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Posts posted by Mihangel

  1. 12 minutes ago, S8TY said:

    Yes good idea as unfortunately this current petition is pretty fruitless by all accounts 

    the government one carries more clout and when it’s up and running I’m going to get my Millwall West Ham Chelsea Tottenham and Arsenal mates to put it on there forums as they all ( my mates ) think it’s scandalous how we’re being treated 

    It doesn't carry any clout at all, honestly. If we get to 100,000 it MAY get discussed (of it passes the e-petition committee stage) at at some point in the coming months. We need action NOW! Please share the existing petition....

  2. 16 minutes ago, DontTrustTheDevilInside said:

    Do we need a 2nd petition for Middlesbrough fans to push their own club/owner to do the right thing

    I've said elsewhere but I don't know how else to express this, please no second petition! I will have absolutely no effect other than to dilute the support the first one. It would be quite detrimental.

  3. 12 minutes ago, Inverurie Ram said:


    Any progress on starting the required petition to parliament yet @GenBr....only 16 days left before the EFL kick us out of the football league. Unless anyone knows of this petition being started elsewhere, if so, please provide the link on here.

    I implore you not to pursue this - There may be a time and place for that petition but right now it would only split the signatures and dilute the message.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:


    ... then read the posts about it being totally pointless, as the petition's in the wrong part of the internet!

    That's really not the case. The government petition site has its uses but is more useful for campaigns that are not time bound. That a subject may get a response from a minister or debated in parliament at some point in the future is great but no use to us whatsoever, our plight is much more urgent. That sure is also limited to UK citizens. The petition is in the right place.

  5. 55 minutes ago, Mick Harford said:

    This was my Suicide note in September, when people talk about how it affects us fans. I obviously had other problems, but this was my note left to my parents when I took an overdose. Please Rams, also note how abuse of other players does not help.

    I'm sorry, Mum Dad and my friends it is not your fault.

    I'll miss seeing Tabitha grow up, hopefully she will be an ace GK

    I obv have alcohol and mental health probs, but maybe, just maybe, the likes of Steve Gibson at Middlesborough and the EFL will realise the impact that their actions have on supporters, a constant stream of negative press and comments on social media may effect fans. Not that I'm sure they ultimately care.

    Also to fans of other clubs, could we be not more civil> Derby fans have been utter bankers in recent times, but do we not legitimise this behaviour by saying "others did worse" that's no defence in murder.

    As Write my suicide note Derby played Sheff Utd (a real club btw, as are most in the league bar the abomination that is MK Dons) and Billy Sharp celebrated like mad after scoring, as he should as our fans have called him both a sex offender and a paedo. Maybe if we were less tribalistic as fans then we could be better, the GK's union is like this, by and large personal abuse is not tolerated, there is mutual appreciation of skill. Could we just go back to that please?

    Also, and I am biased, FFP just keeps the top teams at the table and has made us Derby fans suffer for close on 18 months, added to Covid, to people like me it has pushed me over the edge. I truly hope Gibson at Boro knows he has at least partial blood on his hands, as his actions made me do this, despite him being a number of clubs that have had parachute payments.

    I first went to see Derby in 85, and without them I am nothing really

    I've obviously gone beyond this now, but this is how it made ME feel, and I am sure we have others.

    Maybe the EFL should know what their actions have done, perhaps I'm wrong and as other fans on social media say 'you deserve it' I think that I don't deserve it.

    *please do not share on social media or beyond this forum.


    Mate, I hope things are improving for you, I think people forget how important our clubs are for us all. Take care, look after yourself and if you need a bounce, message me.

  6. 1 hour ago, Indy said:

    Bristol City and EFL: “Discussions are still being held to establish whether forecast transfer revenue can be included, along with ticket sales, as an “add-back”, with City to seek independent auditors and transfer experts to determine the full figure, which is deeply subjective.”

    Using auditors to determine a notional (ie fantasy) loss of ticket revenue and player sales that they want EFL to include in their profit/loss calculation for FFP. How convenient.




