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Lawrence and Bennett Convicted of drink driving

Message added by Day

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11 minutes ago, Davide said:

Big difference between 1 and 10. 1 drink isn’t over the limit usually. 

I personally would not drink and drive even after one drink. But that is my ethos and opinion.  If you are happy to do so, far be it for me to stop you .

And actually yes you can be over the limit with one drink, all down to metabolism etc

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23 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

For years I’ve seen cars on the player car park with a Keogh type personalised reg plate. Now everyone says he doesn’t drive?..

Its not all of a sudden. Mason Mount had to give him lifts in last season and before that I think it was Martin and a couple of others.

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1 minute ago, Sexydadbod said:

I know these players are adults so should be treated as such, but why on earth do you choose to drink recklessly like that when you’re a pro footballer. They get paid all these thousands upon thousands a week to be in tip top shape then they’re out drink stupidly like that in a week we have a game. If you’re going to drink stupidly like that at least do it in the off season- let alone going into a car while in that state..

This is the footballer mentally all over, thinking they’re above the law. I defend these idiots  to my non football liking friends, trying to explain why they get paid as much as they do. If they’re going to act stupidly like this then I just won’t bother. This has made me so angry, give me all the money they do and I won’t touch a drop of alcohol. They can drink all all they want, like James Milner says, when they retire. You don’t even have to do that, just drink sensibly by limiting it to to or three glasses on wine maximum rather than pretending to be a university student is who shout LADZ LADZ LADZ. While in your profession, be the best you can, on and off the pitch. Children rightly or wrongly look up to these people, so do players in the Derby youth teams. This has made me more angry as the day has gone on.

I know a few lower league footballers, and they all have nights out but usually in the off season or in international breaks and get hammered. Fair enough, grown adults, we've all gone to work hungover

But none of them are ever dumb enough to drive home. They may be thick as poo, but they're still decent human beings and usually take it in turns to be the designated driver! 

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5 minutes ago, RandomAccessMemory said:

I think people need to be careful, just because it appears certain other players may have been there in the videos does not mean those players were involved in what later happened, it's entirely possible they could have left in taxis before the others left.

Let's let the club find out what happened before tarring them all with the same brush, shall we?

Yep, you're right. Hopefully it was just the 3 we know of that were involved but I'm just expecting the worst ..... I mean, we are Derby fans after all and if something can go wrong, it usually does 

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I agree with the fact that Huddlestone and possibly others may not have known what's going to happen later. However they are several days from a game and they are egging on a team mate who's getting/is wasted and then putting it on social media.  

Highly unprofessional!

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Think there is a very important distinction that I can make between my outrage and seeming over-reaction.

Have I ever been drunk and done something I regret? Have I got friends who have done terribly dangerous things while drunk? Can I see they were acting-out, being laddish etc and meant no harm? Of course.  Can I forgive them?  Can I see they have made a mistake and aren't bad people. Again ... yes 

BUT .. they're also get paid a hell of a lot of money to represent the club, the city, the fans...and on works 'time' they have taken a massive dump on it all. The stupidity of their 'work-related' actions on the club are massive and pretty unforgivable.  Really can't see a way back long term for any of them and it reflects really horribly on the club as a whole. 

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11 minutes ago, Cam the Ram said:

Yep, you're right. Hopefully it was just the 3 we know of that were involved but I'm just expecting the worst ..... I mean, we are Derby fans after all and if something can go wrong, it usually does 

I do get that.

I just don't like all the (pardon the unfortunate pun) knee jerk reactions from some people to every little bit of information or news that comes out without first getting the context of it.

It seems that if some people had their way we'd sack the entire squad despite the fact that we only know (so far) of 3 players being there and involved!

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Dave Harris, a Derby resident and Derby County walking football team player, said: “Without the support of Drinkaware we wouldn’t be where we are today. We take our fitness very seriously. I’m not saying we don’t drink, we do, but we’re aware that if we want to put in a performance then we’ve got to cut down." (Daily Mirror)

I'm pleased that a member of a Derby walking football team is aware that drinking affects performance.

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5 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

Think there is a very important distinction that I can make between my outrage and seeming over-reaction.

Have I ever been drunk and done something I regret? Have I got friends who have done terribly dangerous things while drunk? Can I see they were acting-out, being laddish etc and meant no harm? Of course.  Can I forgive them?  Can I see they have made a mistake and aren't bad people. Again ... yes 

BUT .. they're also get paid a hell of a lot of money to represent the club, the city, the fans...and on works 'time' they have taken a massive dump on it all. The stupidity of their 'work-related' actions on the club are massive and pretty unforgivable.  Really can't see a way back long term for any of them and it reflects really horribly on the club as a whole. 

I agree. We've all done stupid things. But, and some people may disagree, footballers are exceptional.

They earn exceptional wages, with terms in their contracts that nobody else gets. They are in the media spotlight (whether they like it or not) and they know this when they choose to become professionals.

If I refuse to go to work, I get sacked. If they do it, they still get paid. If I perform poorly at work, I get the sack. If they do it, they still get paid. My employer doesn't provide me with the kind of services they get, or the same perks. I have to work a 38 hr week, they don't.

Exceptional circumstances demand exceptional behaviour.

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Well so far we can cross off Waghorn as not being involved. My predictions as to who wasn't there:

Bielik (language barrier and all that)

Dowell (not fitted in yet) 

Shinnie (new baby)

Roos (Can't ruin his good looks with calorific beer) 

No idea about the rest but hope Holmes Marriott and Martin not involved at the very least.


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29 minutes ago, Millenniumram said:

Almost making me not want to bother going for the rest of the season this. Don’t want to see people like this representing our club. Think the club is being far too lenient on players who were there but not driving. Should’ve shown more responsibility in their position. Don’t want anyone involved playing for us again, but that doesn’t seem to be the action being taken. Extremely disappointed.

Makes me sick having to “support” people like this at a football match. Not sure I can bring myself to do it. Don’t think I’ve ever hated my own team before, but it’s getting that way.

Millenium this was my reaction at 13.30 when I heard the news about Keogh, however there is probably a good proportion of the squad who played no part in this. If this is the case these players are Derby County NOT Lawrence, Bennett, Keogh or anybody else who were in involved in the later incidents. So I have come to the conclusion that carrying on supporting the "good guys" is the best course of action in this instance, it would not be fair on these professional ones to withdraw my support they have done absolutely nothing wrong. I know that everyone is sore at the moment but I think it is time just too step back and see what evolves from this mess.

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35 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

In defence of Huddlestone he may not have known of the later catastrophe when he posted this. Just because he filmed it does not mean he was involved.

If he was then sack him.

But he is clearly part of the small group that stayed beyond 8.

No way would any of the club staff that were at the meal who left at 8 with others would allow Bennett to stay out in that kind of state?

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