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Posts posted by Mihangel

  1. 14 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    So we are now throwing Mickey Arthur under the bus because we’ve lost a couple of games? Christ ?‍♂️

    The only issue I really have with our attack is it massively lacks experience and it shows when it gets put under pressure. Kerr’s record speaks for itself.

    Fair, I'm throwing my toys when we're crap. But we are so crap is annoying and I'm not sure the money spent on Arthur is better than spending it on players.

  2. 1 minute ago, jimbo jones said:

    One thing I hope this game brings is a rethink with the bowling attack, not because of this game particularly, but I just don’t like the three “quick” bowlers. Hughes was really good last year taking the pace off with off cutters etc, or get an extra spinner with Thomson.

    Our 'attack' is tragic. Connors and Kerr are club bowlers at best, the spinners are just exposed, Arthur is laughing all the way to the bank.

  3. 1 hour ago, Tamworthram said:

    Yes, the balance is paid to the buyers solicitor after exchange of contracts but not immediately unless completion is expected fairly imminently. If completion is expected to be a few weeks after exchange, then it is generally paid shortly before completion. 

    Precisely, a cash buyer would maybe transfer the money a couple of days before completion, a lender would only do it at the point of completion. Smart people don't tend to stick their cash in to other people's accounts for any longer than necessary...

  4. 8 minutes ago, Ramitupper said:

    I’m not really buying the bank holidays money transfer thing. Cash should have been already sitting in his Uk attorney’s account, the final transaction is done by lawyers from their client account. I think therefore it’s an issue with whoever’s purchasing the stadium. But strange that he initially blamed the us bank holiday when that should have been irrelevant at this point… something is not quite adding up. 

    You know when you're buying a house, do you tend to send the money across some time before a deal is done, just in case?

  5. 29 minutes ago, I am Ram said:

    I'm calm about the situation and confident the deal will go through, however CK, Q, and 20 zillion lawyers must realise, the longer this continues, the more damage they are doing to our preparations for next season. Get this done, give us a fighting chance. UTR  

    I don't entirely disagree but it's obvious preparation is ongoing, contracts are being done etc so we're not in complete panic, yet.

  6. 2 hours ago, 86 Hair Islands said:

    Annoying as he can be, the land registry piece is open to interpretation and I'm definitely erring on the side of what I want to believe. Would be a wonderful end to the working week knowing the club is out of admin AND owns PP though I'd happily settle for just the former scenario.

    I don't disagree, these people car wear you down though - To the point that you end up believe the opposite of what they claim, however accurate!

  7. 2 minutes ago, KBB said:

    Don't want to be "that guy" but some fans will look on here for news, see the increase in page totals and become excited that the takeover is done and then see pages of puns. Don't want to be harsh, but we need to keep that off here.

    It is the scourge of this site unfortunately and it's mocked for it elsewhere.....

  8. 1 hour ago, Scott129 said:

    There's a small group of fans on Twitter, of which he is one, that royally p**s me off.

    It seems like they take great pride in telling everyone that they were right about MM, and that everyone else was wrong. This somehow entitles them to get up on their high horse and tell fans what they should and shouldn't be doing i.e. demanding to see the contents of CK's bank account/crypto wallet.

    Some people crave attention and unfortunately, our predicament lends itself to those people!

  9. 12 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    So is CK saying : I’m not taking on any debt? Or is he saying: no debt is being put on the club? 

    the poster I replied to thought one thing and I thought another. That’s all I was saying

    And who’s funding the 35% payment to creditors ? From club cashflows? That sounds like debt on the club to me

    Not taking on any debt, full stop. He mentions the trading debts that already and will continue to exist, that's as expected.

    I'm certain be will be planning for the club to pay the 35% which makes absolute sense. If he can minimise the money he's putting in he will, or course, do so 

  10. 11 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    He seemed more to be saying that the club itself was not taking on debt   But it was a confusing tweet  I’d guess CK might have a fair bit of debt on his personal balance sheet 

    "Not taking out debt for purchase…"

    That's not confusing.

     "Club will have normal trading debts such as player transfers still due, etc"

    Neither is that, you may infer something from the tweet but it's pretty straightforward.

  11. 11 minutes ago, LeedsCityRam said:


    Bit harsh lads. Think he's a good poster on Twitter...did a real good piece explaining the cramming down that Quantuma attempted with the EFL in January (think it was shared on here also) & has done a valuable job distilling the key issues/problems for the masses, much needed given the complexity.

    I've no issue with fans questioning Kirchner (politely) given he seems happy to engage online. We've had an horrendous experience with Morris so there will be sceptism in some quarters...Kirchner's approach is refreshing in trying to win trust though.

    I do disagree, as you might expect! Both Redfern and Maguire have opinions, that's fine but they are both tainted opinions that are often sold as, and sometimes seen as fact. They are both regularly factually incorrect.

    Likewise have no problem with people questioning CK, just wonder about the timing and tone sometimes.

  12. I only hope that this thread now disappears in to history (while recognising I'm hoofing it up), absolutely no disrespect to the Rams who have been discussing the various financial intricacies of our past year or so but I hope never to hear another thing about amortisation, IFRS, stadium valuations etc etc in regard to our club, I'll be a happy bunny. 20+ years of working with accountants and most of my oldest  friends are in that profession, football was my distraction!

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