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Posts posted by Mihangel

  1. 17 minutes ago, SBW said:

    Trying to figure out how the £28m works as it might show what HMRC have accepted, if a deal has been done with them in principle?


    20m to MSD, but that doesn't HAVE to be included in the sale to come out of Admin as the company that owns the stadium is not DCFC.

    36m to unsecured creditors - so 9m with the 25% rule

    Approx 12m to Football creditors, so 12m owed there with 100% rule

    So 21m there.  7m left.

    Does that mean with Taxman being owned about 27-29m, they're taking 25%, circa 7m?  Be amazed if so with them fighting for preferred status, but those maths add up to me?

    What about the 5-7m needed to see the season out? 

    I wouldn't worry about it, it's a meaningless headline number. We just need a deal that can get over the line and, hopefully, lead to a brighter future.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Carnero said:

    You need to set up a customer id for your other half - one ticket per fan id.

    Once setup you can link the 2 accounts together, which means you can then buy 2 tickets on the one login - you just need to assign a ticket to each fan id.

    Brilliant, thanks very much - First time other half will be at PPS in an age, cheers!

  3. A bit of advice, I tend to be on my own so no problem buying a ticket for myself - Trying to buy one for my other half for Birmingham and getting this message:- "Sales to this event are limited  to 1 tickets per event per history per item owner" Any advice? Cheers

  4. 12 minutes ago, JMC said:

    I don't post that often here but I honestly think as fans we should email /phone middlesbrough football club en masse and politely appeal to their human instincts and ask them to stop this madness. Their fans can see it, surely the staff and even players can see it, it's like there is one megalomaniac at the top that will not budge but nobody wants to upset him in case he tells them off! 

    Has anybody sent an email to them? have we got a temple with the key points and facts? Sorry if something has already been posted 

    You know what, let's do it, start at 9am tomorrow, let's get on their phones. An audio denial of service ?

  5. 35 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

    The EFL invited each of the Administrators, Middlesbrough FC, and Wycombe Wanderers to make submissions last week, and we are now in the process of reviewing those submissions with a view to identifying a route to resolve the conflict which exists between the respective positions of, on the one hand, Derby County, and on the other Middlesbrough and Wycombe Wanderers.

    Finally, something positive. I still don't agree that those clubs should be involved in any way but at least this an opportunity for the EFL to tell them to naff off.

  6. 1 minute ago, DJFern94 said:

    And somehow "fans" of other clubs think that tripe was a "blinding open letter" ... Jesus Christ, there is no hope for some.


    Just now, Unlucky Alf said:

    The really sad thing in the Boro statement is those fans up there will lap it up, As their paymaster pulls their strings, They i'd have thought only believe what he says...daft sods.

    Some football fans are not the smartest. Anyone with any sort of seniority in business will be cringing at that - As Alf said though, the intellectually challenged will lap it up.

  7. 1 minute ago, Bald Eagle's Barmy Army said:

    People calling Quantuma and saying they're incompetent - no chance, this is probably one of the hardest things they've had to deal with and IMO, they've handled things well so far.

    They seem to be the only ones who come across as professional.

    Absolutely - I have no reason to be a Quantuma fan boy but there statement is so much more professional so much more balanced than the EFL 'blame everyone else' approach. YOU ARE THE EFFING REGULATOR, sort it.

  8. 32 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    To a large extent that was Middlesbrough's point.

    Except it wasn't. Boro blew it on going up that season and they want someone to pay for it.

    Quite - Additionally, given that clubs have financial years that end in May, June, July - It is not possible to punish a club within the 3 year period as there is no way on earth an audited set of accounts would available in time. In this instance, let's say Derby's became available in June (again, almost impossible) what did Boro expect? Go back and redo the play offs? Nah.

  9. 12 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

    Not sure I agree with the telegraph article in terms of conclusion (oh well, it's very sad but actually regulation is bad and it's best left to business to look after itself) but it's a very good summary of the situation and far better than most coverage in the sports pages of our newspapers.

    It's entirely in keeping with the political stance of the Telegraph that they would take this view - It's a nonsense of course, something even the most hard line free marketeer must admit is that sometimes external regulation is required. I actually think it's a fairly poor article that is entirely about Bourne sharing his conclusion - If you look at his other articles, it would tell you what he's about!

  10. 45 minutes ago, StaffsRam said:

    -21 points, 5 transfer windows under embargo, £100k fine, administration, likely relegation. That’s all for Mel’s transgressions, and we’ve largely accepted that. The threat of liquidation due to spurious legal claims is totally separate to that. We can be rightly angered at Mel, and we are, for all the above, and STILL be angry with MFC, WW, and through complicity, the EFL, for the continued vendetta, and it IS a vendetta against the club.

