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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 4 minutes ago, I know nuffin said:

    For god's sake let the man actually be the one to buy us rather than go on a downer on what might or not happen if he or somebody else does

    Hey chill winston...this is not a knocking excersise on CK or anyone else, If anything i'm knocking football supporters, They/we demand to much...don't choke on your tea now aye ?

  2. 23 minutes ago, Sussex Ram said:

    Naturally, there is a lot of speculation about the identity of the parties who are serious contenders to buy the club. There’s also been a LOT of speculation about the net worth of some of those parties- Chris Kirchner being the main one, as he is the only publicly known bidder (I think?)

    My question is- how much does their net worth really matter? Obviously if they have £10k in the bank then it’s a problem (!), but if P&S limits losses to £39m over three years, or roughly £1m a month, then that puts a limit on how much the owner can put in. Right? Can someone who knows about this stuff confirm?

    So an owner can be worth $7bn, or $1.5bn, or whatever- but if they can’t pump more than £13m into the club per year, what’s the difference? I’d rather have an owner who is “worth” a fraction of the above amounts, but is a shrewd businessman or woman; delegates transfer activity to a top recruitment team; puts trust in the academy; and doesn’t ever leave Derby at risk of liquidation.

    It's been reported that CK has the where with all to buy DCFC, Where is this money coming from only a few will know, He's on record saying he isn't a Billionaire, Is this good or is this a reason that will make him prudent?

    Now the £60k question, Lets just asume we're relegated by a 10 point margin, CK is at the healm and is aware of what he has taken on, It's a new season in league 1, No restrictions as long as he stays within the rules of the EFL where spending is concerned, WR has essembled a decent looking squad for the new season, We have a shocking start in August losing our 1st 4 games, The transfer window has closed and the rumblings with the fans can be herd in and around PP, Things are looking pretty average leading upto the new year we're mid table and 8 points from 6th place but the transfer window opens in a week, Fans expect 2-3 or more signings, CK says...sorry we can't afford new blood it's a long road to the Championship.

    All message boards go into overdrive, The booos by fans are making CK unpopular, Fans demanding WR is sacked...this is DCFC we're a big club what does this American know.

    Billionaire, Multi millionaire or just a millionaire...fans aint fussed we/they want instant success and sod the concequences.

    Just a thought.

  3. 3 minutes ago, CBRammette said:

    Do you think we will eventually know for sure who other parties and backers were and why administrators go with the preferred bidder they chose? I am not sure how much they are duty bound to disclose at some point in the process to show creditors they got best deal rather than just someone who Wayne likes!?

    Protocol says that Admin should not confirm who the other parties are, The NDA i'd have thought goes both ways, Those who didn't make the "prefered bidder" stage can if they feal the need to come out of the closet and say we were one on the bidders.

    I believe CK will be there on Monday along with CK being named in the squad.

  4. 12 hours ago, The Key Club King said:

    This is exactly it. It's not the virus itself, it's the habit that's been broken. Some people seem to think they have better things to do than watch a regularly disappointing, average championship team. 

    I know I don't! 

    This is me, Cash is not the issue, Time is not the issue, It's that I find todays football has been sanitised by those we can't see, Taking the knee, VAR, New rules that make a simple game a little more complicated, Feigning injury...yes it's been in the game for years, Now it's a tactic to break the game up, Referees, The spontaneity has gone altho not affected in the EFL...Yet!


  5. 1 minute ago, Deby1966 said:

    After watching the game last night on sky I thought the ref had a decent game fair to both sides That’s two games on the trot is this a coincidence   or am I still being paranoid.

    I refuse to accept your sound reasoning, I've already used my one and only "well done Ref" after Sundays match official performance.

  6. There is a Fulham fan who knows his stuff.

    Posted on the BBC sport page



    Aside from the talk of the wider issues, I think Derby deserve some credit for their performance tonight. They clearly came to The Cottage with the intention of trying to win the game, and I applaud them for that. No sign of timewasting or gamesmanship as the minutes ticked away, they were still going for it right to the end - credit where it's due. Worrying how much we missed Mitrovic, though.

  7. The attendances appear to be on the up for a good few in the Championship.




    Derby COUNTY

    The average attendance at Derby County’s Pride Park for the 2021/22 Championship season so far currently stands at 19,386

    It means that the Rams, who sit 24th in the current standings, have on average filled 57.7 % of their ground, according to data from the Transfermarkt website.

    The club had 22,079 for the 2019/20 season, however fans were unable to attend from March 2019 and then for the majority, weren’t allowed to allow full capacity for the 2020/21 campaign.

  8. 1 minute ago, StrawHillRam said:

    If it goes into the middle of the goal area it gives their keeper an advantage. So near post, short or to the edge of the box avoids that

    It didn't give Bournmouths keeper much of an advantage when Knight scored from a corner, Putting a corner to the near post where they have a couple of 6 foot plus defenders and we have someone the stature of Ronnie Corbett aint a good idea.

