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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. 7 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    The last bit of your post resonates for me - I am tired of reading the same post(s) over and over again 

    How can you expect people’s posts to change when the football on show repeats itself? Warne’s post match pressers take the same route as well. 
    I hate to say it, but we’ll be in this Groundhog Day loop until Warne is gone or turns it around sufficiently.

  2. 57 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    Oxford must be pushing the FFP with a huge pay rise for Brannigan when championship sides had met a 2 million release and I know they outbid Derby on wages last minute for a player. They've also been signing players from Ipswich and similar.  They went as high as 700k for Marriott it's believed but didn't get that over the line. 

    Someone on here told me FFP isn’t in league 1 so good for them. 

  3. 1 hour ago, jameso said:

    I didn’t read it that way, although it could have been intended that way.

    First part = no other big team (relates to other teams’ fanbase/history/stature etc?)

    Second part = being outdone by Oxford

    First part included “rightly or wrongly” indicating perhaps Warne shouldn’t be judged on the basis of that context (ie that there’s no other big team)

    Second part said questions should be asked (indicating @TomTom92’s opinion) if Oxford outdo us (newer manager, lower wages? Less pulling power for good players?)

    In other words, regardless of whether smaller clubs outdo us, a team shouldn’t come from nowhere with a new manager and a set of new players and outdo us without asking how on earth that was possible (from our side).

    Nothing further to add your honour.

  4. 42 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    It does sounds like you're saying that as we have a larger fanbase than Oxford then we have some kind of hierarchy that we should get promoted in preference to them and if we don't then this will be Warnes fault that expectation hasn't been fulfilled.

    I could be misreading it though. 

    One would assume bigger budget. But I guess until the balance sheets are shown that’s speculation. 
    I reckon most fans would hold this entitled view though. As I say rightly or wrongly.

  5. The Blackpool result was fantastic, i saw the starting line up and had the noose ready.

    However, we must continue in this vein of form. Teams that get promoted go on big unbeaten/winning streaks and if we do every match players and fans will start to turn up expecting to win (Something Russell alluded to during SM1 season) and the feel good factor will be in full swing. 

    Rightly or wrongly Warne will be judged because there's no other big team in the league this year and without being arrogant if Oxford get automatic promotion and we don't then questions should be asked.  

    I do get the feeling throughout the club that we're trying to be nice to make up for Mel's tenure. But in my opinion we're maybe a bit too nice at the moment. Look at the gumps, they have a drugs baron (allegedly) as owner and have been ruthless with their managerial appointments for the last 10 seasons. Have splashed cash with a finger up to FFP and are bending the rules by shifting their misfits off to Greece. I'm not saying we need to follow them verbatim but I do think especially in the transfer market our pulling power is less than what it should be.

    But back to topic, if Warne can continue on this mini streak of form then i'm sure 99% of posters will be happy/ as larry. 

  6. 1 hour ago, MickD said:

    Post Blackpool, crow pie for you.

    Not really as I say I like PW as a man and obviously want him to do well as we all do. 
    But this season so far has been a slog and that lies with the players and ultimately the manager. Replicate tonight a few more times and it’ll be a slog no more.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Got to love a nice pre match meltdown. The team is what it is, if it proves ineffective then say your piece later surely? 
    It’s got the potential to be better than when we tried it previously, a solid back 3 with Nyambe added in there, Fornah’s athleticism in the middle is a bonus. IF it’s even that formation, could be 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 with Wilson playing further forward ahead of Nyambe 

    One of the main criticisms of Warne is how negative he is and the underdog mentality that he brings. That starting line up is minging, only Collins, NML and Wilson offer anything going forward and two of them turn up 1 in 6. 

  8. Lets face it the main point that everyone's eyes will be on is the manager point and as others have stated he can't say anything other than 'we remain committed to PW position as manager'. But there's no point releasing the statement because if we lose 5 on the bounce i imagine PW would be out of the door.