    Our punishment, is unprecedented, and they’re still NOT happy. If that’s not vindictive and spiteful I don’t know what is. Pushing a fellow club into oblivion because you have a gripe at someone who’s no longer anywhere near the club. This is why children shouldn’t be allowed to own clubs. In fact I’m being unfair there, not even most children would behave in the way that pube-head and the ambulance chaser are. When an independent regulator is finally installed, the first thing they should do is kick this pair out of the game entirely. Football would be far better off without either of them.

    Their ignorance on these matters is quite staggering, most (if not all) of the claims made their are entirely inaccurate - I'm not too bothered about those making the comments, they may well be somewhat intellectually disadvantaged but it amazes me that, outside of 1 or 2, nobody challenges them. Reading through the  "I have truly mixed feelings over Derby..." and other threads, I've picked out some golden nuggets.

    'If you compare the punishment they have had to say Bolton or Bury it's absolutely nothing. Bury out of business, Bolton relegation, relegation again' Bolton were punished 3 points for missing a game in the 18/19 season, they went down without the help of those 3 points. They went in to admin at the end of the season resulting in a 12 point deduction for the following season. They then received a suspended 5 point penalty and suspended fine for missing 2 matches, generous! The season was curtailed and they went down. Again, they would have gone down without the impact of the punishment. The points deduction had no measurable impact on them. The poster is confusing punishment with the impact of the punishment.

    1) 'I remember Gibson summed it up perfectly, Rules are in place in football for a reason, they're to be followed, and if somebody is guilty of breaking those rules then they should be punished accordingly'

    2) They should be punished to the letter of the law

    3) 'Repeat the above ad nauseum'

    Yep, we've been punished, in line with the rules, 21 points in total don't you know?

    And this, this is absolute grade A gold dust, no words needed.

    'I was thinking an average of £18k/week for 25 players thats £450k plus managment team - £600k a week is £30m a year - our wage bill in 2019/20.

    Based on Tom Lawrence on £37k/week I will up that to £25k/week average = £775k/week or £40m a year.'

    It goes on and on and on

  11. 3 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:

    Are the Administrators spending too much time with MP's just talking about the problem?

    Meeting after meeting to highlight the same problem that we have all known about for months. 

    Would they not be better spending such quality time in working on and delivering the required solution?

    Or will they choose to have more meetings to discuss previous meetings and schedule new meetings to work out how they word information and what information they can share about the same problem we have all shared for 4 months and continue to do so in their regurgitated messages.


     "I'm going round the bend again......and I left it up to you.............."


    One of the greatest tracks ever. Just saying....

  12. 1 hour ago, Maxwell Baxter said:

    I will apologize if this point has all ready been posted or if I have the figures wrong.


    I believe Boro are claiming 45 million because they had a 1 in 4 chance of winning 180 million the full amount, However they never had a 1 in 4 chance to 45 million they would have a 1 in 4 chance of winning 180 million

    If there claim was for the full 180 million it would have held a lot more weight, by only claiming for 45 million makes no sense at all because they are admitting they wouldn't have got promoted as it never been the case were all 4 clubs agreed to an equal amount.

    Which leaves them only able to claim for lost money from one home play off game and at a push a losing trip to Wembley and comes nowhere near 45 million. Admitting they would have failed in the play off's takes any loss of revenue down to at best 3-4 million.


    With Wackum Wounderers don't all clubs sign up to a code of conduct each year to agree to the EFL rules, by making this claim aren't they disagreeing with the rules of EFL and ripping up there agreement to the EFL's code of conduct and effectively resigning from the league.

    One of the weird things about the £100m game or however much the Play Off final is deemed to be worth is that it's only one side of the coin. People always seem to forget the £100m in wages and transfers that will be spent in the event of promotion. Remembering the Middlesborough have greatly overspent for getting on for 30 years now, one would imaging they wouldn't be shy of chucking money at the situation. They haven't lost a penny because of DCFC, they have simply missed out on a lot or revenue and even more expense....

  13. 5 minutes ago, Kinder said:

    That’s exactly what he said on the programme. Do you know differently? You must admit it was a derisory fee, albeit might have something to do with Marshall / Byrne deals. I’d personally imagine those were both cash deals though, given the situation Wigan were in.

    I have absolutely no idea but do you seriously think a chairman uttered those words? Nah! Agreed though, fairly derisory fee.

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