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Posts posted by Ram-Alf

  1. 24 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

    Martin getting unfairly sent off against Burnley. 

    That one act not only ruled out a perfectly good Hendricks goal, and gifted Burnley a 6 point swing in our race for second. It also stopped Martin playing in the next game, which we also lost. Suddenly we’re 9 points further behind Burnley than we should’ve been, with no way back from there. 

    Bobby Madely...list him with Stuart Attwell as just another ass wipe...imo, Mooched off abroad for personel circumstances, Now back reffing in leagues 1 and 2, Having said that, There's some refs who can't count past 5, Exeter having to replay their FA cup game against Bradford for playing a 6th substitue.

  2. 26 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    You don't think a £700k payment to someone 'with a view to them taking up a football related role' that never existed and a £1m payment for becoming a club ambassador as sweetener for Craig Bryson signing a new contract were questionable deals? Really?

    SR winning a case against his dismissal doesn't mean these things didn't happen.

    It doesn't really matter who ultimately signed them off, and just because they weren't legally a breach of FD doesn't mean they're the sort of deals you want your club entering into.


    Sweeteners are abound in the World of Sport, Look at Cricket and ask why India, Australia and England have cut loose all the other cricketing nations so they get the Lions share of the cash, I've not a problem with someone taking £700k, If it was criminally gained then the courts would have dealt with it, The Bryson deal was a finacial deal to get him to sign a contract.

    Unfortunately that's football, Deals done, Signed sealed and delivered, Long gone are the days of Gentlemen agreeing with a handshake and a nod, Agents have brought a different type of Negotiation to the table, If SR was the negotiator...not a problem, From the low paid worker to the Multi Billionaire people are looking after themselves or those who can't look after themselves.

    The stories I heard about Stuart Webb during his time with us and his Lonsdale Travell business...but then they were only stories ?



  3. 53 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    Just because Mel's a rotter doesn't mean that Rush didn't at least help negotiate some rather questionable deals.

    I'd hazard a guess MM sanctioned all deals under SR, Rush was part of the Wasserman company/group, No doubt had some financial gain when DCFC signed some of the players that came under Wasserman, MM sacked SR for fiduciary  , SR won his case against MM, So I don't see where the "questionable deals" were.

    A fiduciary is a person who holds a legal or ethical relationship of trust with one or more other parties. Typically, a fiduciary prudently takes care of money or other assets for another person.


  4. 24 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    There may be, but the admins have gone pretty quiet about the multiple bidders piece and thus far, we only know that Chris is happy to take a punt irrespective of sanctions / relegation. This might be simply because others are working under NDA but until Quantuma confirm as much and we get to see the cut of their jib, Chris remains in pole position in my mind.

    I don't really get this whole, 'he's too brash, too American' thing anyway. I think he was simply trying to have the craic with us fans and make sure we knew where his heart is. I'll not be issuing any character judgements based on such limited evidence anyway. He obviously took onboard the criticism in any case as he's dialled things down most recently. I take that as a positive thing, though I concede that others may take more persuading.

    I've nothing against CK, Carl Jackson said on Ramzone that those bidders are on board with what happened re -21 points...unless I heard wrong, Not all Americans are loud, There's some English that are just as loud, The fact he's coming across as a knight in shining armour is solely down to CK, People will read what he says and get on board with it all, I remember a few years back when Alan Stanford put £1 million on a winner takes all game of cricket here in the UK, He was at the head of a huge Ponzi scheme and still in prison I believe.

    The Admins are no fools, They'll choose the right ones that are best for the creditors, If it's CK all well and good, As for the EFL ckecking credability...I wont hold my breath on that, They have form.


  5. 4 minutes ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Hoping the small number of naysayers will cut CK some slack now. The fact that he's looking to press ahead despite recent events really ought to be heartening and he does seem a genuine guy who is in it for the long-haul. We all need to rally around him and make the guy feel welcome if he does put up as seems very likely. 


    When he becomes the prefered bidder he'll get my full support, But there's others out there that are not so loud.

  6. What bargining tools did we have?...Covid-19, I thought it was a more than average chance we would win or at least a reduction.

    What tools did the EFL have at their disposal?...the ability to see us go out of exsistence.

    Will we find out what went off behind closed doors? who knows!, From what I thought was a good position, Turned out to be Hobsons choice.

    Where does the blame lie? The football system that we play in imo, Chase that dream and win all looks good, Chase it and lose...well, We lost.

    Interesting times ahead this next few months, All at DCFC will get my full support, Either at the ground or sat at home on a match day.


  7. 7 minutes ago, rad1919 said:

    With the perilous state we find ourselves in I’ve decided I’d like to get involved in a trust. I know it will probably have no direct influence on our future but I have a bit of time to give and want to feel I am doing something, anything to help navigate us through this mess.

    I’m a little confused as to why there are two different organisations which, on face value, compete with each other to release the same information before the other.

