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Posts posted by TomTom92

  1. Can’t see us getting back in to this. We just can’t play against well organised physical sides. 
    As soon as we press they hit it long and win the header. Then even if we win it back they make us hit it long for Washington to lose. Then they’ll play for free kicks, corners and throw ins around our box. 
    Game over.

  2. 31 minutes ago, On the Ram Page said:

    From the outset: I want Warne to succeed and do not want the merry-go-round of manager to take another trip.

    I wasn't at the match on Saturday and listen to some of the commentary on Radio Derby. Eric Steele said that the second half was one of the best and most entertaining he had seen this season. The result was a bit of a disaster for a team (and its fans) hoping to make up some ground on the teams above. I get the fans at the ground were disappointed with the result but the behaviour and reaction at the end of the game was embarrassing (I know I didn't pay my money to go and watch it). The comments on this website were predictable with the anti-Warne posters making full use of this latest setback.

    I watched the game on RamsTV this morning expecting to see a terrible performance of the so-called Warne Hoof Ball. With my rose-tinted glasses (some may say - I call it balanced and realistic) I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. The first half wasn't great but neither was it a disaster. At times we passed the ball quite well, along the ground, until it came to the final important pass to create any opportunity. It then became more of a hope than an expectation. Our midfield (Fornah & Smith) struggled to get into the game , with Bird further upfield doing well. There was little backtracking from the players upfield to help the defence, who in fairness, despite a couple of scares coped quite well. Having seen the game I thought there might have been more criticism of the referee (who at the very least needs a visit to SpecSavers) who I thought had an horrendous game, much to Derby's disadvantage.

    The second half was much better and we put together some very good moves and occasionally some defence splitting passes. All to no avail as our finishing was extremely poor again. But we should have scored at least a couple (if not 3). They too had the chance to score and missed 3 easy chances, as we pushed forward in search of an equaliser. From what I saw we deserved at least a point from the game. We were not outplayed, in my opinion, as many said on this forum. Having said that we could have lost 3 0r 4 nil as we abandoned defence at the end.

    It was a very disappointing result but not a dreadful performance! Hoof-ball it was not - if you disagree I suggest you watch the game again in an objective way.


    I understand the clamour for Warne's dismissal but I also think this is a sad situation. Had it not been for McGoldrick's goals last year, we would have been no where near the playoffs. Yet having lost last year's talisman, people expect automatic promotion this year. The Transfer Window during the summer, currently looks disappointing, in that we have not replaced Mc Goldrick. No one on this site knows what happened duding the window, in terms of how much money was available for transfers/wages, who we tried to sign, why they didn't sign for us (insufficient wages, transfer fee not enough etc etc etc. All I would guess is that it wasn't for lack of effort.

    Pre-season matches went reasonably, apart form injuries to Barkheizan, Sibley and Elder, with Collins scoring a few from Joe Ward's Crosses which were a feature of these games. Bradley also played well with a colossal performance against Stoke. The defeat to Wigan was disappointing but we played well and but for 2 errors (Bradley & Wildsmith) we would have won against a better that expected Wigan side. Further injuries to Bird, Ward & Wilson added to our woes, followed by Thompson & Rooney.

    At this same stage last year we had 20 points, as opposed to the 18 we have today. We lost our 13th match away at Ipswich, but then went an unbeaten run of 15 games. So hardly any difference, despite our home results being very poor.

    The performances are not quite as bad as some people are making out. We are attempting to pass the ball and only "hoof" it out when under pressure, unless its a Cashin "world" ball, which hasn't been as good this year.

    Things are not as bad as they seem, in my opinion. I, for one, am prepared to see where the next 6 weeks take us. We should virtually have a full squad (apart from Rooney and maybe Thompson) shortly, so there will be no excuses. What the fans cannot do is turn on the players, as they did on Saturday. They appear to lack a bit of confidence at the moment and need our help. If they are unfortunate to read this Forum then there is no hope for them.

    I get Millenniumram, DanS1992, G Star Ram, Bald Eagles Barmy Army etc etc etc view that they want Warne sacked Now - but please give it a rest for a bit - we know your vies only too well. Let's all give the team (even if you can't give it Warne) our full support for the next 6 weeks and see where we are then.

