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Reggie Greenwood

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Posts posted by Reggie Greenwood

  1. 2 hours ago, Ellafella said:

    What a night. PV away goes down in the annals of top away games:

    a. Leeds away

    b. Brighton away

    c. PV away.

    I was right in amongst the melee - pure pandemonium and all I can remember is Jason Knight’s face in contorted exclamation whilst seemingly we were all in a big rugby scrum. Got back around 13:00 and the adrenaline was still surging. Priceless. 

    Spurs away in the Cup 1973 wasn’t half bad either ?

  2. 21 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

    How many can the Velodrome seat? Why are we even using it to hold anything but for what it was supposedly designed for.

    Using the Velodrome as a concert venue, shows why Derby haven't got any descent venues that are capable of attracting and holding major events

    We build a Velodrome to hold bike races but it can't be used for international competitions due to It's lack of seating. Then what do we do? We make the same mistake again when the long awaited swimming pool is built, at least they got the length of the pool correct.

    So what can we expect to get for the levelling up 20 mill plus whatever the council chucks in. 

    Maybe an updated version of the old smoke damaged assembly rooms. A building that had a variety of uses but wasn't good enough or big enough to attract the major events.

    Def Lepperd , Elton John , Debbie Harry , Stereophonics , Van Morrison , Iron Maiden , U2 , Genesis , AC DC , The Police , Thin Lizzy to name a few who played at the Assembly rooms 

  3. 5 hours ago, CodnorRam said:

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know what options there is at pride park regarding vegan snap? Obviously i know theres chips and salad and a nice lawn near the car park.

    Before anyone pipes up being a silly bogger , i was a butcher for 8 years and did bodybuilding and powerlifting for many years so iv eaten more burgers ,steaks,sausages and whatever than most of you ?


    im in no way saying/telling anyone what to do or what they should eat btw , its just a genuine question.



    My mate always buys a “vegan pie” in the ground but no idea what’s in it though. 
    TBF I wouldn’t buy any of the overpriced food at the ground . 

  4. 3 minutes ago, Phoenix said:

    I see Cazoo's sponsorship of "The Hundred" (memo to self -wash hands) has expired. I wonder who'll have the foolhardiness to take that on.

    Going forward, English Cricket might find itself in a Financial crisis.


    Hopefully for the men’s game the Hundred will wither and die. I think it’s fine for bringing on the women’s game though as they don’t ( as far as I know ) have existing clubs to destroy like the mens game 

  5. 1 hour ago, DesertRam said:

    I thought Bolton looked very dangerous, fast accurate passing - Ndouyloulou.. a real threat on the

    ball, looked a bit Mcgoldrikish at one point avoiding tackles. We dominated today though, but can see why they 

    are winning most of their matches!

    Thought the played ok up to the 18 yard box but didn’t really threaten Wildsmith at all 

  6. 1 hour ago, SillyBilly said:

    Great result. Shame the home clean sheet record couldn't be kept as for all their huffing they never looked like scoring all game. Professional performance, can see how Warne is imprinting his DNA into the team, not arsed if we don't go up this season as I think we'll be champions next if not.



    Ball looked a foot out of play to me for their  goal 

  7. 12 minutes ago, Warren Blufitt said:

    I think you’ve been listening to too much media rubbish 59. Of course the majority of United fans that attend games come from Manchester but United have fans from all over country, indeed the world and obviously some attend games periodically. The simple fact is that United get more fans through the turnstiles on a bad day than the likes of Wanderers and Derby get on their best days. I think history is much more relevant than gate sizes when judging clubs. Under Cloughie, my personal ever favourite manager, you won two Championship titles 50 years ago but other than that you’ve won nothing other than one FA Cup in 1947. We’ve never won the league, runners up twice but have 4 FA Cup wins. We have spent the 12th most years in the top division in our history and you’ve spent the 15th most so I’d say we’re both pretty successful and should be proud of that. If we were the only club in Lancashire we’d arguably be getting average gates in the mid twenty thousands like you but we’re not and aren’t likely to but it doesn’t take anything away from the fact Wanderers are a club with a long and proud history and so are Derby. We’re both fortunate to have clubs with a rich history to support since we formed the original league all those years ago and that’s what makes the game tomorrow so special not the fact that one gets a few more thousand than the other through the turnstile. Actually to put it in perspective, we’ve just lost our best player Dapo Afolyan to a German club St Pauli who are fighting relegation from the Bundesliga 2 and their average gate is over 30k!! Beat that. ?

    Pedant Mode Fa cup win was 1946 and you missed out our Watney Cup and Texaco cup wins ?

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