    Websites for both are a little bit thin on information to say the least. Rams Trust give some information on the “who” and “why” although they seem to be playing catch up on one of their core statements. I quote:

    “One of the Trust’s core principles is to be in a state of constant readiness should the club ever again fall foul of unscrupulous owners and require supporter involvement to protect the interests of the club as a community asset.”

    How many questions were asked during Mel’s tenure or were the Trust taken along for the ride like everyone else?

    BAWT have emerged since administration (correct me if I’m wrong) but I can’t find much detail on what their aims or values are.

    Is there any value in these trusts or does the club simply pay lip service when required?

    As previously mentioned I want to get involved and do my bit but I don’t know which way to go?

    Is it worth me and others getting behind one of these organisations or are we all wasting our time?


    Amazon £39.99


  8. 57 minutes ago, Needlesh said:

    This episode has had two effects on me. Firstly increased my loyalty and love for DCFC and the sport, and secondly cystallised my loathing of football administration, organisation and competitions.


    If I could renew for next season now, I would. If I could flick a switch and give the entire staff of FIFA, UEFA, FA, EPL, EFL and all foreign leagues a dose of incurable, desquamating genital herpes, I'd do that also.

    We'll be suffering this for another 18 months, if we can get a buyer, by the time the ridiculous restrictions are lifted. 4 years of limbo, all told? Worthy of a banana republic.

    Oh well. Up the Rams.


  9. 29 minutes ago, cheron85 said:

    I'm as frustrated as pretty much everyone else by the EFL's whole attitude and approach - They have essentially moved the goalposts to screw us (and the chaps who ran the club previously just didn't bother to check with the league where the goalposts were at any given time)

    However - There's a bit buried in the EFL's decision doc which puts clarity on the FRS 102 thing - They say "account standards in the context of the EFL's Regulations" - Which essentially means "we don't care what the legal position is, we're a member organisation and therefore can apply whatever rules we like and you have to live with them"


    For a good majority of my adult life i've not liked authoritarian regimes and fought as best I knew I could, Those in power/influence will ride roughshod over anything and everything to get their way, Governments, Organisations will tell us "it's ourway or the highway" inevitably they fall by the wayside, As the people revolt but are replaced by others...which will take time for them to formulate their own authoritarian ragimes and so it all begins again, MM had his way, And his way or no way would be the outcome, When you have as much wealth as these people have...the real world we live in is Alien to them, MM=EFL, ELF=MM they're both cut from the same cloth, One who's minted the others who have bought the rich down.

    Then there's US, Just ordinary folk, Get up, Go to work, Bring the bacon home, Enjoy a social life, Then go to bed to start all over again, Life goes on people as has been said...don't get stressed about something you can not influence...there's always someone worse off.

    This is an opportunity to pick ourselves up, Dust ourselves down and show those who have run roughshod over us...WE'RE still here.




  10. 21 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

    Correct - fundamentally, how does it help the integrity of the league to have one team with nothing to play for from mid-November?

    Yes, we can play for pride, but we'll be hard pushed to keep that motivation up for 5 months. 

    Nothing about pride, Players have a responsability to play their best on the day of the game, I'd love to shaft the EFL and all their serfs, But we and DCFC have to show when we're down you can kick as much as you like, But we can kick harder when push comes to shove.

  11. IMO it became a dirty war, The EFL have been quoted as being "Shocked" when we had the gall to appeal the -12 point Administration, The EFL then get together and come up with a "cunning plan" tell the Admin...fine you can appeal, We'll just slow the process of your sale to a standstill, Admins decide to bite the bullit and accept what's been put forward to them so they can conclude a sale ASAP.


  12. 5 minutes ago, jono said:

    Bradley was underwhelming I suppose, but I still remember two things .. a wonderful looping pass to Chris Martin which was then headed in, you saw them see each other, devise a plan and it turned in to a goal all in the blink of an eye. Then against United in the cup, at OT when he played like a man possessed. Paid daft wages and daft transfer fee for an ok player, but curiously I remember him fondly, he had a certain character 

    They showed a goal of his...against Ipswich I think where he got the ball around the halfway line and just powered on and smashed it in from the edge of the box...that was before he kicked a ball for us, Then there was the biting incident against Stoke, For us I concidered him a nearly man...far to inconsistant imo.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    I am just trying to keep up to date - 

    we have not been charged with any F&P or have I missed it? 
    we have an appeal against administration 12 point deduction - which I still believe we have an excellent chance of winning ( probably why EFL don’t want it heard) 

    MM indicated that using the perceived EFL amortisation method that we were about £4 million overspent 

    is this still all correct? 

    from my point of view I do not want anymore of the EFL clock and daggers - follow the actual rules ! - charge us - have the cases heard and let everyone see the accusations and arguments - and give us any punishment in full with full reasons.

    if we are to be relegated so be it but we should be playing to our agenda 


    As for your clock and daggers


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