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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 11 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I'm sorry to hear about your mother. My laughing emoji certainly wasn't to do with that remark. That's incredibly sad. It was in response to the woman being a mix of being a nut and from Stoke. Not exactly a winning combination.


    It's OK Bris my humour knows no bounds, I can even laugh at death...sometimes!, Her looks belied her character, I thought i'd take a gamble when seeing where she was from...No doubt she told her friends she nearly dated a soft twit from Derby...Wake Up Coffee GIF by good-morning

    PS...I didn't post TWIT!...lol

  2. 31 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Which is fair enough. I’m open to listening to other people’s opinions but they must have context. People shouting it’s a hoax, scam, money-grab by the rich and not backing it up with any evidence is just illogical.

    And there are many out there influencing others to think or feel the same.

    All built on nothing.


    I got talking to a Woman on a dating site last year, We sorted our 1st date, She is/was from Stoke, Fine looking Woman, Trouble was she thought Covid-19 was started by 5G towers, I told her my Mother passed away from Covid and never been near a 5G tower, She then told me to complain to the Government as her death certificate was false.

    The conversation was soon ended as I then realised why she was single...oh and from Stoke!

  3. 4 minutes ago, ramsbottom said:

    I can't imagine any footballer signing a contract if that was put in front of them ? Thing is, what alternatives are there??  The story says they need to come up with some, but don't mention any possibles...

    Lots do tho, Player offered a contract with pay rise if they get promotion, If still signed on then the reduction sets in if relegated, If a player doesn't like the initial contract then don't sign it, Stay where you are on maybe a smaller wage, And hope one of the big 6 come and sign you who will most probably never be relegated.

  4. 8 minutes ago, TheresOnlyWanChope said:

    "with the vice-chairman of West Ham, Karren Brady, vocally defending the parachute payment system. Arguing that clubs would go bankrupt without the money, she wrote in the Sun that Tracey Crouch had “fallen into a do-gooder trap” by proposing reform. “Maybe Tracey and [EFL chair Rick] Parry confuse competition with fairness,” she wrote"

    It's fair if the parachute payments are shared by other clubs, There is NO! competition when other clubs start off with a war chest of 10s of millions when relegated.

    The smaller clubs in the Premier who fight against relegation most seasons will be against this proposal...imo

  5. 9 hours ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    There's a lesson to learn there. If you cotton on to what you heard, rather than what you know or believe for yourself, you are in danger of extenuating fairy tales. Beware ???

    I spent a very good portion of my adult life doing what the Brimsons wanted to do, When I said "I heard" that wasn't a fib, It was just some one confirming what I knew.

    As for fairy tales watch this space...?

  6. Tom,Dick and Harry go off fishing, They call in the tackle shop for some worms, Sorry the man behind the counter says we have non, Following weekend they do the same, The same reply, Sorry we have no worms, This went on for a couple of weeks, Until Harry never turned up the next weekend, Now all 3 have known each other for 50+ years so were very concerned about harry.

    Tom and Dick go round his house, He's not there, They go to the pub , Again not there, They ask all they knew if they'd seen him, All shrugged theeir shoulders and said...nope, They pop down the church as the last hope, They ask the vicar have you seen Harry, Yes was his reply, He got married last week to Betty, Tom and Dick looked at each other in shock...you mean ugly betty the one we all cross the road as to not get to close to her because of the smell, Yes the vicar said that's her.

    The next weekend Tom and Dick are on their way to the tackle shop and bump into Harry, Hey man they say, We heard you got married to Ugly Betty...why?,








    She's got worms.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Archied said:

    Ah ,,, I will be rushing pronto to get my booster ,,,, not

    I'm 65 and getting my booster this friday 3rd, Now i'm a great sceptic about all this, I've seen a lot of anti vaxers wanting their freedoms back on marches in the media, I get that the pharma companys are making 100s of millions and more, My 92 year old Mother bless her passed last April 2020 in a nursing home in Derby, Her death certificate said "cause of death Covid-19"

    I've had my 2 shots 6 months apart, Why all the fuss about an injection that could save your life, Is it inconvenient, Does it hurt, Are they injecting us with a chemical that tells the secret service everything we do from when we get up to when we go to bed.

    I'm also anti mask...but will follow rules/requests as there are folks out there that as the above video shows are a little fragile, Sorry just don't get...and I dislike authority.

  8. 45 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

    You'll never fit inside a hip flask.

    In all seriousness though, whereas alcohol increases body temperature for a very short period, it then causes more blood to flow to the skin and lowers it.