    David Clowes will make his own mind up what he wants to do, based on results and performances - not by Football Forums constantly trying to undermine the manager and now some of the players.




    I'm unfortunately now strongly in the Warne out group. 

    Its a shame because I was excited with the appointment at the time and everything apart from on the pitch I really like about Warne.

    I do agree that we probably aren't doing as bad as some fans would have you believe and before the start of the season after an underwhelming transfer window i had us down to finish between 4-8, so not out of my own expectations either. However, I guess the issue is that the football does seem to have become less entertaining. As i remarked in another post, last season we showed glimpses of what Warneball is about e.g. Bristol R and Morecambe, maybe the league isn't as weak this season but how we're playing at the moment i can't see us dismantling anybody. 

    If you was to give Warne the full season and if every fan was bound to support the team and wasn't allowed to boo or slag off the players I imagine we'd finish top 10 maybe top 6. But assuming we'd falter at the play off stage would Clowes then want to go all in on backing Warne for another summer? 

    If the answer is no, then I do see sense in not dragging out the sorry affair and making a change now in the hope that whoever we bring in can either get us up or be be trusted with next years rebuild (assuming we stay down).

    Personally I think the atmosphere around the club has become too toxic and it would take a lengthy set of good results to start to turn the tide back in Warne's favour. If we continue to meander on with this win one week, draw the next and lose the week after that football i can only see the atmosphere continuing to worsen. 

    Ultimately Warne's current demise appears to be down to; General lethargic and negative play, arguably poor transfer windows and Portsmouth and Oxford starting the season like robots thus making the top 2 seem unlikely after just 11 matches. The final point is completely out of Warne's control in his defence.  

    Hopefully we get a win tonight and we can springboard off the favourable fixtures. However, a defeat tonight and the pressure will turn up on PW and DC again. 

  3. Not sure there’s a guaranteed plan to stop the same mistake happening again. I do think getting in a decent DoF would help but that won’t be appointed overnight. 
    My pick would be to go for Warnock until the end of the season. That leaves DC and future DoF plenty of time to come up with a checklist to support the search for the next manager. Style of play, willingness to play youth, transfer acumen, player development, good egg or not etc.

  4. 2 hours ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I'm not trying to be argumentative for once but DC I imagine recruited PW on his track record of 3 promotions from this division.

    I also hear that PW wasn't DC preferred candidate but we couldn't afford to release the Bolton manager from his contract. 

    Anyway given all of that what guarantee will we have that the same person making the same decision will get a better or worse manager in then PW. 

    I’d be concerned if we get a worse manager in. We could of course appoint someone who replicated Warne’s results pattern but at least they’d have an excuse such as not their squad etc.

  5. 1 minute ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    How have you come to this conclusion? I’ll admit there’s no sign of things getting better at the moment, but it’s not yet beyond saving, for it to be the scenario you’ve suggested here I’d expect things to be far far worse. If we’d lost 7 on the bounce and were rooted to the foot of the table with Warne trotting out platitudes then perhaps I can see some hint of your conclusion.
    As it stands there’s a growing level of discontent, not full on rebellion, what signs are there that he’s “sniffing around for his juicy pay off”? It seems to me he’s just doing the job he’s paid to do currently (not as well as we’d like).

    Apart from 20 minutes at Peterborough and Blackpool this season has been dreadful. 
    Two out of the last three away matches has seen a section of fans sing about PW style of play being poo. 
    Of course PW can turn it around with only 11 matches gone but I can’t see any signs of a revival. 
    Im not sure why we’re wanting to wait until we’ve flatlined before giving him the chop or expecting him to grow a conscience. If it’s not working then it’s not working. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, cannable said:

    You’d have to hire an absolute loser of a manager to think his position is worth resigning 

    Comes a point where mental health etc must be considered. Cocu stuck his fingernails in for longer than he should, but eventually did the classy move and took a reduced pay off. Over to PW..

  7. 3 minutes ago, oodledoodle said:

    I don't have any questions about his morality, he's entitled to every penny we've promised him.

