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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 32 minutes ago, Reggie Greenwood said:

    Frank Lane on his debut for Liverpool at the BBG 1972/3 season caught a cross and stepped over his line. Kevin Hector stood on the line in front of him to show the ref and linesman that it was a goal. 

    Good memory for an old ‘un ?


  2. Just now, GboroRam said:

    And can end up finishing work far from home. 

    I find the cognitive dissonance hard to understand. If you get a good manual job, with a strong union defending your working conditions, people take exception to a good but not outrageous pay rate. If you become a spiv stock market speculator you can fill your boots and its just jealousy if anyone suggests that you pay a slightly raised tax on the pay you receive waay way above the usual person's income level.

    That's not "half your income" no matter what people say on this thread. 

    Train drivers also have to keep updated on rules and regs , complex exam to get the job. 
    Have to know the routes like the back of their hands. 
    If I recall correctly there was a train driver on the Popside forum who had someone commit suicide by jumping in front of his train. 
    That must be horrendous ? worth every penny they are paid imho 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Kokosnuss said:

    The less said about Norwich's second goal the better!

    Although that means I shouldn't even have said the above, so I'm definitely not going to post the video of it.

    (Keeper caught a high ball toward goal and carried it backwards over the line, no pressure on him from the opposition. Can't remember the last time I saw someone do that! Not one Evans' highlight reel)

    Frank Lane on his debut for Liverpool at the BBG 1972/3 season caught a cross and stepped over his line. Kevin Hector stood on the line in front of him to show the ref and linesman that it was a goal. 

  4. 13 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    Magic picture. Football in the snow. Brown ball. That lovely mixture of cold hands but sweaty shirt from running around the pitch {as a player}.

    Brown or Orange ball ? Remember a lot of snow games having an orange ball in the 70’s so not sure when they came in ? Pretty sure the Man Ure 4-4 Boxing Day game was played with an Orange one. 

  5. Just now, ariotofmyown said:

    This is beautiful. Cooper is obviously a great manager who worked a minor miracle to get Forest promoted.

    The owner is a crook/gangster, who has totally screwed up the promotion with a ridiculous number of signings that was never gonna work.

    We know who will definitely be there for the next match. If I was Cooper, I would definitely be buying my bread from Tesco/Sainsburys now, rather than a smaller shop specialising in baked goods only.

    All paid for on a loan apparently. That is not going to end well ??

  6. 12 minutes ago, Rev said:

    I suppose every little helps, but why are those of pension age always the target? 

    With the triple lock state pension, plus a larger proportion of current pensioners benefitting from a final salary scheme than future generations will, is this age group the best target? 

    Maybe the unemployed under 50's need help more, for instance.

    I’m 62 and most of my contemporaries   had final salary pensions whipped away along with companies taking “pension holidays “ when funds were supposedly full but never replaced them when the funds became depleted. 
    I don’t begrudge anyone getting help. 
    This Govt wants the young , old and poor to blame each other as a deflection to their incompetence and and cronyism. 
    We should stick together and support each other where we can. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, Tyler Durden said:

    I work near Melton Mowbray (don't ask) which geographically is midway between Leicester and Nottingham.

    The workforce is a pretty even split of Fester and Florest fans, both sets of contingents are equally crapping it about the result tomorrow. 

    If you listen to the hyperbole unless it's a draw then half of the factory isn't going to show up for work on Tuesday morning. 

    That is the actual definition of hell. Living half between the troglodytes and the chissets 

  8. 13 minutes ago, jimbo jones said:

    Club awards night was last night. A list of the winners:

    Player of the year: Wayne Madsen

    Championship POTY: Anuj Dal

    T20 POTY: Wayne Madsen

    One Day POTY: Luis Reece

    Seconds POTY: Harry Came

    Academy POTY: Archie Harrison

    Spirit of cricket: Brooke Guest

    Most improved: Anuj Dal


    No Yorkie Shan 

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