  9. 29 minutes ago, ossieram said:

    I heard plenty of chants about Morris and Pearson, but not one threatening his wife and kids. The only chant resembling a threat was when a few sang " we know where you live " but didn't last long and was only a handful singing it.

    Remember years gone by when songs were sung concerning away supporters.

    When mooching in the Trent End with axes and razors.

    When they were going home in an nice white ambulance

    When a visit to the DRI was forthcoming

    When you were getting your heads kicked in when having a stroll down Shaftsbury Street

    When we asked their Women if they'd like to go to bed after a drink

    Just glad they don't know where I live Vamos Lets Go GIF by Major League Soccer


  10. 55 minutes ago, angieram said:

    I'm glad you said that and not me!

    I've no problem with a majority of male staff, it's a men's game, but I do think that a few females helps to dilute the testosterone a bit.

    And class is maybe a more important issue. Need people on there who stand on terraces, have to scrimp and save to follow their club rather than sit in the rarefied hospitality areas and feel the injustices of the rules that others create for them.

    Black, Yellow, White or Green, Gay, Trans, Straight, Female, Male or the cow in the field as long as you're upto the job then that's fine by me.

    Those words in bold type above are the words that matter, Not jobs for the boys/girls, Not nepotism, Not fast tracked because you can make a good coffee, Or have a bank balance to match your ego, Or have a good pair of T**s and teeth.

    In the 70s you could say it was a mans world, It's now 2021, The old saying "behind every good Man is a good Woman" still stands, Unfortunately it's still a closed shop with the door open slightly for the minority to be invited in, I'd love to sit in on a Cabinet meeting, The IOC, FIFA, UEFA, EFL, CONCACAF, WHO, OPEC, ICC, MCC and any other world organisation that have funds you can trip over with high resolution glasses on, Where's there's money there's people that want to hold onto it, Corruption is a word bandid around like confetti at a wedding on a windy day.

    Until the Man/Woman who get to vote decide they've had enough of all the dross that cling on to power you'll get the same people running those organisations above...but it wont happen...why because we can't be arsed to do what they do, We're all pigeon holed in life, We all have a routine in life, A station where we're comfortable in, A family we'd miss, Friends to talk too.


  11. I had a friend that lived on Meadow Lane in Chadd 1st name Dave he made plaster casts for Dentures, Bit of a lad with a wandering eye or 2 for the ladies, Anyway, He caught the eye of Elizabeth Clough around the mid late 80s, Our Brian wasn't a happy bunny, Stormed round Daves house to demand he call it all off...the reply was "go fourth and multiply" they ended up fighting in Daves front garden, Elizabeth and Dave carried on dating...not to sure how long for as Dave mooched off a little later, Pretty sure Elizabeth was a bit of a rebel and wouldn't heed what Brian said.

    It made the News of the World back in the day

  12. 17 minutes ago, LouiseDCFC23 said:

    What a great post some very interesting stories! 

    My oldest link is probably my grandad. He was lucky enough to follow Derby why we was in Europe in the 70s. Unfortuanlty he died when I was 4 so I didn't get the stories first hand. However I do have a few programmes and flags that he collected along the way. He stopped going I think because he lost his son (my uncle) who went with him when he was only 11 when he died so I think he lost the love of being able to take him. My grandmas favourite story to tell me was how they once got held up on a plane to Mallorca. They was sat waiting for what she said was ages and eventually about 30minites later a car pulls up next to the plane and a family gets out. It was Brian Clough and his family, think my grandad was over the moon my grandma however decided he was rude for making everyone else wait! 

    Brian Clough was a little like Marmite, He had a love/hate relationship with some people.

    Towards the end of my playing days on Sundays, I played for a team of has-beens and never Will Bs, We played A C Hunters, Nigel and Simon Clough played for them as younger players, Brian would always be there watching even tho he was Forests Manager.

    I played in goal, We got thumped 6-0, But I was born with a big mouth always had sosmething to say, Never shut up on the pitch, At the end of the game Brian came over to me and said "young man you're a credit to the game" walking into the dressing room all our players bowed to me...with lots of laughter.

    A C Hunters always played in a Forest kit, Away games all yellow, There rivals were Coronation81...a boozer in Alvaston 1-2 DLF lads, Anyway, A Coronation player had a nasty knee injury when playing against Hunters, Ambulance was called and carted off to the Derby Infirmary, The Coronation 81 secretary got a call from Someone at the City ground asking about the injured player that week, Then recieved a letter asking once the player is in recovery mode to get himself down the City ground for Physio...which the player did...from then on there was never any grief when A C Hunters came to town...clever man was our Brian ?