    The only way a statement would help is if it was similar to GSE's radio interview during Clough's reign where they basically said the managers remit is to reduce cost and the league table is a second fiddle for now. Which unless i'm very much mistaken isn't the case at the moment. 

  9. Just catching up after a week away. Whether you rated Clough or not or any of the following managers for that matter, one thing is becoming apparent. 
    A lot of people are finding the current attempts at football boring. 
    For context we had matches last season ie Bristol R and Morecambe at home were we obliterated the opposition. I can’t see us doing that with anyone this season. We’ve just seemed to steadily decline under Warne with no signs of an upturn.

  10. 2 hours ago, Jourdan said:

    Between December and the end of February, we won 7 out of 9 home games, a run of games where we played our best and most clinical football. We were almost faultless. Was that really going to last?

    Towards the end of the season, we won one and drew three of our final six home games. The only performance and result that was really genuinely poor and irredeemable was v Fleetwood. 

    With Shrewsbury and MK Dons, we pressed self destruct and threw away four points after being in control. With Portsmouth, we came out flying but couldn’t capitalise and ended up having to battle back for a draw. Even against Ipswich, the game hinged on Cashin’s disallowed goal which could have turned the game in our favour after Ipswich had been in control. Those results could have been much different.

    Did we deserve just one win in 6? I am not convinced and when you think about it, if things had been slightly different that’s an extra six or seven points that would put a completely different spin on the end of the season. So again, what’s appalling there?

    This season, we have won 1 in 5. The way you are carrying on you would think we have lost four in five and been completely outclassed each and every time. The Wigan game could have been a draw if we hadn’t made such critical mistakes. The two draws could have been wins had we taken our chances v Cambridge and kept our heads in the dying seconds v Portsmouth. Would it look so ‘appalling’ if we had three wins and a draw from five?

    2 wins in X amount of games it might be, but you can use stats in isolation to paint whatever picture you wish.

    We had these nearly moments under Cocu but the promise never came to fruition. 
    All I know is that even in the admin season when we had King Colin channelling his inner Ric flair and Sam Baldock up top we’d draw/win at home no worries. Now it’s a struggle all around in a lower division. 

  11. Thought the appointment was a great one at the time and to this day he seems like a genuinely nice bloke. 

    Last season i was willing to let him off on missing out on play offs because of the turmoil of the summer and it not being his team. However, this season I've been very underwhelmed, outplayed against Bolton, Oxford and Portsmouth. Defeats against Wigan and a narrow win over Fleetwood.

    Looks tactically weak, I'm not a fan of his recruitment (must be a good person etc.) and the football is pretty boring. Excuses for this season so far are injuries and tough start to our fixtures. If we can win the majority of our next 6 matches i'm sure things will look slightly better. 

    The mood around the club with him isn't great. A third want him out, a third are on the fence and the other third are still with him but i think they're only with him because they 'don't want to keep changing managers' and 'coming back from admin will be a long process' as opposed to being happy with what's happening on the pitch.

    PW is on a long contract so some are speculating that DC can't afford to get rid. Sad situation if true. 

    I'm not sure of the way forward, personally I don't think we'll go up this season with him in charge and wouldn't mind seeing him get the chop. But as i say he seems like a nice man so if he was to turn it around i'd be more than happy about it. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

    Of those listed, I’d only want Nyambe at RB in a four-man defence. 

    Ward and Wilson are RWBs in a 5 or right midfielders in a four.

    NML is a winger, pure and simple. He shouldn’t be in our half.

    Agreed but just trying to figure out why it’s a short contract.

  13. 2 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Bit odd that it's just a temporary deal until January, a bit like Jon-Jules. Is there a reason we are doing things this way or am I just over thinking it?

    Can only think we've done this with Nyambe because when everybodies fit we'll have Ward, Wilson, NML and Nyambe who can play RB or RWB.

    As for TJJ maybe thats a mutual arrangement. Arsenal want him playing regular minutes and we didn't want to lock ourselves in with his injury record being as poor as it is.

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