    A small oil-fired radiator is a more sensible option.

    Just cancelled my next delivery of Viagra...thanks for the info Champions League Football GIF by UEFA

  9. 1 hour ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    There were some Derby fans who always had to have a whipping boy. McGovern was the main target but O'Hare and Hinton also had their detractors. Clough used to refer to those supporters as the blind idiots. McGovern scored a goal against Southampton in a 2-2 draw at the BBG early in the 1971-2 championship and he describes his goal celebration in his autobiography:

    'Kevin Hector raced across and picked me up in celebration, turning me to face the pop side where the fanatics were actually starting to applaud. I gave them a double V sign in return as my anger exploded.

    'Duck you I shouted at the top of my voice.

    'Not a wise decision was a comment made to me after the game by a few concerned friend. I didn't give a monkey's and was determined they would never put me off doing what I wanted to do. The louder they criticised  the more determined I knew I would be.'

    McGovern believes that the reason his detractors disliked him was that he had an unusually awkward running gait. It was not until late in his career that he discovered the reason for this. He was born with a muscle missing from one of his shoulders. He declined corrective surgery, reasoning that he had won so much in his career despite this deformity that he didn't have to subject himself to the surgeon's; knife now.

    Brian Clough took McGovern to every club he managed except Brighton - McGovern refused that offer as he didn't want to drop down to the third division. By 1980, when he lifted the European Cup for the second time, along with some Liverpool players, McGovern was the most decorated club player of the previous decade.

    Who was right about McGovern?  Brian Clough and Peter Taylor or those Derby fans who never took to him?

    Make your own mind up.

    I'm not doubting what he wrote in his book, I mean who would write about a fictional incident to make a story sound plausible, Have you ever read the Brimson Brothers books concerning football violence...now that's full of fiction.

    And to be fare to JM he was a decent player, Nothing to do with his "gait" that fans took a dislike to him, He was a player that did the horrible stuff that went unnoticed, But the bad things were remembered.

  10. 27 minutes ago, Brailsford Ram said:

    In John McGovern's autobiography 'From Bo'ness To The Bernabeu' he writes a whole chapter called 'Costing Cloughie A Cup Final.'

    As we will see as this excellent scrapbook continues I, among others, am of the view that the cup defeat took us down the spur that led to the winning of the League title In that respect McGovern's mistake can be seen as a catalytic moment where out of adversity came good.

    Just a bit of levity for you.

    Do you believe in fairy tales ?

  11. 30 minutes ago, Sufferingfool said:

    Fascinating. I note earlier that Clough was unhappy with falling gates @ 35,000?. We’re the club not found guilty of cooking the books re attendances and could this have been a ploy by Clough to pack more in. Having stood on the pop side in a 25,000 + attendance and found it cramped to say the least what was it like when there were 35,000+ crammed in and do those who were there think attendances were bigger than stated?

    And 41,000+ against Spurs, Yes always thought there was more that when the crowd size was announced as we were leaving the ground.

  12. 1 hour ago, LeedsCityRam said:

    And people singling out their scapegoat too...gather John McGovern used to cop for a bit which might in part explain why he's embraced Forest so much since leaving us.


    Filbert Street FA Cup 2nd replay, It was McGoverns back pass that cost us the match and lost 1-0, Fans are unforgiving and their memories never fade...I was there, Coming out of the ground hearing the song "good old Arsenal we're proud to say that name" ?

  13. 1 hour ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Wimp. I remember Wednesday night matches at the BBG. Cigarette smoke and fog swirling round the floodlights, freezing cold. But then come to think of it I was a lot younger. Think I’ll stay in.

    Been there done that, 100s of 1000S of us have, It's the love of DCFC that those who don't follow football will not understand, I watched fans of Bury and Macclesfield in tears when the club they followed for years folded, It wasn't their fault it was the Men they couldn't see who destroyed the clubs, Now reserected in the lower leagues.

    We never thought back in the day that the game I/we would crawl over broken glass in a blizard to watch a team play on a pitch that was more akin to a ploughed field in the winter, Served wet hamburgers, A bovril that once drunk you could take the sludge left at the bottom of the cup home to grow flowers in, The late 60s, The 70s and 80s were times I cherish, But for me altho I watch on TV the love of the game has wained far to much, Maybe it's an age thing, Maybe I see the game in a different way than others, Fans were part of a club once, I don't see that in todays game.

    I've far far to much to say on this subject...but don't want to clog the board up, Just to say that those who still go enjoy the experiance and give them all the support you can.



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