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On 21/04/2019 at 22:07, reveldevil said:

Line of Duty.

What a punch in the guts that programme can provide!

I know I am in the minority but this series of Line Of Duty is just one too many. It feels really badly written and is just a bit too pantomime. The whole idea that they are chasing some criminal mastermind who would give themselves a code name that starts with the first letter of their surname is just a bit silly. Plus it's all so hyped towards making out one character is guilty there's no real way back from it with any sense of interest. It really has died on it's feet for me.

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9 minutes ago, BaaLocks said:

I know I am in the minority but this series of Line Of Duty is just one too many. It feels really badly written and is just a bit too pantomime. The whole idea that they are chasing some criminal mastermind who would give themselves a code name that starts with the first letter of their surname is just a bit silly. Plus it's all so hyped towards making out one character is guilty there's no real way back from it with any sense of interest. It really has died on it's feet for me.

Hard to discuss without spoiling it, but I see where you're coming from.

It does have too much hype around it, and the BBC don't help, like an over active puppy once they've discovered a new trick.

But the criminal mastermind part I can't agree with, nowhere has it stated that H is a codeword for his/her surname, that's just supposition from fans and the media who follow the show, I'd be disappointed if H was so obvious.

It's like any repeating drama I suppose, you have to overlook whether reasonable people would act the same way in real life(we all know they wouldn't) and enjoy it for what it is.

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3 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

Hard to discuss without spoiling it, but I see where you're coming from.

It does have too much hype around it, and the BBC don't help, like an over active puppy once they've discovered a new trick.

But the criminal mastermind part I can't agree with, nowhere has it stated that H is a codeword for his/her surname, that's just supposition from fans and the media who follow the show, I'd be disappointed if H was so obvious.

It's like any repeating drama I suppose, you have to overlook whether reasonable people would act the same way in real life(we all know they wouldn't) and enjoy it for what it is.

Oh they have, they all went after Hilton, then Hargreaves now Hastings. It was like something in the earlier series where they all went after someone because he had a golf tee planted on him and they were looking for someone called The Caddy. It's just a bit naive - a lot of the sets look like they were banged together on a three day lease as well. Sorry, I'm not completely down on it (even if I doing a good impression of sounding like) but I totally agree with your point that the Beeb have hyped the boots off what was an OK series to try to make it look like Citizen Kane.

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14 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

I know I am in the minority but this series of Line Of Duty is just one too many

Same applies to way too many shows, very few know how to end it well. 

Suits is one now I just watch because I started it, when Meghan left to marry Prince Harry they should have ended it there, but no, it’s still being dragged on. 

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I'm currently binge-watching the first 8 series of Red Dwarf on Netflix.

"Hi. I'm the Cat."

"Hi. I'm the genetic mutant."

"Jenny who?"


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On 23/04/2019 at 19:41, BaaLocks said:

I know I am in the minority but this series of Line Of Duty is just one too many. It feels really badly written and is just a bit too pantomime. The whole idea that they are chasing some criminal mastermind who would give themselves a code name that starts with the first letter of their surname is just a bit silly. Plus it's all so hyped towards making out one character is guilty there's no real way back from it with any sense of interest. It really has died on it's feet for me.

I know I'm like a Keogh lover on this one in that I think I am the only one who sees it. Anyway, in addition to my previous rants and aware that there is something a bit wrong with getting so obsessed on this I just wanted to highlight just how poor Line of Duty writing is this season.

- So you are a senior policeman, living in a shoddy hotel. Someone gives you £50k in cash in a brown envelope marked 'Personal' (in itself - more corny than a tin of corned beef). What would you do with that money? Well, if you are the senior policeman apparently you just leave it out on your bedside table for days and hope that the minimum wage maid doesn't take a peek. Really?

- You are a senior policeman investigating an undercover criminal gang who have killed at least two police officers. You know that there is a senior corrupt police official working with them but you have no clue how. Without any knowledge at all what do you do? Turn up at their hideout and pretend to be that officer. Really?

- You are a crack surveillance unit monitoring a criminal gang in their hideout, one that can set up in the office opposite at the drop of a hat. Just recently you let your prime suspect escape in a car park because you didn't know there was an additional exit. What do you do? Well, without spoiling it too much, the bad guys escaped via the back door. Really?

- You are looking for a suspect in an assault of the wife of a police officer, the officer is from Northern Ireland with history in policing there. She says the accoster had a strong Northern Irish accent. So you pin all your hopes on the fact that someone lived in Belfast till they were ten and make him your only suspect based on that. Really?

As Jimmy Cricket would have said (also in an Irish accent that would have made him AC-12s prime suspect), there's more, but let's leave it at that.

In general, so poor....

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2 hours ago, BaaLocks said:

I know I'm like a Keogh lover on this one in that I think I am the only one who sees it. Anyway, in addition to my previous rants and aware that there is something a bit wrong with getting so obsessed on this I just wanted to highlight just how poor Line of Duty writing is this season.

- So you are a senior policeman, living in a shoddy hotel. Someone gives you £50k in cash in a brown envelope marked 'Personal' (in itself - more corny than a tin of corned beef). What would you do with that money? Well, if you are the senior policeman apparently you just leave it out on your bedside table for days and hope that the minimum wage maid doesn't take a peek. Really?

- You are a senior policeman investigating an undercover criminal gang who have killed at least two police officers. You know that there is a senior corrupt police official working with them but you have no clue how. Without any knowledge at all what do you do? Turn up at their hideout and pretend to be that officer. Really?

- You are a crack surveillance unit monitoring a criminal gang in their hideout, one that can set up in the office opposite at the drop of a hat. Just recently you let your prime suspect escape in a car park because you didn't know there was an additional exit. What do you do? Well, without spoiling it too much, the bad guys escaped via the back door. Really?

- You are looking for a suspect in an assault of the wife of a police officer, the officer is from Northern Ireland with history in policing there. She says the accoster had a strong Northern Irish accent. So you pin all your hopes on the fact that someone lived in Belfast till they were ten and make him your only suspect based on that. Really?

As Jimmy Cricket would have said (also in an Irish accent that would have made him AC-12s prime suspect), there's more, but let's leave it at that.

In general, so poor....

Will you watch the final one next weekend? 

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