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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 44 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I agree with everything except your final sentence. I can’t see why he would walk (and walk away from a lucrative contract unless it was “by mutual consent” which is really jumping before being pushed but with financial benefits). Whether he gets the sack or not will probably depend on how close we come to promotion. I wouldn’t think (or expect) losing out in the playoffs to be enough to see him gone. 

    Think losing in the play offs leave his future 50/50. Warne by his own admission has said he’’d expect to be shown the door if we didn’t go up. 

    Depends how much DC wants to not let outside influences affect his judgement. Personally keeping him on with a major percentage of the fan base against him is a poor decision. But so far DC has shown he doesn’t care about that issue.

  2. Ambition is the word of the day. 
    Sitting outside the play offs isn’t bad at all in isolation. We have no devine right to get automatic promotion and there’s murmurs of Barnsley fans not happy with Collins whose record is the same as ours. 
    Personally I’ve seen enough to not like Warne as a manager. Tactically average at best. Recruitment poor on his watch. Plus the football is a mix bag.

    I was all for wanting him gone before our upturn in fortunes. In fact I still want him gone but it would be an odd decision to do it now. It should’ve been done after Stevenage. 
    Think we’re stuck with him until the end of the season. If we get promoted great. If not I hope he either walks or gets the sack and I doubt many fans would disagree.

  3. 8 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    Roverum sacked manager

    Found their twitter section interesting, some of the names they're suggesting are far too ambitious in my opinion. 

    Luton have shown that smaller teams can dream, but realistically a younger, diamond in the rough manager is their best bet. Can't see Rowett, Wilder or Jones going there. 

  4. Held us together during those dark days (even if he had ulterior motives at play). However, Rooney is looking like a busted flush. 
    Birmingham have been a midtable championship team for far too long now. I imagine a promotion/relegation will be on the cards within the next 3 seasons. Either way I can’t see Rooney being at the helm.

  5. All about fitness for Wilson. If he stays fit I think we’ve found a gem. But this is Derby after all so I’m expecting a nasty ACL injury to be rearing its head. 
    Signed as a wingback/right back, I’m unsure of his defensive qualities so maybe wingback is his premium position. But certainly playing as a winger is something he can do at this level. Scoring goals will determine whether his ceiling is above league 1 for that role.

    Exciting player who has the X factor. Will be intrigued to see if he can become a regular starter.

  6. Moving in the right direction. It would be nice now to go on a run and cement ourselves in the top 4. 
    Whilst ever we’re floating around 6/7th memories of last season will be there. 

    Defensively we’re looking pretty solid. 
    Still think we’re a couple of players short of mounting a series challenge on the top 2. But if we continue with performances of yesterdays nature then DC and PW deserve plenty of credit.

  7. 6 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    There are managers with flawed CVs. Both Rowett and Lampard can point to the fact they reached the playoffs with Derby, but both left behind a mess.

    Their CV and win % is what they can point to when speaking to potential future employers. 

    Then you have Nigel Clough who left both Burton and Derby in far better position than he found them, despite not having a particularly favourable win %.

    Ideally you want to find a manager who plays with an identity, improves the younger players, creates a good environment, can work within a budget and provide winning football (entertaining being a bonus). 

    There are so few of them about who can tick all boxes. Nigel Clough was actually close, but ultimately we didn’t win enough under him. Bristol City will hope they have stumbled on one.

    Ipswich seem to have one. Daniel Farke is another at Championship level. 



    To be fair to Rowett did he really trust Mel enough to take risks on younger players? Probably hoped to poohouse us up using Curtis etc and then he’ll always have Derby promotion winner on his cv.

    Think Rowett’s record is pretty solid minus Stoke. He’s just missing a promotion or two to cement him as a very good manager. 
    Frank’s trajectory looks poor in comparison. Had his dream job and fluffed it, stunk out Everton and now is back to being linked in the championship.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we fail to beat Wolves U21’s on Wednesday and, despite the insignificance of the game and the maximum number of changes PW will no doubt make, there will still be the usual “PW has to go after this” calls from some.

    I wouldn’t mind taking that risk if it means Brown starting. But no doubt Collins will get the nod she stink the place out. But win or lose, it’s Saturdays match that really matters.

  9. 11 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    We kept doing the same thing over and over. Play some football, get to the final third play it wide and cross it, normally in the air. Is that the sum total of our tactics. You'd a player on the bench that runs at teams and has the best finishing ability in the club on the bench. We've got hotshot Hourihane who can score from freekicks, when have we had any around the box? We've a young striker on the bench that is probably better in the air than many in the team. We score twice from passing the ball. But still we persist in - whoever gets onto the pitch and we put 5 subs on - get it wide and cross it. Isn't that the performance?


