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9 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I think tomorrow is the day that confirms how deadly this virus has been for this country.

ONS death rates released and Government said their figures will include the deaths in care homes.

Anyone else find it weird that there have supposedly been coronavirus outbreaks at 92 care homes in the last 24 hours?

Yes and no. They are very vulnerable and carers are bound to spread the virus from room to room. People have obviously been dying in care homes without it getting much publicity.


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2 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Yes and no. They are very vulnerable and carers are bound to spread the virus from room to room. People have obviously been dying in care homes without it getting much publicity.

Yes the patients are vulnerable hence why I would expect them to have been completely locked down for the last 3 weeks with no visitors.

Therefore the outbreaks have got to be from carers.

For an outbreak to simultaneously happen in 92 different care homes sounds very odd to me!

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8 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

For an outbreak to simultaneously happen in 92 different care homes sounds very odd to me!

How difficult do you think it is to 'totally' lock down a care home? Didn't you see what was happening in some of the care homes in Madrid?

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32 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I think tomorrow is the day that confirms how deadly this virus has been for this country.

ONS death rates released and Government said their figures will include the deaths in care homes.

Anyone else find it weird that there have supposedly been coronavirus outbreaks at 92 care homes in the last 24 hours?

I’ve reached the stage of not looking at numbers and stats , from reading and listening to a varied array of news and views I’m certain the numbers being published and used to measure the curve are in no way anywhere accurate, they could easily be being under calculated or over calculated 

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New cases have dropped 90% from earlier highs, only 10 new cases in the last 24 hours, 9 of those already in quarantine, with total cases, 32 have recovered meanwhile and total infected is 1.711, 8 deaths.

i have been critical of some of the local handling, but some things have been done right, lots of testing, isolating all infected, quarantining all those in contact with infected.  Good news, but remains to be seen if another spike comes later, the exit strategy being a slow phasing in of normal social activity, taking months.

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yes the patients are vulnerable hence why I would expect them to have been completely locked down for the last 3 weeks with no visitors.

Therefore the outbreaks have got to be from carers.

For an outbreak to simultaneously happen in 92 different care homes sounds very odd to me!

Derbyshire care homes have been closed to visitors and as yet there have been no reports of coronavirus, but it’s bound to happen eventually.

However not that long ago folk weren’t overly concerned about elderly people dying with coronavirus. there was an attitude that the victims “would have died anyway”, and maybe this virus isn’t as severe as it’s made out.
Those who suffer severe respiratory failures end up in intensive care. I would Imagine that those dying of lung failure in hospital are counted as coronavirus victims. Those who die in homes may or not be counted. It probably depends on how much testing there is and the extent of other health issues. 
ppe distribution is prioritised to front line staff but supplies are running low. 
this virus is so widespread and is so relentless that it can’t be contained. 

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13 hours ago, TramRam said:

The EU procurement scheme has not been entirely successful, however. While deliveries of masks, gowns and gloves will be made in tranches over the next two to 18 weeks, the procurement of ventilators will be slow, according to a leaked EU document.

“Companies indicated long delivery times, from 10 to 52 weeks,” the commission warned member states of the £690m purchase.


I would say the world is in a tough place, All wanting the same equipment.

Indeed. It could be useful to be part of a large block bargaining together.

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On 11/04/2020 at 17:29, Angry Ram said:

Conundrum.. Father-in-laws birthday on Wednesday.. Well into his 80s now and of an era where they were possibly made of sterner stuff.. Safe to say he is struggling staying in but been brilliant doing so. We get the shopping etc so he does not have to. 
Walkable distance from us and we were thinking about walking round (daily exercise as normal), taking a bottle of red and sitting in his front garden and having a glass with him. Normal distancing rules apply. 
Not essential  in the greater scheme of things but would mean the world to him. 
I would say that’s acceptable is only for his sanity and the wife’s.. And mine as well, love the old git really.

Yes or No?

I think you'll be OK, just as long as you don't announce on a public forum that you're planning to do it.

We had drinks with the neighbours over the fence on Saturday - we were probably 10m apart, brought our own drinks and snacks and enjoyed the opportunity. As long as you behave in the spirit of the lockdown and behave within the boundaries of what is asked of you then surely that has to be OK. The problem is that there will always be a few idiots who will try to bend the rules - I am sure those chumps playing cricket would claim they were never within two metres of each other.

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Needed to vent this somewhere, wasn’t sure where to though.

To see people still going out, having bbq’s etc is genuinely pissing me off.

