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Return of the Mac


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Ok have had 10 mins to think about it and my first thought is 

I'll be insanely angered if he comes on TV with his Cheshire Cat grin wrapped around his Chevy chase saying that it's great to be back, never wanted to leave, it was meant to be, blah blah blah 

sorry Steve u saw the bright lights of the premier league and sh"t on us from a great height. So don't give us any of that cr"p steve were not daft 

i won't argue we played our best stuff under him for quite sometime and he will get my full backing as despite really quite disliking the guy he's Derby county's manager.

However, I got the impression a good proportion of the people on here, like myself were of the opinion that 433 despite getting the best out of our players had been found out and was perhaps limited to a certain degree, do I think Steve can take us playing better football, yes for sure, Can he get us over the line with it, I'm really not sure and my gut feeling says no and him brining Ryan shotton onto the books stills sits badly with me lol

As with any new manger I want to look at the positives and get inspired but my overriding emotion right now is what the f%#k, sorry can't help it at the moment 

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Hate the myth that this club is a mess.

No, we're really not.

We're a rich club, large for the division, we have a stadium that gets filled most weeks by a core of season tickets, a talented squad filled with valuable assets, a top class Chief Exec in Sam Rush, genuinely first class facilities and a blossoming category 1 academy. A lot of clubs in this division would kill for some of what we have.

It's easy to get carried away with 'disaster' sackings of managers, but none of those managers are bigger than Derby County. We've got a picky owner who wants entertaining football just as much as success. Short term that's been a massive pain in the arse but when we find the right fit, I've got a lot of faith it'll be spectacular and I've got a lot of faith (based on evidence) that McClaren is the right man.

We're not a mess, we're just on the vaguely wrong track.

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2 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

We're not a mess, we're just on the vaguely wrong track.

We're taking the scenic route to the Premier League... Who wants to just jump on the Motorway and pile on up when you can take the nice windy countryside roads eh?

I mean tracks... Who needs HS2? Not me!

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8 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

Mac's departure pre-dated Mel buying the club didn't it?

True but if it's considered a business I could imagine Mel saying "hey Steve .. This could be good for all of us but if not ... maybe you can understand that you left last time with a million squids in your pocket and it was only 2 years ago, if it goes pear shaped is it really cricket that the club gives you another wedge ?" And Steve saying, "fair enough Mel baby .. as long as you give me this season and a year beyond I'll play ball." I mean he wouldn't have said Mel baby but you get my drift. :whistle:

well in my fantasy world where everyone plays by the rules I'd hope that happened .. Probably didn't but a bit of idealism helps me keep my head straight sometimes. 


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10 minutes ago, Leicester Ram said:

Hate the myth that this club is a mess.

No, we're really not.

We're a rich club, large for the division, we have a stadium that gets filled most weeks by a core of season tickets, a talented squad filled with valuable assets, a top class Chief Exec in Sam Rush, genuinely first class facilities and a blossoming category 1 academy. A lot of clubs in this division would kill for some of what we have.

It's easy to get carried away with 'disaster' sackings of managers, but none of those managers are bigger than Derby County. We've got a picky owner who wants entertaining football just as much as success. Short term that's been a massive pain in the arse but when we find the right fit, I've got a lot of faith it'll be spectacular and I've got a lot of faith (based on evidence) that McClaren is the right man.

We're not a mess, we're just on the vaguely wrong track.

Good post!!

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Is it wrong to feel a little bit excited at Macs return? I haven't felt right about the way the club has been heading since we lost at Boro last season and I'm sure there will be a few more twists and turns in the road, but I am suddenly quite positive about things again. COYR!

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Well the Mac is back, like all Derby managers he will get my 100 percent backing, would he had been my choice, no that would have been Mr Rowett, will Mac succeed? I hope so, but more important than all this , has Mel learnt, not to interfere, will he let a manager manage, We can not keep sacking managers, as this is very costly, and it unsettles the squad, I am keeping my fingers ant toes cross that this appointment will work and in 18 months time we will be a premier league club again. Once a Ram always a ram.

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I have reservations about Mac coming back, loved his first spell here, but I doubt he will be able to recreate that moment. 

However I can't deny that there is a hint of excitement as well, not quite a little bit of wee coming out level, but a fuzzy glow!

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Is Morris going through some kind of midlife crisis, yearning to recapture the halcyon days by running after a former partner to try and regain that je ne sais quoi when all he will do is end up is looking a fool again when the person ditches him for a richer more successful football club.

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I am delighted, our season starts now. Top 6 by Christmas. 

I still don't understand those comments about his clearing off to Newcastle. He had committed himself to Derby just after the defeat to Reading. He was sacked as was held responsible for the collapse at the end of the season, he only went to Newcastle after we sacked him.

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3 minutes ago, Inglorius said:

Is Morris going through some kind of midlife crisis, yearning to recapture the halcyon days by running after a former partner to try and regain that je ne sais quoi when all he will do is end up is looking a fool again when the person ditches him for a richer more successful football club.

Maybe he's decided instead of looking for a coach just like Mac he should just go get Mac.

McClaren was sacked. He didn't leave. 

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I hope he succeeds where he failed so miserably last time but it is one of the most ridiculous appointments I've ever heard of. I'm astonished by the affection in which McClaren is held by so many Derby County supporters. He is certainly a very, very lucky man to have been given this opportunity again after the way 2014-15 ended.

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I started reading this topic where I left at the morning. Page 22. After getting end of it I realized there's 70 already! Had to skip those about 50, hopefully there's nothing insightful. You guys been busy today!!


Hopefully this will pan out.

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1 hour ago, ronnieronalde said:


Still playing that card eddie? Let it lie mate.

in MY opinion re-hiring him is a mistake. Simple as that. If he gets the club back on its feet playing wise then I've got it wrong. As I got it wrong on Pearson, I thought he was the right man.

I just think it's a disaster waiting to happen, the first disagreement with MM and SM will be a big test,

Never go back.



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6 minutes ago, ROKERITE said:

I hope he succeeds where he failed so miserably last time but it is one of the most ridiculous appointments I've ever heard of. I'm astonished by the affection in which McClaren is held by so many Derby County supporters. He is certainly a very, very lucky man to have been given this opportunity again after the way 2014-15 ended.

Of course he is, this isn't the first time we've picked him up off the scrap heap. 

This deal works both ways though remember, we're in a rut and we need a way forward, he provided it last time so hopefully he can do again. 

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