    He’s entitled by contract but surely there comes a stage where professional courtesy comes in to play. 
    Stinking out the joint and making everyone’s lives miserable just for a extra few pennies is poor form in my opinion.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Leeds Ram said:

    It's just so depressing. It's not even the results that are that bad, but it's the same tale week in and week out. I think if we don't beat Exeter, Clowes has to sack the bloke before this becomes a really big problem.  When you've got players verbally having it out with the fans, that's a failure of management and something that shouldn't be happening. Warne cowers down the tunnel while Hourihane is having it out with a section of the supporters, it's just such a farce. I think it's getting to the point he doesn't want to be here, an increasing % of fans don't want him here and it's best for everyone involved that his contract gets ripped up i think 

    Reckon deep down Warne knows the game is up. But for a man of morals he seems to be sniffing around for his juicy pay off. 

  9. Fans always get the blame in these situations but how the Derby fans are acting is human nature. Not fair that Hourihane got the brunt of it. 
    How can Warne be comfortable in a job when the atmosphere towards him is so venomous? Surely the players won’t want to play in front of that every week either. At what point do they turn on PW.

  10. Clowes has a big decision. Warne is a dead man walking with the fans, for me the tide has turned and unless he pulls a rabbit out the hat the inconsistent boring football will continue to harvest the toxic atmosphere.

    But can Clowes afford to sack Warne? And if he can then surely the next appointment has to be the right one. Big pressure all of a sudden. 
    I’d go Warnock and make this season a free hit. Then do some serious work getting a DoF in and lining up a ‘long term successor’. 
    Think to go balls deep in the ‘long term’ option now would be one hell of a risk. 
    This could all be nonsense though cus if we can’t afford to get rid then this season will just be a very messy, depressing affair.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    Needs to do the decent thing and resign, before the myth about him being a promotion expert is exposed for what it is and his reputation tanks. 

    There's no shame in admitting that something isn't working out, calling it a bad fit, whatever you want to say to soften the exit without losing face. 

    If he leaves now he'll walk into a other mid-table League One club with ease, one better suited to his mentality, somewhere he may well even be an immediate success.

    Carry on the way things are and his stubbornness will take us us all down with him.

    He definitely said that he’d leave if he rocked up to a match and he saw a ‘Warne out’ banner. We’ve done everything but that, charlatan behaviour.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Eatonram said:

    One year into a four year contract. He isn’t going anywhere. We just have to be patient. If we played like we did at Blackpool this thread would not exist. 

    perhaps the players could bear some responsibility? Just a thought. 

    Day and night between where the club is at during the admin season and now. Admittedly it’s easy to back the lads when it’s ‘them versus us’. But Warne is a vampire that’s drained us of any joy or hope.

  13. 59 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    Lots of assumptions in there which I did also flag to the OP.

    Unfortunate choice of words too as I don't see any evidence of any fans being dragged over the coals for having the temerity to suggest that this team is underperforming (whatever that actually means)

    Where do you think we should finish? Squad and finances considered? 

  14. 32 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    The popular media.

    The expectation at the start of the season that notwithstanding having the highest wage bill in the entire leagues Man Utd wouldn't finish as high as 3rd.

    But we have one of the highest wage bills in the league allegedly but already there are people moaning that we are underachieving.

    As I've said previously the size of the wage bill is no way connected to the quality of the squad. 

    It is as best is a very casual link. 

    Which then will bring you to say that as a club we have spent poorly so to preempt that whose fault is this as you invariably will want to pin the blame on someone 

    Unfair comparison in my opinion. The lower you go in the leagues the more telling finances will become. 
    Look at Wrexham, had a massive budget in comparison to others and looked a class above (apart from Notts County who deserve credit). 
    Man City, Arsenal, Liverpool etc all pay astronomical fees to get the very best players. Just because Utd pay a tad more doesn’t mean they should win the league…Yes before you say anything I’m aware that applies to Derby as well. 
    But for saying we only got relegated because of admin and points deductions one would assume the core squad is good enough for top 6. We may still achieve that target, but when Warne himself is saying that as things stand we’re underperforming I don’t think fans should be dragged over hot coals for suggesting similar.

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