  13. 25 minutes ago, SEAO said:


    November 1955 at the age of seven is my first memory. Remember in those days there was no such thing as football on the television.



    A cracking post SEAO.

    Television...luxury, We had a scruffy book with figuers in the corner that you flicked and they moved, Were beaten half to death before tea time, Lived in a hole in the road, My Dad worked 25 hours a day for nowt, Mother would boil old shoes so we could eat, And all wore hand me down cloths, Trouble was I had 11 sisters, Wearing dresses for years wasn't fun.

  14. Never knew my Grandad he passed away in 1933 when My Dad was 5 years old, Alice my Grandma never remarried but apparently had a few boyfriends ?.

    So I guess it was all down to my Dad, He was born in Joseph Street a 5-6 minute walk to the BBG, A quiet fella he was, Never really spoke about his family or his past...he was ex forces, But would talk about DCFC not a great deal but enough for me to know who they were.

    So as a 10 year old instead of going to the local pictures in Chadd the Essoldo I decided to go down town(Derby)and watch the market traders on Cockpit Hill, With 1s-3d(7p)in my pocket I set off from home(Trenton Green area)across Chadd Park, Along Nottingham Road, Through to the old cattle market and to Cockpit Hill, Stalls all set up on the cobbled stones, Me just mooching about watching and listening, Now as a 10 year old they were the times you were chucked out of the house and told not to come back until tea time, Life was pretty safe in those times.

    Anyway, I saw lots of folk walking from the bus station heading towards Siddals Road where the old paint factory was(pavement was yellow and red through spilled paint)so I decided to follow them...I was an inquisitive kid(nosey)so followed not knowing where I was going or where I was, Approaching Ivy square, Dairyhouse Road, Cambridge Street then the BBG, Yes it clicked this was what my Dad called Derbys home ground, I never had the money to go in so played/talked with the local kids, They were waiting until around 4-30pm when the gates would open and they could get in the Kids Pen, So I waited and yep we all got in, The last 10mins, We played PNE...won I think 1-0 or 2-0 I could just see over the painted wall at eye level, I remember the noise and the smell of cigarette smoke.

    As a 10 year old in 1966 pre World Cup Winners, It was playing Hide n Seek, Cherry knocking, Cat Creeping, Hop Scotch, Riding your Bike or Marbles in the Gutter, This football was something new to me, Something I wanted more of, Money was tight in our family with both parents and 6 kids, All were fed and clothed and given pocket money of 1s and 3d, That was enough to get me into the pictures 6d to get in and 9d to spend on sweats.

    So it was a case of a paper round or saving up, There were no paper rounds as all the bigger lads had got them, So I had to save up for the next season, I still went to the pictures but sneaked in so I saved the 6d and only spent 6d on sweats, So 9d a week could be saved, I walked to the ground from home around 70mins as I didn't want to spend money on bus fare, Season 1966-67 was my 1st season, I went to around 10 games...My 1st game was the 1st of the season Blackburn Rovers we lost, But the excitement being in a crowd of 1000s was something I couldn't forget, A pocket money raise the next year so a few more games were taken in, 1968-69 was my 1st full season and what a season it was...arise one Brian Clough and his assistant Peter Taylor.

    Division 2 Champions, 4th in our 1st year, 2 League Championships, Europe, FA Cup, Quiz Ball Champions(TV)the worst pitch in English football...well the rest is history, I've fought, Been clumped by away fans and the Police, I've made a shedload of friends, Travelled North, South, East and West, All weathers, Begged, Borrowed and Stole to get to matches, Have a Ram Tattoo now covered over, Ate, Slept and Drank DCFC, Bought the T shirt, DCFC was my life, If we lost I go into a sulk for a couple of days, Then the weekend was soon upon us and the buzz would start.

    There will only be ever...ever one club...Derby County FC.

  15. 4 hours ago, Jubbs said:

    What goalkeeper doesn't make mistakes? The best keepers in the world make mistakes, Alisson had a stinker vs West Ham the other week but is still one of the world's best.

    Here's a conundrum for you, Try and solve it.



  16. 17 minutes ago, IslandExile said:

    Yeah, the abuse of all our goalkeepers and Roos, in particular, is completely out of order.

    1. He makes mistakes....all goalkeepers do. They always have and always will; it's the nature of the position that those mistakes will be magnified. There have been far bigger howlers than those mistakes by Roos.

    2. Roos is a better than average Championship keeper - and I think he is the best of the options that we have available.

    Up front is where our priorities should lie.

    1. Yes all keepers make mistakes, But it's the frequency of those mistakes which is a rally for supporters to give him "abuse"

    2. All about opinions, I disagree, He's been dropped several times since that infamous Wembley game, As for other Managers picking him, There's a reason for that, Cash was for others positions, Freebies is all we could get, Hence Allsop being here.


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