    Bloody hell, that's a bit "Enron"! You can't possibly predict future player sales revenue!

  7. 1 hour ago, simmoram1995 said:

    Can’t find Rich Riley’s actual worth, but he co created and founded Shazam and was on the board of yahoo for over 10 years  

    That's not true is it? He is CEO of Shazam at the moment, I'm not sure that puts him in to the wealth category for this role!

  8. 1 hour ago, I know nuffin said:

    Getting very bothered about this now. By trying to involve the EFL Gibson is making it a football matter. If I remember correctly football matters have to be settled 100% before sanctions are lifted. If correct even if it goes to court, which will take months and months, if it is seen as a footballing matter sanctions will not be lifted until the court case us settled. Gibson has had us under sanctions with his claim that the stadium was over valued and he lost but we suffered. Don't want the same happening again or nobody will buy us. Doubt the the EFL will back either side just in case that the damages are made payable by them like they should be if Wycombe have a case

    I think the second point should settle your worries, Gibson can only be trying to get the EFL involved if he thinks he's struggling to win and as you say, they won't back them on this.....

  9. 2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Id rather people just left the administrators get on with their job to be honest.

    What difference is them providing answers to these questions going to make to the process?

    Any negatives answers will play into the hands of any vultures circling around our youngsters, any positive answers will be passed off as spin or lies.

    The only thing I want to hear from the administrators is when a deal is done, I dont even need to know who the preferred bidder is, its completely irrelevant to me and the whole process.

    100% Completely counter productive, when people could be working on reaching a conclusion they're having to deal with amateurs, frustrating.

  10. 3 hours ago, The_Sheriff said:

    Very poor presumption been to a few. Infact our away form is not great at all so that alone contradicts your point.

    Middlesbrough away we wont take anything like we did to the likes of Coventry or Sheffield so why not completely boycott it? It’s a good thing to make some sort of noticeable stand to Gibson.

    I sincerely hope that you've seen the general reaction and decide not to try and encourage people to boycott. Every game is critical for us this season and the more support we can get the better, you must recognise how much the players are buoyed by it? The few quid spent won't make any difference to Boro or Gibson so it's an entirely pointless exercise. Much better to turn up in the thousands, give it the Barry, banners, chants and all, would be a great statement.

  11. Near the hamlet of Llanymawddwy in Snowdonia, Gwynedd, North Wales.

    Nearest league team is Bala Town or for the EFL Shrewsbury I guess.

    I was born and spent my early years in Derby then Belper from the age of 6 (1977). I don't know why I support Derby, it just feels like it was an entirely natural process. I absolutely loved going when I was a kid - win, lose or draw - wish it was like that now!

  12. 6 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

    How easy is the job they've taken on then? I'm surprised bidders haven't agreed to spend (sorry throw away) lots of money at a club currently close to liquidation. What would there be to come to agreement over!

    They're obviously spending too much time drip feeding information to a pair of partially literate nut jobs on here to get the job done post haste.....

  13. 9 hours ago, GlastoEls said:

    Surely he meant he hopes that clubs won’t be in that position (for the sake of the fans), not that they shouldn’t be similarly sanctioned If they are? 

    That ship has sailed though, Reading are already on board, Bristol City are packing their bags as we speak, who knows which club will be next.

    I do agree with the the tone of your and @bimmerman's comments though - You still those two village idiots on OTIB defending BC and pointing out contrived differences between their situation and ours but fundamentally (and I've said this many times) each of our clubs in this damned league are not the enemies here, just rivals. The construct of our football pyramid is entirely flawed and as long as it stays that way, these things will keep on happening. I don't believe there is a single club without parachute payments that has been promoted in recent years without spending tens of millions more than they earned.....

  14. 48 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    There's 'becoming rich' and there's being worth multiple billions.

    You don't become a millionaire by throwing your money around, but once you reach a certain level of wealth money really is no object.

    That simply isn't the mindset of investors or (good) businessmen, there's no way on earth they pay over the odds just because they can. They got to where they are for many reasons one of which will be that they are very financially astute, that won't change just because they've made a lot of money.

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