annoyed by those who flout social distancing directives, as their actions can seriously endanger others, but it's harder to understand why folk think it's OK to tell others what risks they should be prepared to take. It's a personal choice and nobody else's business.

That’s ok if you are prepared to spin it and say you have no right to tell people they can’t work or meet family , the gov have taken the reigns on and expected us to follow their guidance and as such surely we accept their guidance on return the same as we accept it on lockdown , if not then who drives policy , 

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17 minutes ago, Archied said:

That’s ok if you are prepared to spin it and say you have no right to tell people they can’t work or meet family , the gov have taken the reigns on and expected us to follow their guidance and as such surely we accept their guidance on return the same as we accept it on lockdown , if not then who drives policy , 

That doesn't follow. You can accept that our Govt recognises what a serious situation we are in and also because of that accept them making certain guidelines as to how we should deal with it. It doesn't mean you have to accept that they have made the correct call as to when it is safe to restore a normal existence.

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