Today I’ve seen on facebook someone very close to home has been meeting up with her friends several times during this lockdown.

Now just that part angers me, but this next part makes it even worse.

She works in a care home for the elderly.

This really and I mean REALLY angered me, I lost my Great Grandma 2 weeks ago, and I couldn’t even say goodbye, I wasn’t able to go and see her in the week before that when she fell ill because a nurse tested positive for COVID-19.

I’d hate for anyone else to be in that position.

People like this make me sick, she’s not putting herself at risk, she’s putting everyone in that care home at risk.

Sorry, I just needed to vent this.

Stay safe everyone x

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On 12/04/2020 at 12:19, TexasRam said:

Here’s one for you taken Thursday arrival from JFK??E376449D-DFB0-4FFB-A56D-B4BE547C6038.jpeg.21db7139985a8921df104c36e702dc13.jpeg

Sorry, I just don't believe this photo was taken last week - and not just because nobody wears red Adidas trackie bottoms any more. I find it really hard to believe that any airport would allow people to stand like that, or that people would want to, almost nobody is wearing masks etc. I also see no posters or notifications around Covid-19 and even in the time before lockdown that was not the case - airports were plastered with it. If you prove me wrong then so be it, but I'm not buying it here and now.

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1 hour ago, Squid said:

She works in a care home for the elderly...

I'd suggest you post the BBC article on her FB page. 



It comes after the government confirmed there had been coronavirus outbreaks at more than 2,000 care homes in England - although they did not specify the number of deaths that had occurred.

The figures prompted the charity Age UK to claim coronavirus is "running wild" in care homes for elderly people.

"The current figures are airbrushing older people out like they don't matter," Caroline Abrahams, the charity's director, said.

About 410,000 people live in care homes in the UK, living in 11,300 care homes for older people supplied by 5,500 different providers.


England's care home regulator, the Care Quality Commission, has said it will begin recording deaths in adult social care from this week - asking care providers to give daily updates on the number of confirmed and suspected cases.


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14 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I think tomorrow is the day that confirms how deadly this virus has been for this country.

ONS death rates released and Government said their figures will include the deaths in care homes.

Anyone else find it weird that there have supposedly been coronavirus outbreaks at 92 care homes in the last 24 hours?

Figures released today.

And I'm happy to back down from my previous stance that the numbers were being overstated, if anything it would look to be the opposite.

For the week ended 03/04/2020, deaths were circa 6000 up on the 5 year average. This is 850 a day and at a time where only 300 to 400 deaths a day from Covid 19 were being reported in the news.

Think it's safe to say that when the true figures are finally released we are going to be up there with Italy, Spain and France in terms of the death toll.

The increase appears to be only in the age categories of 45+.

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1 minute ago, G STAR RAM said:

Figures released today.

And I'm happy to back down from my previous stance that the numbers were being overstated, if anything it would look to be the opposite.

For the week ended 03/04/2020, deaths were circa 6000 up on the 5 year average. This is 850 a day and at a time where only 300 to 400 deaths a day from Covid 19 were being reported in the news.

Think it's safe to say that when the true figures are finally released we are going to be up there with Italy, Spain and France in terms of the death toll.

I wonder if @smiths_tavrn has seen this?

Grim reading but, hopefully, caused some in the denial camp to think again.

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2 hours ago, Squid said:

Needed to vent this somewhere, wasn’t sure where to though.

To see people still going out, having bbq’s etc is genuinely pissing me off.

Today I’ve seen on facebook someone very close to home has been meeting up with her friends several times during this lockdown.

Now just that part angers me, but this next part makes it even worse.

She works in a care home for the elderly.

This really and I mean REALLY angered me, I lost my Great Grandma 2 weeks ago, and I couldn’t even say goodbye, I wasn’t able to go and see her in the week before that when she fell ill because a nurse tested positive for COVID-19.

I’d hate for anyone else to be in that position.

People like this make me sick, she’s not putting herself at risk, she’s putting everyone in that care home at risk.

Sorry, I just needed to vent this.

Stay safe everyone x

You need to report her to the care home ASAP.

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2 hours ago, GboroRam said:

Not heard from @SchtivePesley either, no posts for a week. I'm sure plenty of people will take solace in that bit ? but come back soon both of you.

I am missing Schtive too. Perhaps he has set-up a care facility for verbally abused Chinese students, but it would be nice for him to check in to.

You must in particular be missing him and 86. With only Riot from the Red Army posting regularly you must be feeling a bit lonely. If you need anything let me know. I am happy to move ever so slightly to the left for you.


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