    I’m not saying the performance was good but it wasn’t poor (for our standards). 
    Brown over Collins, formations etc can  be discussed but I think we’re singing off the same hymn sheet with that. 
    Ultimately I want him gone asap but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen so I can’t be bothered to stress over a cup that we have no chance of winning. 

  10. Neither the performance or the result should fuel the Warne out movement (which I’m fully behind). 
    But our inability to create any sort of consistency is infuriating. FWIW I imagine we’ll beat Wolves midweek before losing to Barnsley on Saturday which will then see the floods of Warne out comments etc appear on the forum. 
    I think ultimately we’re a top 6 squad at best with a manager who’s only extracting 75% of what the squads capable of. 

  11. Thought we were good for the draw. Personally wasn’t too upset with the match but that’s because I see the cup as an inconvenience we could do without. 
    It does show however that playing teams that stick men behind the ball away from home is our kryotonite. We just don’t have the skill or talent to break these teams down. Then to make matters worse we don’t seem to be able to keep a clean sheet as a minimum. 
    Seen fans moaning about the chanting etc and fickle fans. Most fans don’t want Warne so as soon as it goes tits up the toxicity is bound to raise its head. This is on on DC and SP for ignoring the fans and will continue unless we turn on the style or get rid.

  12. 11 minutes ago, David said:

    Do we really need to define a good person in terms of a footballer in a dressing room? I thought that would be kinda obvious.

    Some managers take a risk on these grenades, otherwise the grenades of the game wouldn't ever be signed. Rooney gave Ravel an opportunity and that paid off for him.

    I listen to Undr The Cosh podcast and many have been on and spoke about rules not applying to certain players and yeah it paid off.

    Myself in Warne's position, wouldn't touch them with a barge pole and I can fully understand why Warne wouldn't want to take the risk either.

    You have to remember, he's been given a 4 year deal, for him he has that comfort to build a team he wants, this is a boom or bust take the gamble season.


    Maybe easier to play it safe if you have money to throw at it. Seeing as we don’t, maybe a couple of risks especially in the final third might have been worth it. 
    Warne must be confident to believe he’ll still be here in 4 years. Plan for the here and now and let the academy manager think of the future. 
    Famous last words but if we go up with the 4 strikers currently on our books under Warne’s stewardship then I’ll be astounded.

  13. 15 minutes ago, David said:

    Is insisting they are a good person a bad thing?

    You don't want to throw a ticking time bomb into the dressing room surely, regardless of individual talent. 

    It's got to be number 2 on the checklist.

    1) Can we afford him

    2) Are they a good person

    3) Are they good enough for the team

    Probably goes more in depth than that, but yeah, good person is super important. 

    Define good person? 
    I imagine Taraabt at QPR was a pain in the arse but he single handedly fired them up. Now he may be an exception and whilst I agree that team spirit is important, i don’t think our summer business was as good as it should’ve been. Whether that’s on recruitment or Warne is pure speculation.

  14. 32 minutes ago, David said:

    Just on that Rotherham thing, you know when you create a topic and later think why didn't I say that at the time? Maybe trying to avoid an essay, who knows but....

    I never quite understood the turning up the nose of any Rotherham player that was linked, with any signing all background checks on their character on and off the pitch, if work hard in training etc. is all gathered by references, via third parties.

    What's better than previously working with a player and wanting to bring them with you?

    I can only put it down to that we're bigger and better than Rotherham to be signing any of their players, which kind of ignores the current league status of both clubs, or is it a Warne = crap so Rotherham players = crap assumption?

    Don't get me wrong, there is a limit to how many former players you can bring before it looks like you're recreating Rotherham at Derby and that has to be a worry, this wasn't the case. As we've seen today with the Eustace link, these former connection links are always made, can't go bursting blood vessels over each one.

    It's funny really as when Lampard was here everyone was asking where all the Chelsea superstar youngsters were, like Mount and Tomori were never here.

    We're not too big for Rotherham players, need to lose that snobbery as he looks a useful player for us that many appear to be warming to now.

    Personally I don’t care where the signings come from if they can play.

    However, do I think Washington is good enough to be a starter at a promotion winning side? No

    Is he better than Collins? And can he play a part in a promotion winning side as a squad player? Yes and yes.

    Think a lot of moaning about Rotherham came from the lack of forward signings and Warne’s insistence of them having to be a good person. As scouting goes it’s a little bit naff.

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