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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 2 hours ago, Gaspode said:

    Not sure why anyone would choose to have the COVID booster and the flu jab at the same time - both have been known to make people feel crap afterwards so folk decide to double their chances of being ill? I guess it’s mainly people being too lazy to go to two separate appointments….

    I didn’t have both together (refused the flu one as it’s made me ill in the past )  but my Mum was given no choice by the Heath visitor. Whacked both in even though she asked for them separately. She had a bad headache for about 3 days after . 
    NHS seem to be offering both at the same time so probably more about “efficiency “ than any laziness. 

  2. 25 minutes ago, NorwichExile said:

    The Sturridge one wasn't our fault, iirc. He was off to Arsenal for between £8-12m but then he did his hamstring and never got his acceleration back. You could argue we managed to turn average players into good fees too, we somehow coddled Leeds into £7m for Sethlad and West Ham coughed up £5m+ for Christian Dailly who was the most average player to ever be average.

    We sold him to Blackburn , he went from being an average midfielder to a very decent centre back. ?

  3. 6 minutes ago, ram59 said:

    You really do need to read the article that you've linked to, which proves my point entirely. The Guardian with the lowest national readership, is the most bought paper by the BBC. It  just shows how out of touch the BBC is compared with the nation's political persuasion. The more serious papers like  the Times and Telegraph both have over 3 times the readership of the Guardian, but both lag behind in the BBC purchases.

    You also complain that our media is dominated by right of centre publications, which is entirely true. But nobody forces the 'idiots' to buy the Mail, they buy these right of centre publications, because that's what they like to read, they don't want to read about left wing views. If the general population of the country was more left in thinking, then surely the left thinking press would have greater sales. Surely the BBC should be more representative of the way the country feels, not trying to tell us which way to feel?


    The Chairman of the BBC is Richard Sharp a Conservative Party doner and advisor , I think that should tell you which way the BBC is going right or wrong  

  4. 5 minutes ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Once they are in a formal dispute with a club, it’s adversarial: the EFL’s job is to try to win. It’s similar to the role of the prosecuting authorities: once a prosecution is ongoing,  their job is to try to secure a conviction. As you probably know 

    We succeeded in our argument that PP was worth 80m. And DC bought it for just 23m  ! 

    In reality DC bought the stadium for the price of the  debt to MSD that MM paid off as it was on a personal guarantee . So not the value of the stadium ?

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