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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 13 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Is he still contracted to Man Utd? 

    His career is over in England. But I wonder whether he would be allowed to leave the UK and play elsewhere should he be found guilty.

    Options could be limited but maybe some money to be made playing in the middle east or something.

    If found guilty might be a good few years before he plays for anyone apart from Wormwood Scrubs Rovers 

  2. 3 hours ago, Unlucky Alf said:

    Players are trained in the "dark arts" of football, I'm not going to say it's acceptable, But it's sure as hell part of the game now, Sean Dyche a few years back said "if any of his players cheat/dive for a penalty they'll be fined" no good being a martyr to the game if all and sundry are doing it.

    I can go back as are far as the 60s you'd have to have your legs blown off with a shotgun in the box to get a penalty, TV, Pundits, Commentators, Film star players, Even the man in the middle is seen as some sort of Celebrity have changed the game since Sky got involved.

    If DCFC win a penalty through gaining an advantage through the dark arts...well done I say?, If it's against us...bleedin cheats ?   

    Frannie used a win a few tripping over his own legs ??

  3. 2 hours ago, SamUltraRam said:

    Game 11 was a home win over Notts County - the Rams third league win in a row.

    This gave us 19 points - 2 ahead of our current total

    The crowd of over 14,000 was impressive, for example in Div 1 (premier league) Forest had their 2nd consecutive Saturday home crowd of just over 12,000

    ( In 1984/85, Derby had a 3-1 home win over Hull City putting us on 17 points )






    Wonder what happened to the play maker Steve McClaren ? 

  4. On 06/10/2022 at 12:14, Anon said:

    I don't like them. They're expensive and I don't really understand the enjoyment people derive from loud bangs/pretty colours. You could look through a kaleidoscope whilst someone repeatedly bangs a drum and get the same effect. I don't see how anyone can seriously justify a ban though. The arguments that they're dangerous and anti-social can be applied to many things. Shall we ban motorbikes too?

    Keep the bikes but ban those electric scooter things 

  5. 34 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Driving a train is not  manual job , as far as I know.  I was talking to a cab driver at weekend (they like a rant even more than our forum members). She said she had given up travelling on the train due to the strikes and the working to rule. I can imagine she doesn't fancy driving in her leisure time as she does that for her day job. So I can see why she is more resentful of train drivers messing up her valuable  leisure time. And yes I believe her job involves more stressful driving and longer hours and worse pay than a train driver's. And she may not be bothered about City bankers whether they are "spivs" in your eyes or not as what they are paid doesn't affect her one bit. But like you say she probably isn't consumed by envy like some on this forum are.   

    Don’t think taxi  drivers don’t get many suicide jumpers compared to train drivers . Train driving is very complicated and they are in charge of far more passengers with much more chance of a major disaster if things go wrong. 
    Taxi driving must have its share of stress with pissed up and abusive passengers but not the same jeapardy  . 
    I wouldn’t want to do either job 

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